Here's my first fanfiction story. It'll start off as a Gabriella/Troy, but then in future chapters it's going to turn into a SLASH. M/M. Enjoy.

Chapter One

" Troy, wake up! Time for school!" heard the sleeping boy. He groaned and turned over onto his right side, facing away from the pestering voice of his father.

" Troy," he heard, again, more up now and wishing that school would never come again.

" You gotta get up," he began, shaking Troy by the shoulder. " No school means no practice, and no practice won't do you any good when it's time for the big game," he heard his father say.

" Alright, alright," Troy said groggily, moving his body into a sitting position as he rubbed his eyes. He blinked a few times, and then stood onto his feet, swaying slightly due to the lack of movement in his sleep. He went into the bathroom, first thing, and came out after taking a shower and brushing his hair and teeth.

Troy went downstairs- fully dressed and prepared for school- the view being his parents as he grabbed a peice of toast from the table.

" Good morning," said Troy's mother as he started consuming the toasted bread. He looked in her direction and replied with '' Hey mom'' then he opened the door to their house and said " I'll be waiting in the car, dad," then he shut the door behind him.

It was the first period of the day. Troy was barely paying attention- he kept looking to the back of the room, finding Gabriella, who was sitting shyly and writing down all the notes. When she looked up, she found that Troy was looking at her and waved shyly, a blush creeping onto her cheeks. Troy waved back, and smiled even more than before.

" Mr. Bolton!" cried Ms. Darbus, now standing right in front of him.

Troy jumped back, slightly, and yelped " Yes?!".

" You can look at your friends as much as you please once my class is over," she yelled. Troy blushed and he heard Chad laughing.

" Silence!" exclaimed the teacher.

" Yes, Ms. Darbus," said Chad, his smile completely gone, now.

The teacher continued talking, but Troy lost concentration, again; his thoughts filling with the girl in the back of the class. He ached to look at her.

" Hey, guys!" Troy called out, sitting at the lunch table besides Gabriella. Chad and Taylor sat across from them, and Sharpay sat next to Zeke, who she was cruelly using as a way to get closer to Troy. Ryan sat on Troy's right side, since that seemed to be the only place he could fit that was closest to his sister.

" Oh, man, I thought lunch time would never come," said Troy, hugging Gabriella close to him. Gabriella smiled and chuckled, softly.

" I missed you, Troy," she said, bashfully, hugging him back.

Troy just laughed, embarrassed, and started eatting his lunch.

" Hey, you want the rest?" Troy asked, pointing to what was left of the food on his tray.

Gabriella looked at the tray and found that the only thing left was an apple. She giggled, and said " It's funny how the only thing left on your tray is the thing that's actually good for you!".

Troy smiled, snorting, and said " Hey, I had the fries," earning another giggle from Gabriella.

" Yeah, but fries aren't good for you," she said, taking the apple from Troy's hand and setting it on her own tray.

" Yeah, yeah, yeah," he replied, bumping shoulders with the long haired girl. She bumped him back.

Sharpay growled, and turned to Zeke.

" So, Zeke! Did you make me anything for lunch?" she asked, flipping her hair out of her face, flirtaciously. She was hoping to get Troy's attention.

" Oh, yeah! I almost forgot!" said Zeke, reaching into his lunch-bag and pulling out some cookies.

She took the cookies and said in the sweetest voice she could muster, " Oh, thank you so much, Zeke!" and she took a bite of a cookie.

Chad spoke up, saying " Zeke, don't you make anything besides cookies?". Everyone laughed at Chad's joke.

Sharpay answered for him. " Of course he does!" she began, loudly, her hand on her chest.

" He can just about make anything I want!" she directed her attention back to Zeke, and poked his nose with her finger, giggling. " Isn't that right, Zekey?" she asked, now looking at Troy as Zeke stuttered out a 'yes', finding that Troy was too busy watching Gabriella eat the apple and didn't seem to notice the other people around the table at all.

Sharpay sighed loudly, then grabbed Zeke by the wrist and pulled him to the next table, much to his surprise.

Chad almost choked on his milk as he began laughing. Troy giggled quietly, and Gabriella smiled just to be polite to her love.

Ryan suddenly felt a bit uncomfortable.

