A/N- I would like to say thank you 2 every movie/show I took a quote from…

Me? Own Harry Potter? Nah, I'm just the girl on the seesaw in JKR's magical world.

I don't own any of the other stuff either, by the way.

Things That Should Have Been Said in DEATHLY HALLOWS… but Weren't!

-"I have had it with this M-----F------ snake in my M-----F----- school!" -Neville

-"Snape, why you all up in my grill, dawg?" –Dumbledore to Snape, in the pensieve.

-"Harry, I love you!" "Ginny… I know."–Ginny and Harry, as Harry goes off to die.

-"Voldemort, the paternity test came back! You are the father!" – Bellatrix

-"If I'm not back in 5 minutes… just wait longer." –Harry before going out to die.

-"Hasta La Vista, Voldy." – Harry, before he dies.

-"Harry, where have you been?" "I lived in my van, down by the river." – Ginny and Harry.

-"Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." – Ron to Hermione, when he leaves.

-"I hope you have a big trunk... because I'm putting my bike in It." – Harry to Ginny, in her bedroom.

-"What's your name, son?" "I'm… McLovin." "Oh, sounds like a sexy hamburger." – Death Eaters to Harry when they are caught in the tent.

-"Kid? What's your real name?" "Uhh… Vernon… Vernon Dursley." "Screw that, we are calling you McLovin!" – Death Eaters to Harry.

-"You're so wise. You're like a miniature Buddha, covered in feathers." – Harry to Hedwig.

-"I'm in a glass case of emotion." – Ron to Harry when Ron kills the horcrux.

-"It's so damn hot... Butterbeer was a bad choice." – Harry to Ron, during the wedding.

-"Ron, the jerk store called, they are running out of you!" – Hermione to Ron, after he comes back.

-"Do you smell it? That smell. A kind of smelly smell. The smelly smell that smells... smelly." – Harry after the battle.

-"You mean what we thought they thought we think and thought they thought. We think?" – Harry to Dumbledore during Kings Cross.

-"Stupidity isn't a virus... but it sure is spreadin' like one!" Hermione to Ron after he came back.