Prologue: Much ado about nightclubs and older men

Ichigo did not dislike nightclubs. He hated them. He wanted everyone to know that right off the bat.

"But, Kurosaki-kuuun!!" whined the redhead. She had let her bottom lip protrude a bit to display a cute pout that had little, if no effect upon the strawberry blonde. "Can't you have a little fun with us tonight? Even Ishida-kun's coming!" She made a gesture toward Uryuu Ishida.

Uryuu chose this moment to clear his throat and occupy himself with the complicated task of pushing his glasses up high on the bridge of his nose, which was licked rosy pink. Ichigo regarded him briefly before looking back to Inoue, trying to be a pal and not to give his secret away. The young man did not need this little hint, he was well aware that Ishida was in the same standings as him on night clubs. However, his standing with Inoue was different. If it meant her brushing up against him as the music flared and the lights flashed, he would very politely oblige to her request to go out.

"How did you convince Chad to go?" asked Ichigo, looking over his juggernaut companion carefully. His dark skin did not show embarrassment well, but it was still obvious in the manner of which Chad turned his head away and smirked slyly. As far as he knew, Chad had no romantic feelings for Inoue. Rethinking this, Ichigo realized it impossible for Chad to have feelings for her at all. He soon recognized the real reason he wanted to go.

A smile from Chad was not uncommon. He smiled at the most naive pleasures (vanilla ice cream, cute and cuddly things of a furry nature) so much so that his face lit up like a happy child's when given a present with pretty, vibrant colored wrapping paper. A smirk was much more rare, and much more lewd.

Older men.

"Alright, fine. I'll go to the damn club."