So, this is my first fic in over two years and my first T7S in general, so be kind :-) It might take a little time for me to get used to the new set of characters and everything...
I don't own anybody from that show and I don't have any money, so don't even try to sue.
And I tried really hard to find all the mistakes, but I'm not a native speaker so...yeah.
The title of the story is from Ted(Tad ) Nugents "Little Miss Dangerous"-I know it's from '86 but it's too perfect to ignore. The song mentioned and quoted in this chapter is "Easy Livin'" from Uriah Heep .
Anyway, enjoy!
Hyde was walking down the stairs to Forman's basement, his jacket slung over his shoulder, deep in thoughts. If anyone had looked closely they could have seen the dark clouds brewing over his head, indicating a fast approaching thunderstorm The next one to cross him... Well, would be in for more than just a froggin.
He opened the door and went straight for his usual chair, propped his boots on the little table and leaned back. Rubbing his throbbing temples he stared at the TV.
"Damn it!"
He forgot to turn it on, this was just... Peachy.
Not really caring he went back to reflecting on a crappy week. Come to think about it, extremely crappy.
First of all Edna ran out of money-it was the middle of the month, after all-which caused her to stay home more often and drink less, which means there was nothing for him to snatch away and a lot more of her to be pissed off and come down on him.
And then there was school. Oh how he loved that place. He got caught smoking behind the gym again and was told that if he should be caught once more, he would be expelled. Not that he'd care, he would love to get out of this craphole of a town.
Not to mention his so called friends. He was sick of hearing Erics complaints about Donna and their relationship. Fez was mostly off these days too, he had found some cheap girl who seriously considered letting him get into her pants.
And then there were Jackie and Kelso. Mr. Moron and Mrs. Annoying-as-hell.
She thought he was the smartest and overall best boyfriend in the world, while he made out with other girls like Pam Macy behind the gym.
Hyde had to know, after all he could be found ther every day too, smoking away his stash.
Which had deminished to almost nothing-and that again brought him back to the no money-issue.
Hyde got up to see if he could find anything in the freezer when he heard the door.
"What's up, Hyde?"
Kelso. Great. Hyde would bet the rest of his stash that within the next two minutes he would be given a reason to seriously frog that guy.
Delighted for the first time today he sat back down with a cherry posicle, even though he hated cherry.
"So, I picked up Adrianna today after practice and we made out. It was awesome, man."
"Who the heck is she?"
"So, you're going through the whole squad by alphabet?"
"Yeah, I listened to your advice. It really is easier this way. So I won't leave one out or anything."
"Kelso, did the thought ever happen to wander through your lame excuse for a brain that Jackie could find out if you made out with her cheerleader friends?"
"No, I don't think so. They are just glad that they can get a piece of me. I mean, after all, why should they be fighting over me and my exceptional looks and talents if they just have to wait for their turn according to the alphabet?"
"You really are even more of a moron than I thought!"
Hyde threw his barely touched popsicle and hit Kelso square in the face.
"MAN, what was THAT for?"
Hyde chuckled and shook his head before he reached for a magazine lying next to him. Without even looking at the title he opened it and stared blankly at an article he didn't intend to read. Not even Kelso with popsicle all over his head and shirt could really cheer him up.
Even though he would love to be there when everything blew up in Kelso's face.
He heard footsteps on the stairs and hoped that it wasn't Eric, he wasn't in the mood for his blabbering at all.
But to his relief it was just Mrs. Forman.
"Steven, are you here all alone?"
He noticed that Kelso was gone. Changing his shirt for the next cheerleader probably.
What a...
"I made some fresh applepie, would you like a piece?"
"Sure, Mrs. Forman."
At least some good news today... He followed her upstairs to the kitchen-where he found his worst nightmare at the kitchen table.
"What are YOU doing here? Don't you have something to steal?"
"Don't you have anybody else to annoy? Better idea-why don't you go out shopping and give all of us a rest?"
Jackie glared at him but didn't say a word, because over his shoulder she could see Kitty bring the still warm pie.
"Thank you Mrs. Forman" they said, without taking their eyes off each other.
Hyde picked up his fork and fully concentrated on the best food he had in...probably weeks. He mostly lived off crackers and beer these days and the occasional candy he confiscated from Fez.
"Hey mom, you made pie, great!"
Eric dropped his bag right by the door and sat down, smiling at Jackie and Hyde.
"So what's going on you guys, I thought you were already at the Hub-we're supposed to meet there
like... now."
Eric glanced at his watch, then back at the two.
"I don't know, I was looking for Michael and thought I might find him here..." Jackie said in a very weird tone.
Hyde looked up and really looked at her. Before he hadn't noticed the redness in her face and her swollen eyes. She must know that Kelso was up to something-she had barely touched the delicious pie.
"Uhm... I haven't seen him today."
"Really, you two weren't at lunch today so I thought you guys were..."
Hyde shifted in his seat, regretting that he took off his sunglasses. But Mrs. Forman didn't like him wearing them at the table. As much as he would love to see Kelso going down, he didn't want to be the bearer of the bad news to Jackie. She already looked miserable.
"No, I was... You know, where I always am."
Even though she wasn't in the room anymore, he knew that Eric's mom had this thing for listening in on their conversations when they were upstairs.
The tiny spark of hope that was in her eyes was suddenly gone and instead they started to get wet. Too wet for his comfort. He hated it when girls cried, they got all clingy and sobby and whiny... And for whatever reason they did all that on his shoulder, especially Jackie. The room could be full of her friends and she would still throw herself at him, the only person not her friend. He hated that.
But even more he hated seeing her cry.
Or, come to think about it, getting upset about a moron like Kelso.
"Uhm, yeah, I'll go back downstairs. I don't really feel like going to the Hub today."
Plus he couldn't even afford a coke.
Which had nothing to do with him not feeling like going.
So he went back to where he came from, brooding in Foreman's basement, but this time on the couch and after turning on the TV. He rolled his eyes at a chick who almost ran over Bob Barker in all her excitement.
Women, really.
That was when a teary-eyed Jackie fell down next to him, already sniffing, but still trying to hold back her tears.
Here we go again... was the last thought he had before she flung herself into his arms and started the whole program. As alsways, not knowing what to do, he patted her back and murmured "Hey, hey" all over again, while she soaked his shirt with snot and tears.
Jackie clinged to him so tight that he almost couldnt breathe, but she still tried to get closer. Maybe she wanted to crawl into him and lay her eggs until they hatched and her young ate him alive from the inside.
Damn, he never had anything to write when he had ideas like that. Not that it was anywhere near possible for him to write now, anyways. With her clinging to him.
What he needed right now was...
He smiled at her.
"Hey Jackie, you know whatll cheer you up?"
So, it was all he had left. But he was willing to sacrifice his stash-if only she stopped SOBBING.
Well, it's such a nice day for a review, don't you think?