Chao- La la la la! Waiting time. La la la…

YChao- What are you singing about?

Chao- Oh, just killing time until the readers finish this chapter!



/Yami and Yugi's mind link./

Chapter 10: Sweet Dreams

It had been roughly one week since the incident.

One week since Yugi was captured by another mad man out for revenge.

One week since everyone stayed by Yugi's side while he was trapped within an illusion.

One week since Yugi had to make a painful decision…

It was still dark on a Sunday morning, but a young teen with tri-color hair was fully awake. Without even making a sound, he swiftly stepped out of bed and changed his clothes. He had to be sure even the spirit within his Puzzle would not be disturbed. He calmed himself down so no distressful thoughts would come to his mind.

He briskly went downstairs and was constantly on the look out to see if his grandpa was awake. There was no one there. The teen quietly open his door, went outside, and soundlessly closed the entrance. When he was confident enough no one around and he was far away from the Puzzle, Yugi took of running.

The moon was out, and the stars still shone. Hardly any cars passed by on the road, and no one else was in sight. Down the path Yugi continued to run despite the cold weather. He began to breath rapidly as his legs pound against the ground and his arms swung back and forth. He had only stopped for few minutes to rest and catch his breath, but Yugi knew he had to keep moving.

He had to keep sprinting before anyone found out he was missing. Once recharged, Yugi took off once more. The street lights turned off as the sun finally started to rise. The sky turned from raven to sapphire as the bright radiant broke through the horizon, showing off its gold rays. The scene was absolutely gorgeous. Normally, the teen would appreciate looking at such a magnificent view available every morning, but not this time.

Yugi continued to run to arrive at his destination.


The spirit of the Puzzle was deep within his Soul Room. He decided to give his partner more privacy over the last few days. Yami would show up in the room to let Yugi know he was still there, and Yugi had been able to talk with him, but the former pharaoh couldn't help but feel something was wrong.

He knew Yugi wasn't himself, but Yami believed he shouldn't force anything out of his partner. He had wanted to respect his light, but at the same time Yami knew he had to be a little distant. For some reason, he felt unwanted.

Yami's P.O.V.

"Yugi! I have to protect you!"

Those words continued to enter my mind. They have been haunting me for the past few days. I have not been able to tell if that was part of the spell or it was what Yugi thought of me.

I always thought I was shielding him from harm, but have I been just a little too overprotective?

I thought I was allowing my friend to fully express himself, but was I just interrupting?

He always seems to be in danger. He was just a normal child until he solved the Puzzle. Everyone comes and tries to get their hands on it. He's been to and from the Shadow Realm plenty of times. His friends have always been there to support. I have helped him out of various situations but…

Do I treat him like he can't do anything on his own?

I leaned against then slid down my cold stone wall. I sighed and continued with my thoughts. I never heard him talk back to me. He's been able to stand up for himself, but was that from his own courage or was it only through the support from his friends?

I always thought our relationship was stable, and we do talk about what's on our minds: New enemies, possible friends, school days, learning new strategies… But… I guess the only subject we have never touched upon was family.

I had only known Yugi and his grandpa. The idea of Yugi missing his parents never occurred to me before. He always seemed so happy to hang around with his good friends and come home to a loving guardian. Is it my fault the conversation never came up? He knows I don't remember my past so I can't relate to him and some of his problems.

But… I have always tried to understand him… I would listen to him and he would do the same to me… We both would give each other advice, and even if there wasn't much to say, we were at least there for one another… Maybe I should just listen to what he has to say.

I stood up in my room with confidence. I nodded my head and agreed I should at least hear him. After all, Yugi was planning to talk with me right before we were attacked.

I concentrated on forming my spirit from out of the Puzzle and into Yugi's room. When I reappeared in his room, I had my back to him. I figured by now he would be at least awake. I wasn't sure how he will respond to me, but we're together and I will try and help him in anyway I can.

"Yugi," I calmly called. I tried to summon the words I had wanted to say, but then I felt something was wrong.

I felt as though I couldn't feel Yugi's presence in his room!

I turned around and I was in shock.

Yugi wasn't in his bed!

