John, Ronon and Rodney slowly wake up. They find themselves in a small cell with bars in the front. A dark corridor lies before them, which seemed to extend endlessly from either direction. They see a small figure carefully walking towards them. As the figure walked closer they could see that it was Teyla. She is adorned in a gown that a Wraith queen would where.
"Teyla!" John spoke with excitement. "Can you get us out of here?"
He didn't notice at first that she is carrying some food for them and that she stays quiet. She shies away from them after pushing the food under the cell bars. She looks frightened.
They all look at her with concern and John tries to talk to her again, "Teyla what is wrong. Why aren't answering me? Did Michael hurt you?"
Teyla keeps her distance and still doesn't return an answer. A new familiar voice begins to speak, "Do not worry any more, my new queen. They can not hurt you any longer." Michael stands next to Teyla as she leans closer to him.
Ronon and Rodney's blood begins to boil, but not as quickly as John's. John tries to lunge at him through the bars, "What have you done to her Michael?"
Michael begins to laugh and ignores John's comment. He turns to Teyla, who looks confused. "Michael is the name they gave me when they were doing experiments on me and Teyla is the name they gave you…"
"Liar!" Ronon yells.
Michael turns and smiles at them, "Did you not use a drug that has made me what I am now?" The guilty looks show on Rodney and John's face and Ronon remains looking at Michael angrily. Michael turns his head to Teyla, "You see my queen. They cannot conceal their lies. You may not remember, but they have done the same to you…"
"Now that is a lie," Rodney interrupts.
"It does not matter, Dr. McKay," Michael continues. "After tonight I should have a serum that will make Teyla a Wraith and you will be the first ones she feeds upon." Fear crosses Rodney's face as John and Ronon have looks of concern. Michael leaves, but Teyla briefly stays behind.
John begins to plead with her, "Please, Teyla, you got to believe us. You're not a Wraith. You're Teyla Emmagan, leader of the Athosian people. You are on my team fighting against the Wraith." John notices the look of confusion on her face, "You made a deal with Michael to stay with him to save your people and your son… our son."
"Son? Yours and mine?" Teyla questions. She still looks confused.
"Yes. Yes. Our son," John continues. Just then, Michael calls out to Teyla and she begins to leave. "Teyla. You have to remember! Your people need you. Atlantis needs you! Your son needs you!" Teyla starts walking slower. "I need you Teyla! I love you!"
The words came out so clearly. She stops to turn to look in his direction. The look of confusion was gone from her face and replaced with the look of sadness. She lowers her head and walks away.
"You love her," Rodney asks.
John didn't even realize that it slipped out. He tries to think of a way out of it, but it was no use. It was said and it was true. "Yea, I do." Both Ronon and Rodney smile at the news.
"Ok then, how are we going to get out of here and how are we going to stop Michael turning Teyla into a Wraith?" Rodney inquires.
John looks almost defeated, "I don't Rodney, but we better figure out soon."
Michael convinces Teyla took get some sleep and he will begin her treatments in the morning. He continues to tell her that it will probably take all night for him to try and prefect the formula. She listens to him and goes to her room.
While she sleeps she begins to have flashes pop into her head. She sees her at Atlantis, her people, Ronon, Rodney and John. She dreams of the night John and her comforted each other. She sees herself finding her people and Michael having his creatures killing Malin. She sees she's giving birth to her son and she's making the deal with Michael.
Teyla quickly wakes up and she remembers everything. She grows cold and angry knowing that Michael manipulated her mind to try to maker her forget. She also remembers that John, Ronon and Rodney are being held prisoners and she needs to find away to help them escape.
She quietly leaves the room and begins to look for John, Ronon and Rodney's weapons. She makes sure that the Michael is still busy and continues on her quest. She finally finds the weapons and quickly brings them to the guys.
John sees Teyla coming toward them with their weapons. A big comes across his face, "Does that mean you're back with us Teyla?"
She smiles back, "It must have been something you said."
She passes them their weapons under the bars. They all stand back as Ronon blasts the lock open with his weapon.
Michael hears the blast on comes running out of his lab. As soon John sees him he gets in front of Teyla. "Rodney! Get her out of here!" yells John, but she wouldn't leave.
Before John gets a shot off, Michael is right on top of him and he throws John against the lab wall. Instruments and other medical gadgets fly everywhere. Michael is mad.
"Ronon! Start lighting up this place!" John commands. Ronon starts firing at the different experiments and vials on the tables. Rodney hold Teyla back to keep her from enter the room.
Michael is able to knock John down and he's about ready to feed on him. John reaches for what looks like a syringe and stabs it into the side of Michael's neck. Michael screams and his creatures start swarming into the hallways. John quickly gets up while Michael begins to convulse on the floor. In a matter of second the creatures surround them. They are sure that it's their end and then a beam comes down and they disappear.
The next moment they find themselves on the Apollo. Colonel Ellis orders to deploy nukes to the planet to destroy Michael and his creatures.
Zelenka had figured out, with the addresses they got from the DHD, the most likely planet they could be on. Luckily, the Apollo was close by.
John has Teyla go to the infirmary to get checked out and to make sure Michael didn't do any permanent damage. She smile at him and reaches for his hand and he smiles back.
"When did you start remembering who you were?" John curiously asks.
Teyla flutters her eyes for a second, "When you said you loved me."
John leans in and gives her a gentle kiss, "Well, it's true."
Everyone gets back safely and everyone is happy. Teyla convinces her people to stay on Atlantis just in case Michael escaped. They agree. Both John and Teyla go and check on Tagan. Keller tells them that he is perfectly healthy and she congratulates them on their new family. Keller surprises John by passing Tagan in his arms. He looks uncomfortable but happy at the same time. Keller and Teyla look at each other and smile.
The End