Pink Roses

#37: Look deep into her eyes and tell her you love her.

The first time he saw her, he knew. He knew that one day they'd be together. He knew that she was everything he could ever want. He knew all of this before he even learned her name.

He loved her. After everything they'd been through and everything that was yet to come, he'd always love her.

He remembered their first kiss like it was yesterday. She'd been angry with him, angry that he'd run off to Moltor's volcano after specific instructions not to. She'd barged into his room and told him she hated him and then he'd kissed her.

Then he'd turned human, and he remembered the look on her face as she realized they could be just like all other couples. They could get married and have children and grow old together.

That was the first time he'd told her he loved her. She'd felt his heart beat under her hand and thrown her arms around him. He kissed her, not caring that his dad and Spencer and the other rangers were there. "I love you, Rose."

"I love you too, Mack."

They'd gone their separate ways for awhile; he had some things to work out with his father. When he felt he was ready, he headed off to London for Rose and to make good on the promises he'd made to her.

The first thing he did after snatching her up in his arms was tell her he loved her. "I've always known that, Mack," she replied with a huge smile.

Rose taught in London for a few more years. He went to school, too, and worked part time to help cover the bills. They were very happy together, very much in love, and when he thought the time was right he proposed.

They settled in San Angeles, near his father and their friends. Rose had wanted their babies to grow up in the same city they had.

When Rose announced she was pregnant with their first child, he smiled, placed his hand on her stomach and told her he loved her.

Their daughter Jamie arrived eight months later, and as he watched her rock the baby to sleep, he caught her eye. "I love you so much, Rose."

He said the same thing when Serena laughed and Matthew smiled. He said it when the girls started going with their first boyfriends and when Matthew had his first kiss. He said it when Jamie got married and when Serena got engaged.

Jamie was in the next room, and Rose was eager to hold their first grandchild. "Honestly. Jamie was an easy birth. Why's her son being so difficult?"

"He's like his Auntie Serena."

Rose cracked a smile as Serena rolled her eyes at her father. He hugged his wife close to him. "I love you, Rose."