I quickly used my magic to try and feel for him and see if he was anywhere in the house. To my dismay, I found nothing. The only other presence I could feel besides my own was Yugi's grandpa.

"If Yugi's not here, then where is he?" I asked myself, trying to scramble together possible answers. Of course, since Yugi didn't have the Puzzle over his neck, there was nothing I could do. I felt completely powerless. Just then, I heard a knock on Yugi's door.

"Yugi? Are you awake?" It was Yugi's grandpa.

I saw the handle turned and the door opened. The elderly man walk into the room and saw his grandson was not in bed. What concerned me was he was not at all surprised. I heard him sighed, and he looked over to my direction.

He was not able to see me, but I knew he was looking at the Puzzle that glistened on Yugi's desk. He walked over and grabbed the Puzzle. I returned back into the necklace as he went downstairs. He was about to leave when we both saw Joey, Tea, and Tristan standing at the door with worried looks on their face.

It was obvious to all Yugi's behavior was all an act.

Even I had noticed this, but what could I had done at the time?

Was a little distant from Yugi truly the correct choice?

My powers began to fade. I couldn't clearly hear what they were speaking about. It seemed, however, everyone was walking to the car and heading somewhere. Before we took off, I saw the elderly man hand Tea the Puzzle. I could see all the men's faces had a look of determination to find Yugi, but Tea still held a worried expression on her face.

We all had our own thoughts to occupied our mind. I slowly started to wonder if we all may be a little too concern for Yugi.

Is it possible he just wants privacy?

Are we depriving him of that?

Do we all continue to treat him like a child?

A child who cannot do anything on his own?

What was haunting me yet again was what I heard in Yugi's dream: "Yugi! I have to protect you!"

I know that was said by the dream, I know that I was able to talk my way out into reason, so why does it continue to haunt me?

End Yami's P.O.V.


Yugi rested against a brick wall. He inhaled in and out hard as he tried to reenergize his body. He saw morning had broken, and it was only a matter of time before he was found. The teen knew the only person who would find him right away was his grandpa.

"I'm sorry, everyone." Yugi thought then took off once more.

He continued to keep running past several more buildings until he finally reached his destination. Yugi was breathing rapidly to catch his breath as he looked over at the iron gates that had recently opened. After a moment's rest, the boy dashed in. It did not take him long to find what, rather, who he was looking for.

He stood in front of two head stones. He greeted with a sad smile and watery eyes, "Good morning Mom. Dad."

He then fell to knees to rest and allowed tears to fall down his face.

For a moment, Yugi was not suffering from physical ache nor the sadness and loneliness he had been feeling before.


The car pulled over into a parking lot.

"What are we doing here?" Tristan asked.

"I need to pick up something very important," explain the old man as he got out of the car.

Tea open the door and followed Solomon. She noticed that the place they had stopped in front of was a floral shop. After a few moments, the two came out with a few flowers.

"You have always been a good friend to Yugi," the elderly man observed. The teen girl only smiled back.

Inside the Puzzle, Yami had to agree.

The group went on to their destination.

Yami's P.O.V.

We came to a stop, and now we were off once more. Tea honestly had always been a friend who stood out. She was the heart of the group. Joey had strong courage, Tristan had a strong spirit, and Yugi was everyone's light, including my own. What I had to offer all of them? Nothing but darkness. All of their lives have been endangered because of me and this Puzzle.

But… even after all the pain they've gone through, why do they continue to hang out with one another?

For the thrill?

To get attention?

Because they have nothing else to do?

I thought back to the times where they all stood together. They had faced evil without even flinching. They stood up for their beliefs against people, even those without magic. I even received first hand the consequence of committing something wrong to Yugi. That punch from Joey certainly was not enjoyable. Any opponent who messes with any of them will not enjoy it either. Even Yugi kept the Puzzle after all this time.

I remembered back to when we barely knew each other. I misunderstood his kindness for weakness. I had acted in ways I regret now, and yet he was still open to me. But he managed to trust me and not throw me away.

Have I been over protective because I don't want him to lose his innocence?

Do I not want him to be corrupted like everyone else in this world?