" Uh, I should..." he pointed over to the table his sister and her 'boyfriend' were at, and stood up, about to walk over there.

Troy hadn't even noticed Ryan was sitting next to him until that very moment.

" Hey, you don't have to leave," Troy said, turning towards Ryan. Ryan looked flabbergasted, wondering why Troy was talking to him.

Chad looked at Troy, a strange expression on his face.

" Yeah, well, I-I know that, but you know... she's my sister, so..." Ryan said. He'd been walking backwards, and when he turned around he bumped into the table Sharpay and Zeke were at, getting laughs from the people around that certain table. He held his stomach, but then he smiled, pretending that he wasn't hurt at all. He sat down quickly next to his sister and put his head down, groaning in pain.

Chad was leaning foward, laughter shooting out of his mouth, as he held onto his sides. Taylor was trying not to giggle, but it was quite hard not to when the person next to you can't control it and is laughing so hard tears are streaming down his cheeks. Out came one small pfft sound, followed by a quiet chuckle, which eventually turned into loud laughter.

Gabriella was just smiling, never really one to burst out laughing at another person's humiliation. Troy was glad Gabriella was the way she was. Troy imagined how mortified he'd feel if he were in Ryan's situation. He wanted to tell Chad to stop laughing because it was simply cruel, but he couldn't find the courage to do so, and instead, laughed along.

It was finally the end of the day. Troy had just finished basketball practice, his audience being Gabriella, and was putting on his clean clothes after a shower when his cell-phone suddenly rang. He looked at the ID and found it was his dad. He answered it quickly.

Before he could even say hello, his father asked " Where are you? I've been waiting in front of the school for over 20 minutes,".

Troy lost track of time in the gym. He'd been fooling around with Gabriella; playing tag, making jokes, laughing and teasing eachother. He barely got three throws in.

" Oh, I decided to practice alittle longer, today," Troy lied, then added " Sorry, dad, forgot to call,".

His father seemed to buy it, much to Troy's relief.

" Alright. Good job, son. Keepin' your head in the game," he could hear the smile on his dad's face.

" You want me to drive on home without you?" he asked.

" Yeah, I'm not quite done, yet..." said Troy.

" Okay, see you at home," his dad said.

" Oh, wait! Dad?" Troy blurted out, suddenly.

" Yeah?" asked Mr. Bolton.

" Can Gabriella come over tonight, if it's alright with her parents?" Troy asked, biting his lip, nervously.

There was a pause and then, " Sure, as long as you both do your homework, first," he said, causing Troy to grin.

" Thanks, dad!" he exclaimed, then hung up before his dad could finish his next sentence.

Oops, Troy thought.

Troy stepped out of the school building, finding Gabriella waiting on the bench in front of him. He snuck up quietly behind her, a grin on his face.

When he was only about two inches behind her, he said " My dad said you could come over if it's alright with you're parents,". Gabriella screamed and jumped up out of fear, causing Troy to giggle quietly, which gave him a smiling-pout and a small hit to the arm.

" Ow," he said, rubbing his arm, pretending that it actually hurt.

Gabriella smiled, and then remembered what Troy had said.

" I can come over your house? You sure your dad won't mind?" She asked, worried.

" No, I asked him, and he said you could," he said, happily, then added with a hint of sadness,

" but we have to do our homework, first...".

Gabriella smiled, and said " Oh, that hardly matters! We don't even have that much!" she then pulled out her cell-phone, saying " I just have to ask my mom," and pressed in the number of her mother's house.

" Mom? Can I go over Troy's house?" she asked. Troy couldn't hear what was on the other line, but by what Gabriella was saying, it was a good thing.

" Yes, I promise." and " Thanks, mom!", then Gabriella was off the phone, grinning from ear to ear, and she said " I can stay until seven O' clock, as long as I get my homework done," she said.

Troy smiled and shot his fist into the air, yelling " Yes!" and then they both walked to Troy's house, together, his arm over her shoulder.

When they finally reached Troy's house, they were panting and giggling. They had raced all the way from school to his house, and that was quite a long run.

They stepped into the house; Troy's clenched fists in the air as he ran upstairs, claiming championship and Gabriella laughing merrily and following him.

