Here it is. The final chapter to the first arc of my series. Originally there wasn't suppose to be any seperation of this story and having it being one single story. That changed when I realized that the story would be extremely long if I stayed with the original idea. Enough of that, time to get to the actual chapter. Disclaimer, I don't own Naruto.

Chapter 53

"What's their status?" inquired Tsunade. Only a few hours had passed since Konoha was 'attacked and Sasuke abandoning the village. The team that was sent to retrieve the Uchiha for the second time had returned but not all under their own power.

"Kiba Inuzuka sustained some internal injuries but should recover. Shikamaru Nara's injuries are only a broken finger and some lacerations, nothing serious." A grim look came over Shizune's face before continuing since what she had to say next wasn't good. "Choji Akimichi and Neji Hyuga on the other hand are not as fortunate. They suffered dangerous chakra depletion and serious injuries. Both are in critical condition and being worked on but there's no telling if they'll fully recover."

"It could've been worse. None of them could be alive." That line of reasoning didn't help ease the Fifth Hokage's anger that she was feeling as the thought of punching a hole in a wall was still tempting. "What about the last one? How's he doing?"

"Remarkably well, all things considering. Luckily the Chidori attack narrowly avoided his heart or he would've surely died." Shizune reported. "However, he did sustain a punctured lung and massive blood loss when the medical team brought him. Wasn't for his fast healing he wouldn't have lasted an hour. I believe we have his 'partner' to thank for that." That was of course directed toward Kyuubi but was left unsaid incase someone inadvertently heard.

"At least the casualties weren't any worst than they are. We may have lost Sasuke Uchiha but at least the blood that was spilled was as minimal as possible. All we can do is to try and recover from what everything that has happened." It was easier said than done and both of them knew it.

With nothing more to report, Shizune left to go back and help treat the serious injury that Neji recovered. Following the example of her first apprentice, Tsunade went to work in finding a way to help Choji's condition before it was too late. They knew that the recovering process was going to be difficult but it'll happen, one step at a time.


"So, how is he?" In his hospital bed, Kiba looked toward his sister, Hana as she checked over the other patient that was in the room. He was hurting but it wasn't all from his injuries.

"Well, he won't be going on any walks anytime soon." Hana determined. Gently she placed the wounded Akamaru on the small bed that was beside his partner's own bed. "I'm a veterinarian but I can only do so much. The tendons in his legs were nearly completely destroyed. Miraculously he should recover given time but can't say that he'll be as fortunate the next time."

Relieved about his partner's being reasonably recovered, Kiba was able to let go some of the tension that he had been holding onto. As he lay on his hospital bed he turned his head to the side and stared at the sleeping Akamaru. "I promise you that I'll do everything I can to prevent something like this happening again."


"You know that's not helping." Sitting in one of the hospital's waiting rooms, Shikamaru was nervously twitting his fingers as he waited to hear how his teammates were doing. He wasn't alone as sitting across from him was Temari. "You were taught about possible scenarios while at the academy. This was going to happen sooner or later."

"Learning about it and actually experiencing it are two completely different things." replied Shikamaru with no hostility behind it. The whole experience was pretty hard to take in and impossible to not be affected. Having all of them, including Naruto, being badly hurt in the hopes of stopping their now former comrade was something that the young chunin had trouble dealing with. "Maybe if I thought it through more I may have come up with a better plan."

"Do you actually believe that?" questioned the Suna girl. "You were given all the information that was available to you. Each of your teammates knew the risk going in and they accepted it. So quit your bitching and just do better next time." Temari's words while harsh did the trick as Shikamaru mumbled something about troublesome women.

Before the conversation could go further, Shizune appeared to give them an update. "Good news. Both Choji and Neji are now in stable condition and should make full recoveries." No response was seen from the shadow user except his face leaning toward the ground. "Did you hear me, Shikamaru? Aren't you relieved?"