I sighed and thought maybe I am was nothing but a hypocrite. Perhaps my main problem was I don't trust him. He trusts me so many times and yet I haven't done the same. I had even betrayed his trust. Will he forgive me? I know he has. Since he had done so, I guess I must forgive myself so I won't be so blind next time. His friends are truly amazing.

Together, they make such a powerful force that cannot be broken.

I laughed as I thought about friendship and how mysterious it is.

End Yami's P.O.V.

After driving for several more blocks, the car finally came to a stop. The group stepped out and were a bit surprise to see where they had arrived. They looked over at the open iron gates. Even though they were not inside, they could see headstones, statues, and plenty of flowers.

"Yugi," the group of friends whispered in unison.

"This is where is he?" Tristan asked to break the silence of finally arriving to the place where the vertically challenged friend had run off to early in the morning.

"Yes," Solomon responded.

"That must have been some walk," Joey stated as he looked back to see how far they had traveled by car, "He must be tired."

"Should we give him a little privacy?" Tea asked, not wanting to disturb Yugi.

"It might take time to get where Yugi is," Joey suggested.

"Wait, we're at a cemetery. You aren't even the least afraid, Joey?" Tristan asked, not wanting to make a joke.

"Of course I don't want to go in!" Joey yelled, "I'm not at all fond of seeing people under the ground, but we gotta go in; for Yugi."

Everyone was touched the blonde put himself aside to help someone out.

"Let's get going," Solomon said, "I'll lead the way."

The group nodded their heads and followed the man to their next destination.


Over the past hour or so, Yugi had forgotten all of his worries. He was in bliss of being able to be around the area where his parents were. They were there for him and comfort him when he was young and felt lonely, as what any parent would do.

"Is it so wrong that I miss them?" Yugi thought to himself as he could feel tears come up once more but chose to fight them, "I know my friends are worried about me… And I know I have worried Grandpa… I should have at least told them what was going on but… But why couldn't I? Grandpa didn't say much so did he knew what I was going through?

"I… I didn't tell any of my friends about this… I don't know why… They have all told me so many things about them… We've been through so much together… Plus, they did accept me after all the trouble that we've been through… and Yami…"

Yugi gasped as he thought about his darker half, "I must have made Yami worry the most. He does live within the Puzzle, and I do carry around with me where ever I go."

The boy reached down but saw he did not take the Puzzle with him.

"I'm sorry Yami… Why? Why didn't I tell anyone! What's wrong with me! Normally, I help out everyone else so why didn't I accept the help? I did the same thing after I first completed the Puzzle. I didn't tell anyone about Yami and… I am his light and yet here I am keeping secrets from everyone like I've always done."

Yugi's thoughts were interrupted when he felt the presence of his Puzzle near. He looked over and saw his friend's and grandpa were there. The teen was speechless; he was unsure what to say a moment like this. His closet companions had been able to find him. The boy saw all his buddies had smiles on their face. Yugi could feel his heart skip a beat.

He could not fight the tears any longer. He allowed them to fall as he looked away and whispered, "I'm sorry, everyone."

Tea stepped forward and said, "It's ok, Yugi; everything is gonna be all ri-" She was interrupted as Yugi yelled, "No! It's not all right! Everything is not ok!"

Everyone was stunned to see their friend react this way. Yugi began to cry not only out of sorrow but also anger, "I know you all knew I was not myself, and yet no one did anything! Why!"

No one could give an answer. Deep down everyone wanted to help their friend, but they were unsure what to do.

As there was a moment of silence, Yugi continued as he answered his own question, "I'm suppose to be the light in the darkness… I'm the one who kept hope while everyone else was down… So does… does this mean I'm not allowed to feel anything other than happiness?"

The young boy sobbed. Everyone was taken back about what was just stated. They all pondered if they honestly had neglected the idea Yugi being human. Again, no one had an answer to the complicated question proposed to them. Tea knelt down and hugged her childhood friend. No one said a word so they could allow their friend to just cry.

When the time was right, Tea gently reminded, "You don't have to go through this alone."

