Disclaimer: sadly.. i don't own hannah montana

"Lilly get in the car." said Miley as she looked over at her beautiful blond bestfriend... Her eyes watery and cheeks red, she'd been crying alot lately. Her boyfriend broke up with her and Miley had told her that they would go somewhere this weekend and forget about him. It would give them time for the just the two of them to be together with no boys as a distraction. Lilly noticed that Miley was staring at her and arched an eyebrow.

"Come on, It's okay, He hurt me, you don't need to watch my every move I'm fine Miles." She said as she hugged her and got in the car. Miley shivered at her friend's touch and then thought to herself, Finally I can use this weekend to tell Lilly how I feel.God she's gorgeous... I'm so glad dad is giving us our own tent and everything...the perfect opportunity to make her feel better and snuggle when it gets cold, haha just like broke back mountain... Miley laughed outloud at her funny thought and realized Lilly was looking at her wierd...

"Um.. Miles what's so funny?" Lilly asked with a confused look on her face... She's so adorable when she's confused... "Oh I, just.. well I thought of something funny ...its nothing, really." Miley tried to convince her... Wow this is gonna be a long weekend if i don't just come out and tell her...

Finally after a very quiet car ride of both of them dozing on and off, they had found a nice place in the woods and set up camp...their tent in a secluded area far away from jackson, for their advantage if anything gets out of hand... or if she tells her and they argue and get loud yelling and arguing. Miley was smart she always had a back-up plan and she thought she was good for now.

She looked over at Lilly, grumbling to herself about how there is no way that they could set up a tent all by theirselves, and how it was just impossible. She's so cute, all confused flipping the directions all around and pacing back and forth, haha it's so adorable... Oops! stop daydreaming you should go help her. Miley thought to herself and then ran over to Lilly, grabbed the directions from her, threw them nowhere in particular, and said, "Step aside and let a pro do this... if you are in charge of setting up camp it'll be slower than Uncle Earl at the annual three legged potato sack race back in Tennese." Lilly just chuckled and let Miley take over, she had never seen someone set up a tent so fast in her life... well, she'd never been camping but still, she was impressed by Miley's talent.

"Wow, you're good with your hands Miles." She said whle Miley was pounding in the tent stakes, and when she heard her friend say that she thought to herself...you bet I am, hopefully I can show you later.. and she lost her concentration and hit her thumb with the hammer. "...Or not." Lilly said, dragging out the word or. she walked over to Miley and grabbed her hand instantly and asked if she was okay. "Yeah.Fine. A bug bit me... lost concentration, that's all, I'm fine, it just hurts a little." Ofcourse she was rambling to cover herself up and her bestfriend didn't seem to notice... "Aww why don't I kiss it and make it better." She said with a puppy dog face, kissed Miley's hand, sending chills through her unsuspecting friend. She yanked her hand away and jumped a little because she was shocked when Lilly did it.

"What's the matter, did I hurt it?" Lilly looked hurt... Miley noticed. "Uhhh no.. I just..Um." Come on think of an excuse...well you know you're gonna tell her eventually why not have some fun and see how she'll react? "Well, I realised I bit my lip the same time I hit my thumb, so it hurts... maybe you should kiss that too?" She said nervously, but tried to make it sound nonchalant.

Lilly looked Miley up and down... she was wearing those faded jeans, and that tight purple tanktop that was perfect in all the right places. She took her time thinking and it made Miley nervouse, she opened her mouth to say something but stopped when she felt Lilly pull her closer by the belt loop on her jeans,and then put her hands on Miley's waist, their faces about an inch apart... Miley put her arms around Lilly's neck and looked in her eyes questioningly.

"When you yanked your hand away, you kinda hurt my ego, so why don't you kiss the hurt away from me this time Miles?" Lilly said with a devious smile, wich in return made Miley smile just as big...

Are we flirting? Like, seriously? Miley asked herself unable to believe what was happening...

"Hmmm... I don't know about that, why don't kiss eachother at the same time, that way it just fixes everything?" Miley asked, because she didn't want to be the one to make the first move.. What If Lilly was just joking and she kissed her and she got all disgusted? Either way, both of them grew aware that their faces were drifting closer and closer, both of them started to close their eyes, Lilly tilted her head sideways, and felt Miley's lips touch hers. She parted her lips deepening the kiss, and they broke apart after a very long time and they needed oxygen badly.

Miley had only a brief second to fill her lungs though, because Lilly kissed back, hard and passionate, licking Miley's lip pleading for entrance. Miley opened her mouth and let only the tip of her tongue touch Lilly's, she was teasing her and it was working. Lilly pulled Miley as close to her as she could get and explored all over her mouth and massaged her tongue untill Miley couldn't hold it in anymore and let out a loud moan. Lilly nibbled quickly on her friends bottom lip and then stopped kissing her because she realized that it was possible, even though they were far enough away, for Mr.Stewart to hear them, especially if Miley kept her volume that way... and it wasn't like Miley to change her mind. So they pulled apart once again...

Neither of them said anything for a few moments because they were trying to catch their breath, but when one of them did, it was Lilly... "So do you feel better yet?" She asked with a smirk. "Well, I'm not sure, someone bit my lip and it wasn't me this time, so you might have to kiss me again." Miley said with a goofy smile spreading across her face. "My bad," Lilly said as she laughed and turned red, a little embarrased, she had wanted to do that to Miley for a long time."Why don't we go in the tent so I can protect you from getting hurt from anything else?"

Miley pulled Lilly's hand and practically dragged her into the tent, almost causing Lilly to trip because she was so anxious. They both sat cross legged with their knees touching.Miley placed her hand on Lilly's cheek and leaned in and was about to kiss Lilly again when she stopped her by pushing on Miley's shoulder, "Miles, if we do this you won't hurt me right?" She asked looking into her best friend's gorgeous emerald green eyes with a few strands of blue, searching for the answer. "I could never do that to you and if I did... it would only be hurting myself." She said and the leaned forward and kissed Lilly on the cheek. Her hand slid off of Miley's shoulder down to her waist and they kissed eachother's hurt away.

Author's note: i'm not sure if this should be a oneshot or if i should make it a story