A nod from the Nara boy confirmed that he was indeed glad about the news. But what was really noticed was that all of the emotions that he tried to bottle up finally broke through. "I promise to do better next time." Unaware by him was that Temari was also happy about the news and how it helped Shikamaru.


Slowly eyes opened and what was seen was nothing more than blurry images. Soon things began to clear and revealed to be a white ceiling. Shifting their eyes side to side, Naruto saw that by the bed was a stand with a bag of blood that had a tube that was connected to his arm. "Uh, I never liked hospitals."

Pushing himself to a sitting position he grimaced as a searing pain went through his chest. Looking down he saw that his chest was heavily bandaged. Seeing this made Naruto remember the reason for his injury and caused an anger to build within him. "Damn you, Sasuke."

As soon as his anger came it went as he saw at the foot of the bed was Hinata. She must've been there a while since she had fallen asleep in her chair while her head was on the hospital bed. "Did she really stay all this time with me?" The mere thought of that being the case made Naruto smile.

Being careful to not aggravate his injury further he reached over gentle shook the Hyuga girl. "Tiem to get up, Hinata." All he got was her mumbling something about wanting five more minutes which made Naruto laugh. "Come on, wake up, sleepyhead." This time it did the trick as Hinata finally started to wake up and when she saw the blond awake any remaining bits of sleep went completely away.

"Naruto!" Within a blink of an eye, she reached over and embraced the startled boy. "You're awake. I'm so grateful that you're all right." Whatever else she wanted to say was left unclear as she pressed her face against his chest.

Ignoring the pain from his injury, Naruto slowly wrapped his arms around the girl. "Sorry about making you worry, Hinata. You can't quit the water works." That helped lighten the mood as she laughed a bit. "Have you been here all the whole time?"

Pushing away but keeping a close distance, Hinata wiped away the remaining tears in her eyes. "For the most part I was. I cam here as soon as I heard what happen and it wasn't' until your condition improved was I finally able to come in to see you. The nurses wanted me to go home to get some rest but I wasn't going to leave until you woke up." As if suddenly recognizing what she had said, Hinata started to blush while avoiding eye contact.

Instead of coming up with some kind of teasing remark, Naruto placed a hand on the side of her face to have her look back at him as he smiled. "I appreciate your concern, Hinata. I really am. Glad to know that there's someone who cares that much about me."

Both of them slowly got lost in the other's eyes. They started to lean toward one another to have a kiss and there was nothing there to stop them. "Hello there. Heard what happen and came to see-oh." Sitting at the open window was Naruto's godfather, Jiraiya. "Am I interrupting something?"

"Do you have to ask?" chided the irritated blond. Whatever mood that was there was now gone. "Why don't you go see how Neji is doing, Hinata? He'll probably appreciate it." She was something reluctant in leaving but did as asked.

"So you and the Hyuga girl are together." commented Jiraiya. You didn't even have to look at him to know that he found the whole thing amusing. "It's about time. I was starting to wonder if you even liked girls."

"Is there a reason why you're here, old pervert?" The last thing that Naruto wanted to do was talk about relationships with a well known womanizer. "So you said that you found out what happen while you were gone?"

"Yeah and I have to say that you and your friends did a good job, all things considering." Though it wasn't much, getting that bit of praise from a sannin was something. "Listen, Naruto. You should give up getting Sasuke back." Before an argument could start, Jiraiya continued. "He left Konoha and joined Orochimaru at his own free will. Nothing will come from going after him."

Neither of them said anything for a while and it wasn't until Naruto spoke up that did it change. "Sorry but I disagree." Like with what happen to him earlier, the demon host continued. "I want to bring Sasuke back so he can get the punishment he deserves for leaving the village and joining the enemy. However, if he gives me no choice, I'll take care of him myself." By the look in the boy's eyes he was serious about his declaration. "Too bad I won't get the chance since Orochimaru will take Sasuke's body for his own."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." Jiraiya's remark only confused his godson/student. Orochimaru couldn't wait any longer and had no choice but transfer his soul into another body. By doing so he won't be able to do it again for three years." Glancing over he could see that Naruto was starting to understand what was being said. "That means that Sasuke is safe. Well, as least for now."


