Yeah…For those of you who wanted JazzxKatie.

I don't own Transformers, Jazz, or the songs used in this story; just Katie.

"Jazz?" the soft voice of his charge woke him, and he looked down to find her standing unsteadily on his belly, hands braced on his chest and looking worriedly up at his face.

"What's wrong, Katie?" Jazz asked, wanting to straighten himself – sitting the way he was could be bad for the support rods in his back – but not wanting to send his charge off-balance and have her fall down.

Katie peered into his optics, blue-hazel eyes direct. "Were you dreaming?" she asked quietly, and picking her up, Jazz straightened himself, cupping her gently in his claws. "I could hear you." she added and Jazz looked away. Katie peered up into his face for a little while before sitting carefully in his hands. "Everyone dreams, Jazz, and everyone has their fair share of bad memories and nightmares. Would you like to share yours?"

Jazz was quiet, gently putting her down on her small cot. He pulled his hands away and leaning back against the wall, activated his hologram. It appeared beside her, arms wrapped around his legs and his chin resting on his knees. "I was dreaming about you," he admitted quietly. "When you were in Thundercracker's hand."

Katie reached over and squeezed his life-like shoulder with a small hand, moving to wrap it around his broad shoulders in a one-armed embrace.

"I dreamt that Sunstreaker and Sideswipe didn't get there in time; that you and Maggie had been killed, squished like a bug." Katie winced slightly at the metaphor but didn't interrupt. "I keep dreaming of that." He admitted quietly. "That I didn't get there in time, or that something else happened to you and you were killed." He turned his head so that his unnaturally golden eyes met hers. He lifted a hand and brushed her cheek gently. "It feels nice to be able to protect someone." He said quietly.

Katie smiled slightly. "It feels nice to have someone that cares." She replied then looked down at the clock beside her bed, yawning. "Time to get up." She added cheerfully before sobering and looking back at Jazz. "Do you feel better?"

His hologram was silent for a moment. "Fine," he assured her at last. "It just scares me, is all. I can live with nightmares so long as I can find a way to be sure that they aren't true." Katie smiled slightly as the hologram flickered and disappeared, standing to get ready to face the day.


Never knew I could feel like this
Like I've never seen the sky before
Want to vanish inside your kiss
Every day I love you more and more
Listen to my heart, can you hear it sings
Tell me to give you everything
Seasons may change, winter to spring
But I love you until the end of time

Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day

Katie smiled slightly as she sprayed her guardian down with the hose before filling a bucket with water and soap. It was nice to see Jazz so relaxed, she thought to herself, beginning to scrub gently at the globs of dirt on his hood.

Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste
It all revolves around you
And there's no mountain too high
No river too wide
Sing this song and I'll be there by your side
Storm clouds may gather
And stars may collide
But I love you until the end of time

The song was stopped abruptly and confused, Katie looked up from cleaning his wheels to find Armonie and Maggie on the other side of her guardian, looking as if they were hiding a chuckle or nine.

"What?" she asked which sent them into a fit of giggles. Jazz sank low on his tires and gave a half-hearted rumble at them.

"Nothing, nothing at all," Armonie got out, accent thicker in her amusement. "When you're finished, can we talk to you?"

Katie raised an eyebrow; she knew they were toying with her. "Sure, I guess." She returned her attention to Jazz's mud-caked side, listening carefully until she knew that the other two were gone. "What was that about?"

"I don't know." Jazz replied with almost-embarrassed honesty as she began to work on his doors and sides. His engine purred. "That feels good."

With a laugh, Katie went back to that spot and continued to clean, much to Jazz's pleasure.


It took more than half an hour, plenty of water and soap, not to mention a lot of scrubbing and elbow grease until Jazz's paint shone silver once more. A quick wax followed, and cheerily, Jazz had left to attend a meeting. After putting away everything, drying off, and changing, Katie went out to look for Maggie and Armonie.

"I told you she'd come." Armonie said rather smugly as Katie poked her head into the human-sized lounge.

Maggie rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Army." To Katie, she said "Why don't you sit down?"

Warily, Katie complied, taking the offered seat on the other side of the table. "Hot Rod says that Jazz has been having nightmares." Armonie said without preamble, and Katie looked quizzically at her. Army shrugged. "He says that he can hear Jazz through the walls; he's right next door, after all."

Katie nodded slowly. "He told me as much, and I do hear him sometimes. I just didn't realize until this morning that it was him having a nightmare." She admitted.

"What are his nightmares about?" Maggie asked and Katie looked down at her clasped hands in her lap.

"He says that he dreams that I was killed, or something bad happened to me at the Decepticon base." Was the quiet reply. "Other than that, he didn't say much."

"The same happens with Bluestreak," Maggie murmured with a nod. "Though his nightmares aren't as…loud as Jazz's." Katie raised an eyebrow at that, and Maggie shrugged. "I'm not sure about the other Autobots, but I know Bluestreak and Hot Rod can hear Jazz screaming through their comm. units."

"I see." Katie said slowly, looking at Armonie and Maggie, brows raised.

"He cares about you." Armonie said flatly to her unspoken question. "If he's afraid you're dead or if you die, I don't know what he'll do."

Maggie nodded quietly. "You weren't there when Jazz threw himself at Thundercracker when he thought she was dead," she told the Italian woman. She looked at Katie. "I looked over and saw you go limp. Thundercracker tossed you on the side like a limp doll and Jazz made the scariest sound I've ever heard."

"He was afraid." All three turned to look at the source of the voice, and found Mirage's hologram standing off to the side. His skin was pale, and he had cool, sapphire eyes and long, jet-black hair which he kept tied back in a ponytail. "When you're a spy as long as I have, you learn to read people like a book. Jazz was afraid; he had all sorts of things running through his head, I suppose you could say. Do you mind if I sit?"

Armonie recovered first, nodding. "Sure."

Mirage sat in the chair, sapphire eyes direct but cool. "The scariest thing he had ever imagined was happening right before his eyes; the charge he had sworn to protect was killed at the hands of a Decepticon." The way he said it was calm and rational with a matter-of-fact ring to it. "It is anyone's worst nightmare. To see the person they care about the most killed before their eyes. It is even worse to see them die at the hands of those you hate the most – to see the emotions flick across their face as their prisoner dies. It can be so scary; to watch a comrade you care about in the hands of someone you hate. It's so incredibly hard to hold yourself back from just leaping at them to rip their throat out, maul them beyond recognition."

The three humans were silent, watching Mirage's carefully empty face. "That would explain it," Katie murmured. "Thanks, Mirage, for the insight." The hologram nodded as Katie stood and stretched. "If you don't mind, I'll be going; I have some work to catch up." With a nod to Armonie and Maggie, she left.

When she was gone, Armonie looked at Mirage and raised an eyebrow. "So, what do you think?"

Mirage chuckled. "It'll be interesting to see," he admitted. "I support it, but don't get me involved; Jazz would kill me if I did."

"Aww, Mirage. Where's your sense of adventure?" Maggie teased and the spy chuckled again.

"I had it surgically removed by Ratchet once we got back; I've seen where it gets me."

Songs used (in order):
"Come What May" I'm not sure who wrote it

This won't be a oneshot, but it won't be a very long story; it should last only a handful of chapters. :)