Chapter 13

A/U: hey everyone i need more reviews plz and heres chapter 13 "Dirty Little Secret" ENJOY!!!

I dont own the cullens but i own the taimes and Elphaline xP

Elphaline's POV

Ever had those dreams where you were couldn't control your body when you wanted to? Thats exactly how I feel like im stuck in a a nightmare...but its neither..its real.

"I-I don't want to! You can't make me!!" I screamed and I thrashed against the wall of the cellar I was in. They just injected into my side something that burn. Aro..uuhh Uncle Aro said it will help bring out all of me. What does he mean by that? I'm half vampire..impossible..right?? But I couldn't deny because he put a little boy; he was adorable with big round deer-like blue eyes. And I could hear his heartbeat race, his veins pulse with sweet nectar. It smelled delicious like my favorite smoothie. Also didn't help that that they unchained me and if I didn't have to breathe I wouldn't. And I clawed against the wall; balling up into a corner trying to think of something else. Like why was Aro my uncle...does that mean my real father is a vampire and is he one of the long black haired men? Tears soaked my shirt and my face as I realized this must be how the Taimes and Cullens feel with me around. For a moment I couldn't smell the little boy's blood as guilt and shame washed over me. I never thought I could bring so much struggle like this to them..

Then a icey cold hand touch my forehead and I flinched. It was Aro.

"Awhh my poor niece, Elphaline. Your home and now you won't bring such a struggle to them." He spoke with such comfort that it felt wrong. How could he..his a mind reade!!??

He chuckled, "In a way yes...let me explain my dear Elphie..."


What!?! But how could they...and Marcus is my father...and the Taimes...Seth.. Tears began to stream down my face in an endless flow trying to hold back the sobs.

"Oh there there my Elphie.." Aro cradled me in his arms and I began to feel bad that his love and affectionate was false, "Your home..truly home and we'll make sure that the Taimes..and Seth will never hurt you again.." I began sobbing into his chest and I could literally feel my heart breack and the vampires in the room including my papa could hear my heart beat achingly.

Seth...seth doesn't love...he used me...the Taimes betrayed me...Seth..

Aro passed me father's arms who hugged me so tight and I saw Aro and Ciaus surprised by the affectionate. Was Marcus soo coldhearted before?

I felt like a little girl but I was never big/tall. I found my papa and my real family; I couldn't be happier. But Marcus stood me on my feet, kissed me forehead before leaving. "His a busy man, Elphie." Aro informed me. I nodded with understanding.

"Now my sweet neice, I'm not finished with your training and preparation." I frowned in confusion as I turned around and gasped. That demonic little girl was standing beside Uncle Aro!

"You!!-" I tensed up as she pulled that gaze that made my whole body ache. I stood still glaring at the demon. Aro stood back and watched. Is this what you call training?..Feels more like torture. But I became soo infuriated by that little demon who killed my mother and ..and.." AAHH" I shrieked, my vision turned red and my blood boiled again as I forgot the pain and pounced on her, clawing and tearing at her. Before being pulled off by a overlymuscled guy. I struggled to break free, which almost work for me being slender and flexible but no.

"Very good Elphaline..wonderful skills and everything. A natural fighter don't you think Felix." Aro praised before looking at the guy who head me in a head-lock; Felix.

"I'll say, if we feed it, who knows Aro." Felix voice a husky-deep voice that made she shiver.

"Oh right right, the boy. Jane if you please." Aro smiled at her who returned a sweet smile inreturn before gliding over to the little boy and it a swift move both Felix let me go and Jane slashed the little boys arm. His blood drowning my nostrils and my thoughts 2 seconds late against my body. I was on the poor little boy and draining his delicious innocent life. As I did tearss mixing in with the boys blood rain along my face and the floor.

Seth's POV

No plane or car could be fast enough for me to get there. Even when it seemed like I never would; I made it. To the place I swore I never come back to; Volterra, Italy. My whole body tense as I left the airport. Vibration came from my jacketpocket; my cellphone. "Hello?"

"Seth?! Don't be a stupid hero!!" Alice yelled. I chuckled at that title; Stupid Hero.

"Seth we're coming, you can't do this alone, Aro plans on something big thats all I can see. Wait for us at least Seth." I shrugged and murmured a whatever. But when she hung up and threw it in a trashcan and chuckled at my Grand Theft Auto plan. "Elphie, I'm coming." I murmured to myself, knowing she can't hear but it helped me.

A/U: chapter 13 everyone..NEED MORE REVIEWS...TELL YOUR FRIENDS ETC!!! PLS!!!! ;-;