"How glad I am that you have finally arrived, Sasuke." In one of his many secret bases of Orochimaru, the young Uchiha had arrived and was now standing before the pale skinned sannin who still had bandages covering most of his face. "I hope that your journey wasn't much of an inconvenience."

"That's none of your concern. Now let's begin my training." Luckily for Sasuke he was able to hide the discomfort in his left shoulder. Even though it had been over a day since that claw in the form of chakra scratched him there was still some pain. While it had been treated by Kabuto's medical jutsu it couldn't be completely healed, meaning there would be scarring.

"Remember your place." scolded Kabuto. "He may not look like it but he's Orochimaru." In retaliation, Sasuke gave him a deadly stare that contained such hostility. "This intent is unreal."

From where he was, Orochimaru couldn't help but be pleased at how things had developed. "Excellent. He's the one."


"You can't be serious." Shortly after being released from the hospital, Naruto was told to go to the Hokage's office. For the reason why, he wasn't told and when he did find out he was shocked. "What do you mean I have to leave Konoha?"

"Not forever." clarified Shizune, hardly flinching from the angry blond. "You'll be gone no more than three years. Also, you won't go alone as you'll be going with Jiraiya." That did little to ease Naruto's frustration as he was close to letting that feeling be put into words. "Trust us; it's for your own good."

"How's me leaving the village will be for my own good?" Naruto inquired. "Instead of taking a taking a trip I should be focus on finding bringing that bastard Sasuke back." Not even realizing it he placed a hand over the spot that the wound on his chest once was. "Both he and everyone involved should get what's coming to them." His anger about the subject was evident by the tone of his voice.

"That's the reason why you need to go on this journey." The Hokage's reply was enough to put a halt to whatever retort that could've been said. "By now Sasuke is with Orochimaru and as much as you hate to admit it, you're no match for him." Silence was all that Naruto gave for that estimation. "So for the next few years you'll focus only on the training that Jiraiya will be providing you. Something he should've been doing already."

When that explanation was given you could see that Naruto was starting to get interest in the idea but there was something about it that gave him a nagging feeling. "Have to say that even though the idea of spending that much time with that perverted man isn't something I look forward to, the chance of getting stronger is tempting. However, I have a feeling that there's more to this 'extended trip' than you're letting on. Care to tell me what it is?"

Hesitant looks were traded between Tsunade and Shizune as if they were silently trying to figure out how to explain things. Finally, it would be Tsunade who spoke up. "You're right. There's another reason why you should go. It's the Akatsuki." The mentioning of that group caused Naruto's anger that he had earlier to resurface and intensify as the history between them wasn't a pleasant one.

"From what Jiraiya could find out, the Akatsuki are for some reason putting a hold on gathering the tailed demons for the next three years but it doesn't mean that they won't be doing anything. By you constantly on the move it'll be difficult for them to keep trace of you. Remember, they want what's inside of you and you can possibly go against them as you are." Like what happen with the subject involving Orochimaru, Naruto said nothing as he that it was true.

"All right, I get what you're saying. When do I to leave?"

"A week. By that time all your injuries should be completely healed and give you time to get everything you need to in order." Seeing no problem with that, Naruto nodded in acceptance. "You should also know that due to all of the issues surrounding your team it has been decided that Team Kakashi be disbanded."

The decision wasn't a complete surprise. With Sasuke's desertion, Sakura becoming more focus in learning medical ninjutsu and along with the hostility that Naruto had with Kakashi it seemed to be a matter of time. "Now if you don't mind, I have another appointment that I need to take care of."

Having nothing else, the spiky haired blond headed for the door. As he was leaving, two ANBU members entered while leading someone in with them. Recognizing the person, Naruto was shocked but let it go since it had nothing to do with him.


