S u m m e r 's D a y
Through sickness and health, I will be by your side.

Disclaimer: Don't own them. If I did... the game certainly would have achieved an "M" rating.

Author's Notes: Spent an entire period trying to make this perfect. For the wonderful Remi-chan on livejournal.

Roxas sneezed.

"Sora!" he whined, pulling the covers closer. "Go home or you'll get sick too."

The brunet simply grinned. "But it just wouldn't be right to leave you here like this. Now eat your soup," he ordered, vaguely motioning towards the untouched chicken noodle soup on the table.

The blond groaned and hoisted his body up. Shivers racked his body. "Why is it so cold?"

Sora laughed and draped blanket over his lover's shoulders. "But it's a wonderful summer's day outside!"

"Then why don't you go enjoy it, if it's so wonderful?" He pouted, lifting the metal spoon to his lips.

"But my day is always wonderful with you around!" Sora giggled.

"You're so…corny." Roxas hid a smile and kept eating.

A smirk graced the brunet's lips as he flopped down next to him. "You are the summer of my life!" Sora screeched dramatically, throwing his arms around the other.

"Ack! Gerroff!" the blond yelled, squirming underneath his weight. In almost no time at all, Sora had Roxas pinned to the couch. "Sora, you're gonna– nnh …"

He trailed off, his previous train of thought derailed by a nipping at his earlobe.

"…Gonna…get sick…"

Lips pressed against lips, arms, encircling a lithe waist.

"…You don't care, do you?" Roxas asked, tilting his head.

The brunet kissed the blond's forehead. "Not in the least."

The next day, Sora lay sick in bed, the words, "I told you so," echoing his head as the aroma of chicken noodle soup met his nose.

Author's Notes: Hope you liked it. Review, if it's not too much trouble?