Author's Note: I wrote this for my friend Proxy after much begging and pleading on her part. She is a MK groupie, lol. I should also mention that this is FANFICTION (duh!) so I have taken certain liberties. So don't be mad at me…I just do what the muse tells me to, lol. It is still a work in progress and I'm not sure where it is going just yet. That being said, feedback is much appreciated to help me steer this in the right direction. So read and review…FOR THE SAKE OF THE ELDER GODS!!!

Disclaimer: I own nothing….I am broke….Please don't sue…..On with the show!!!

Sub Zero sat behind his ornately carved desk contemplating the information he had just received. He picked up the message and reread it for the sixth time, his dark brown eyes darting quickly from left to right. It was a very simple note, only a paragraph long, but the file that accompanied it spoke volumes…

Grandmaster Sub Zero,

I hope this message finds you in good spirit. It has been recently brought to my attention that I am in possession something that could be of great interest to you given your….abilities. Please find the enclosed documentation and contact me should you wish to discuss this matter further.


Sub Zero opened the file to the first page and began to skim through it's contents taking in all the vital information. If what he was reading was to be believed, Master Wei had uncovered another that shared his "gift". Sub Zero, however, was skeptical. He had been through this before and each time he had been disappointed.

Kori powers were rare at best. Besides himself, there were only two others that he knew possessed them, his brother and his former pupil, Frost. Both had chosen different paths, leaving him to himself. Ever since the tragic incident with Frost and discovery of his heritage he had been on a sort of personal quest to find others like himself. There had been a few that claimed such talents, but all had turned out to be fakes and imposters. Perhaps this time it would be different. Master Wei never made a declaration of anything without being absolutely certain. Sighing, Sub Zero picked up his phone and dialed.

"Master Wei", Sub Zero addressed the man who had answered the phone.

"Ah, Grandmaster! I take it you received my package, yes? Of course you did or you wouldn't be calling." The older man laughed slightly.

"You are certain of this? You have seen this yourself?"

Wei laughed again, "Of course I am certain, my boy. I would have never contacted you if I hadn't been. I take matters such as these very seriously."

"How long has she been with you?"

A pause on Wei's end. "She has been with a local instructor, Xiong, since she was just a child, five or six years old. That would be about 15 or 16 years….."

"Sixteen years!" , Sub Zero cut Wei off. "That is incredible. How has she managed to go undetected for so long?"

"Grandmaster," Wei started, " Xiong has basically kept the girl to himself. He took her in as his own after her parents died, a couple of Americans. The girl had no other living relatives either here or in the US. He has been solely responsible for her upbringing, schooling, and what training she has received since then. He knew of her abilities and chose to hide them from us. It was brought to my attention quite by accident. Apparently, he believes he has been…..protecting her."

"Protecting her from whom?"

"Us, Grandmaster. He has been protecting her from us. He was afraid that the Lin Kuei would get wind of her abilities and try to use her to our own advantage, as I am sure you are more than aware, was a great possibility. Those before you were much less...considerate."

There was a brief silence on Sub Zero's end of the line as he took this in. It was true that before Sub Zero's time as Grandmaster, being gifted also meant being cursed. His body still bore the scars of his early training. He viewed them as a reminder to never go the way of the Grandmasters before him. He would be fair, just, and above all humane to those who trained under him.

"Grandmaster?" Wei interrupted his thoughts.

"I think I should like to come and see this girl for myself. Then I shall decide what to do from there…" Sub Zero's voice trailed off.

"Of course, Grandmaster. I will be expecting you soon." Wei hung up the phone.

Sub Zero hung up the phone and ran a hand through his dark hair. Yes, he thought, he would go see the girl. He would see what she could do, if she could do anything at all. Perhaps he wasn't alone in his power after all. Again, he found himself thinking that maybe, just maybe, this time would be different. He picked up his phone once again to make travel arrangements.

End of Chapter One

YAY! Wasn't that fun? LOL! Lemme know what y'all think. By the way, I haven't thought of a title for this yet, so if anyone has any ideas for a good one lay it on me. I am totally open to ideas and suggestions. Just be nice!