Yugi pulled away from his friend and looked into her eyes. They were filled with sorrow and sympathy, but also had a shine to them that made Yugi feel relaxed, understood, and not so alone. He had felt the same way as he did whenever he looked into them, especially when the two were children.

"That's right," Tristan agreed as he knelt down.

"You've been there with us so many times," Joey said as he, too, knelt down, "Don't make us feel like we never do the same for you."

Deep within Yugi's heart, he felt touched to know his friends were by his side. Tears came down his face once more, but these were formed from happiness and gratitude. They had all wanted to share the same pain Yugi was feeling; a true example of friendship.

"I believe this is yours," the elderly man said interrupting the silence. Yugi opened his eyes and saw his grandfather was holding the Puzzle.

The boy stood up and hugged his guardian; he was grateful his relative had taken him in and took care of him in his time of need. Yugi accepted his treasure back. He looked at the gold, upside down pyramid as the metal reflected within the light. Throughout his moments of loneliness, putting the pieces together brought him comfort, as the way he does now for the spirit that resides within.

/It's all right if you want to cry, partner,/ Yami said through their link as the two were reconnected, /You've been there for me so many times./

Yugi smiled and replied, /You have also been there for me. Even now, you give me courage to keep moving forward even when times are tough./

The spirit smiled. Yugi then said, /We make a great team, Yami./

The group of friends were established once more.

"Are we all ready to go?" Tristan asked as everyone was ready to embrace what the day had to offer.

"Wait," Yugi said as he walked towards tombstones. He wanted his friends to come closer. Yugi smiled and said, "I want you all to meet my parents."

The group bowed and were pleased to meet the people responsible for Yugi's creation.

"Dad, Mom," Yugi began, "I'd like you all to meet my friends."

Tea walked over and placed together on the graves the set of flowers they had bought earlier. Everyone admired the scenery of the flowers complimenting the souls that had raised a powerful friend. The group then looked over and saw a lovely view of the sky and landscape.

Yami was looking at the same view with pleasure in his transparent state. He then felt as though they were all being watched. The spirit turned and saw the same people he had seen not only in a photograph, but also in Yugi's dream.

Yami gasped, "You're both-" He was cut off as the man said, "Yup, we're Yugi's parents."

Yami looked back over and observed no one else was looking back. He was unsure why he could see them but no one else did.

"They can't see us because we are only spirits," the woman explained, "I guess you must be a spirit as well."

Yami nodded, "My name is Yami and yes, I am the spirit of the Puzzle your son wears."

"I guess that's what Solomon did with the gold box," the woman said as she looked at her husband.

"And look what happen to our son," the man observed with a grin, "He certainly has grown more than just physically!"

Yami nodded again, "Yugi is one of the bravest souls I have seen."

"That's good to hear," the woman sighed with content, "I'm so happy he was able to break free from the spell."

Yami's eyes widen as he was stunned over what he heard, "You… you knew about the spell cast over him?"

"Of course," the man laughed with a big grin, "We're his parents after all!"

Yami was speechless. The woman continued to smile as she explained, "We will always watch over him. When things got a little tricky, we were able to enter within our son to help him out."

Yami thought back to the time where they two people within Yugi's dream were talking with him.

"Reality can be harsh but it's important to get back up," the woman said.

"And thank you for being there for him," the man grinned.

The two parents of Yugi Muto then vanished from the sight.

Yami smiled. He looked back over at Yugi, who was smiling a genuine smile along with everyone else. They were preparing ready to leave so they all said goodbye for now and agreed to visit again soon.

Yami looked over at the boy he was chosen to be with. He was glad to be able to be with someone who was forgiving, courageous, and friendly.

Yami closed his eyes and thought, "Yugi, I hope the next time we duel we can both be honest and have a great match."

Everyone walked off and went to enjoy their day together.

The End

Chao- It's finally over!

YChao- Yeah, and it only took about 3 years or so.

Chao- Eep…

YChao- That's what'cha get for writing a story with no actual idea where to go.

Chao- Probably, and for also having a life.

YChao- Shh! Do you wanna scare the readers and not have them write their fan fics that you like to read?

Chao- Ha ha… Please review!