"Welcome. Please take a seat." greeted the Hokage. The person that the offer was directed toward didn't accept right away but finally complied. "You can leave us." That was directed toward the ANBU who did as they were instructed. "I'm glad that you could show up. I was hoping that we could discuss some things, Kin Tsuchi."

"Like I had much of a choice." retorted Kin with slight irritation. "I was practically dragged here by two monkeys in masks. Is it really necessary to get this uptight about breaking out of my cell?"

"On the contrary, I asked you here to give thanks." The unexpected of that revelation caught Kin by surprise and it was clear by the expression on her face. "From what has been reported, you assisted in defeating one of the Oto Four when they attacked." What Tsunade was referring to when she helped Choji in defeating Jirobo. "In all the commotion you could've easily escape from the village without being noticed. Instead you saved a Konoha shinobi from a former ally of yours. Mind explaining why you did that?"

"Not much to say." shrugged Kin. "I broke out and quickly recognize what was going on. Thought it was a good opportunity to get some retribution when I came across the two fat boys fighting and decided to get involved. I would be taken in by your ANBU after the fight. That's the whole story. What are you going to do about it?"

There was no reply from the Hokage or her assistant and while she wouldn't admit, Kin became a bit concern about what could happen next. "On what's to become of you have been discussed on many occasions and a decision has been reached. It has been decided that from this forward you're a part of Konoha and one of its shinobi." To her credit, the dark haired girl was keeping a calm composure.

"Before you give your answer, there are some conditions. For the next two years you'll be on probation, to be sure that you're not trying to deceive us. You'll start out as a genin and remain one for the first year of your probation. Are those terms acceptable?"

Kin didn't give an answer right away as she considered the offer. "Sure, why not? It's better than the alternatives and this'll give me the chance of possibly running into some Oto bastards." Her response was a little unsettling but as put aside for the time being. "So, how am I being assigned? Who am I going to be teamed with?"

The revealing wouldn't be done by Tsunade as it was Shizune who explained. "Unfortunately, there are no openings in any of the teams. Therefore, it was decided that for the time being you'll be the apprentice to a jonin." A sudden knock at the office door was heard. "And I believe that must be the jonin in question."

When the door opened a purple haired woman, wearing a fishnet bodysuit, a skirt and a trench coat walked in while eating a stick of dango. When she spotted Kin she let out a sigh. "Is this the person that I'm going to be teaching? Doesn't look like much."

"Who the hell are you to talk? At least I don't' look like some slut." Right as those words were said, Kin felt a brief pain from her cheek. Putting a hand to her cheek she discovered that somehow it had gotten cut. The cuase for it was the scantly clad woman throwing the dango stick.

"You've got spirit. That's good, because you're going to need it." The tone that was used made the former Oto now Konoha shinobi a little uneasy. "The name's Anko Mitarshi. I'm your new sensei." By how the introductions went, Tsunade had to hope that this wasn't going to be a decision that she'll regret.


"So you're going to be leaving for three years?" Shortly after leaving the Hokage Tower, Naruto ran into Sakura. Thinking than it was better that she should know about it now than later, he told him what was going to happen involving him.

"At least for that long." muttered Naruto. "I'll probably be back sooner than that but who knows? Hopefully it'll be worth it so I can do what I plan to do." Remembering what one of those things was Naruto became a bit uneasy. "Sakura, you have to know that sooner or later I'll run into Sasuke. When it happens it can get ugly. What I have to know is what do you plan to do?"

She didn't answer right away as Sakura wasn't sure herself. "Honestly Naruto, I understand what needs to be done but…but I still have feelings for Sasuke. If I were to face him I don't know if I could fight him."

"You can and you will." Naruto assured. "When that time comes you'll know what to do." Those words helped put Sakura a bit at ease. "That's for another time though. I've got a week before I have to leave and I plan to not let it go to waste." Already ideas were going through Naruto's head on how he would spend the week.


A Week Later…

"Well, are you ready to go?" asked Jiraiya. He was leaning against the doorway of the room of his godson and for the next few years, his apprentice as he got everything in order.