Once inside his room, he threw his backpack onto the floor, telling Gabriella to do the same.

Troy grabbed the remote and turned on the television, which was in his room, then lay down on his bed, relaxing and looking completely content. He patted the spot next to him, non verbally telling Gabriella to sit beside him.

She did so, with a text book in her hands, causing his smile to turn into a frown as he sighed, got up, grabbed his own book, then sat back down after shutting off the television.

" That wasn't so bad," Troy admitted, after putting his book back into his bag.

Gabriella smiled and replied, " See? I told you. It hardly made a difference," then she sat down on the bed next to him, as he turned the television-screen back on.

" Well, at least it's over. Now, we can watch t.v.," he said, smiling.

" What do you wan'na watch?" he asked her, feeling selfish.

" Whatever you want, " she said.

Troy shook his head, " Nope. That wouldn't be fair," he stated, looking at Gabriella and adding

" Besides, you're the guest. Guests get whatever they want, that's the rule of this household," he said, obviously mimicking his father, which caused Gabriella to laugh out loud. Troy couldn't contain it any longer, and laughed with her.

Eventually, their roaring laughter was minimized to giggling, and Troy said between giggling-pants, " Aw, man... it wasn't... even that funny!" and then he wiped his eyes, and looked at Gabriella, who was doing the same thing.

Troy suddenly felt something strange in his stomach as her eyes met his, which went into his heart and made him full of joy. He leaned over until his and Gabriella's face were only inches apart.

He brushed his lips over hers for a brief second, both of them smiling, and then after being sure she accepted, he kissed her.

She kissed him back, and they were both bashful and blushing once they pulled apart; but still smiling. Even if it was only a lips-to-lips kiss, Troy still felt as if it were the most amazing thing he'd ever felt in all his life. Obviously, Gabriella felt the same way, because two seconds later, she took his face into her hands and kissed him, harder this time, but still decent and loving.

Troy kissed back, and rested his left hand in her hair, and then they pulled apart, again.

They both were still smiling and their cheeks were red and they laughed quietly, then looked to the television set, thoughts running wildly through their heads.

As Troy and Gabriella were watching a thirty-minute comedy series, they heard a knock from the door.

" Troy, open up," Mr. Bolton said. They both hopped off the bed, and Troy opened the door.

" Yeah, dad?" he asked, his hand on his hip, and the other opening the door.

" You two did your homework, right?" he asked.

" Yeah, did it the second we got here," Troy said, proudly.

" Alright, good job," he said. His eyes then turned to Gabriella.

" Ms. Montez... what time are you supposed to be home?" he asked, curious.

" Oh... um..." she stuttered, quite embarrassed.

" Her mom said for her to be home by seven," Troy answered for her.

" Okay. Well, it's 6: 40... I want you to walk her home, Troy. Your mom and I are going out," he said.

" Alright," Troy said, monotonously, then shut the door after his father walked away.

Once his parents left, it was 6: 47. Troy asked if Gabriella wanted anything to eat or drink before he had to take her home, and she politely asked for some orange juice, which he poured for her, eagerly.

Once Gabriella was finished, she put her cup in the sink. Troy had went upstairs to get her backpack, and had just come back down.

" You ready to go?" He asked, slinging her backpack over his shoulders.

" Yeah, I'm ready," she said, and held his hand.

When they reached the door-step, Troy handed Gabriella her backpack, earning a ' thank you' and a smile.

" I had a really good time, tonight, Troy... " she said, quietly.

" I had a great time, too. I cant wait 'til we do this, again," Troy said, his hands now in his pockets.

He kissed her cheek and she blushed, then she opened her door and went into the house. Troy waved and Gabriella waved, back, then she closed the door.

He walked home replaying the kiss in his mind over and over again.

What a great day... he thought.

There's chapter 1. Hopefully it's not TOO bad. Should I get into the characters' heads more? It doesn't seem to have much... emotion. It seems blank, no?

I enjoy critique. Give it to me 100 NON sugar-coated.

If I find that you people hate it, I'll try re-writing it to give you what you want. I wont go changing the plot and such, but if you think it needs something that's missing ( such as a look into the characters' heads, or more detail ) I'll add it.