Packing the last few items into his pack, Naruto threw it over his shoulder. I'm as ready as I'm going to be." Both of them would take their leave of the apartment and made their way to leave the village. "It's hard to believe that I won't be here for three years."

"That's probably a good thing. After what you've done this week I'm surprised that there hasn't been a mob after you." Jiraiya's words only made Naruto laugh. True to his word, Naruto used the week to leave a reminder. They were simply pranks but what was done and were done to was the difference.

Most memorable ones were exchanging granny Tsunade's secret sake stash with identical bottles filled with hot sauce, pretending to burn all of Jiraiya's copies for his next book and replacing the shampoo that was used to wash the Inuzuka dogs with dye that would temporarily turn their fur orange. Thankfully no one took the pranks seriously and got over them once the initial anger had passed.

Soon they arrived at the gates that lead to the exit from Konoha. They weren't the only ones there as some of Naruto's friends were there to give some parting words. Seeing no harm in it, he was given the chance to do so. "I'm somewhat surprised that you guys are here. I would've thought it was too troublesome."

"Yeah, it's a real drag." declared Shikamaru with a shrug. "Thought it was better that you saw some familiar faces as you were leaving." In a way that was the shadow user's way of saying goodbye. "Remember why you're going on this training trip." Understanding the hidden meaning to what had been said, Naruto nodded his head.

"Quit being so serious." Choji spoke up. "He might be leaving to do training it doesn't mean he can't have fun as well. I can only imagine all the type of foods you'll be able to try." That got a laugh from the three of them.

The laughing from Naruto came to an end when he saw that a bit a away from the group was Hinata. Making his way over he stood in front of her. Neither of them said anything right away as a moment of nervousness came over them. "I guess this is where we part ways as well."

"I…I guess so." Hinata managed to get out. "For the next few years you'll get the chance to see so many things and meet some interesting people." A light case of blush slowly came over her face. "Perhaps become interested in some girl."

Realizing what she was getting at, Naruto lightly chuckled. "I highly doubt that's going to happen." Placing his hand under Hinata's chin he raised her head to face him. "Why would I bother with them when the girl I'm interested in is standing before me?"

Reluctantly Naruto moved away from the Hyuga as he was ready to leave. Seeing this, Hinata could hardly contain herself. "Naruto, wait." Going over to him, she became extremely nervous about something. Finally gaining some resolve she leaned in and gave him a kiss on the lips.

This came as a surprise since getting together the main show of affection that was shown from the Hyuga girl was a kiss on the cheek. While caught off guard at the start, Naruto got over it and started to return the kiss. This went on for a bit longer until they separated with reluctance.

"Now how am I going to leave after that?" asked Naruto after recovering from what happen. For her part, Hinata was just as, if not more embarrassed by what just transpired but wasn't regretting it. "I guess I'll have to wait a while before I can do that again. You guys take care. I'll be back."

Getting his stuff, Naruto headed out with Jiraiya. Ignoring the snide remarks from his godfather/sensei, he thought about what was likely to come in the upcoming future. Although he wasn't sure, Naruto was prepared to face it head on.

Well, there it is. I hope that you weren't disappointed by how I ended things. As with how Part 1 ended in the actual series, this was somewhat to help what's to come in the following part/arc.

Hopefully no ones against the idea of the reason I gave for Naruto wanting to go after Sasuke. I just felt that with how I did the whole backstabbing thing in the previous chapter having him wanting to go after the Uchiha to pay for his crimes felt more suitable. Also remember that in my story the two of them weren't that much of a friends and were more like acquaintances. How that'll change things in the story? You'll just have to read to find out.

Expect to see the next arc to this series, being titled "Recommencement", later this month or early the following month. That'll have stuff that were in Part 2 of the actual series but they'll have more of my own personal twist to them. Also, there'll be more chapters that are completely original and will affect later events.

Anyway, until then, see ya readers.