First off a big thank you to all of you that have read this story, reviewed and put up with my crappy updating!!! I hadn't realised it had been that long.

I hope this chapter makes up for it J


The corridor was dark, never ending and reeked of a millennia worth of stale piss, blood, carcasses and that little extra that you didn't really want to think about.

The air was surprisingly cold, considering the common misconception of Hell being ravaged with fire and brimstone.

Whoever came up with the term; 'Burn in Hell' was talking out their arse!, Hell was freezing!

But was it the cold or the situation that she was in causing her to shudder?

Kirsty couldn't decide.

She honestly had no idea where she was going, or how she was going to help Elliot but something inside drove her on, forward into the void, the dark and uncertain abyss.

Every so often she would turn around just to make sure she wasn't being followed, you cant be too careful, not after the last time she paid Hell a visit.

She was surprised that their wasn't any cenobites around so far, they usually jumped at the chance to get their hands on a soul whenever the box was opened.

But then that was when Elliot was the leader and had brought the cenobites forth to greet the poor unfortunate soul, maybe without him the other cenobites were useless? Or just didn't have a clue without someone telling them what to do?

Kirsty had walked for what seemed like twenty minutes and still no luck, this corridor looked the same as the last and Kirsty had the awful feeling you get when you become quickly disorientated.

'Where are you?' she whispered to herself.

This was it…this was what it was going to be like for all eternity.

Pinhead was slipping in and out of consciousness constantly, his punishment having begun a few hours ago, it had felt like centuries to him.

Lifting his head slowly he could just about open his weary eyes and focus, on what he didn't know, all he knew was he had been placed in one of the many torture cells that dominated Hell and was strung up to one of the spiked beams that stood from floor to ceiling, his wrists bloody from the nails hammered into them to the beam, as if in a Christ pose.

Chains wrapped around his body with hooks cutting through his leather armour and into his flesh, little streams of blood flowing slowly down his chest, arms and legs leaving puddles at his feet.

Hooks holding him in place, ironic since he used to command the hooks with a simple click of his fingers.

His legs felt like jelly and lead at the same time, but he daren't try and sit or move as his wrists were unbearable as it was, never mind with his weight pulling on them.

Looking around he noticed that he couldn't see any sign of that other cenobite, the one in charge of his punishment, 2face.

2face had pleased Leviathan greatly with his savagery and his twisted ideas of punishment, Pinhead had wanted to die from the first minute of his torture, glad that his body gave up numerous times and fell unconscious, it was like a break from the pain.

Sensing something was amiss he braced himself for whatever attack 2face was about to unleash…


'Oh my god!' Kirsty cried.

She recognised Elliot's voice in the distance, echoed through the many tunnels causing her to shudder at the ferociousness, what were they doing to him?

Gathering her courage she set off at a jog in search of Elliot, trying to follow where his voice came from.

She was running through the tunnels trying to avoid random chains hanging from the ceiling, moss from the walls and slippery patches on the damp floor, stopping every now and then to check around a corner to make sure the coast was clear before venturing on.

She heard him scream again…

'Hold on Elliot, please!' she cried to herself.

'Had enough?' 2face finally spoke up.

Pinhead lifted his head to look at 2face who was standing directly in front of him now.

Something about him made Pinhead uneasy, something familiar.

Somehow Pinhead recognised him from somewhere…but where?

Pinhead dropped his gaze to the floor, he could barely keep his head up, 2face walked closer to him, lowered his mouth to Pinheads ear and whispered ' you were wrong, its YOUR suffering that will be legendary'.

At this Pinhead lifted his head up as fast as he could manage and looked straight into 2face's eyes… 'no!' Pinhead thought to himself, 'it cant be him! It cant be that fool that attacked Kirsty! Please no!' .

It was then Pinhead knew things got a whole lot worse, he was out for revenge.

Walking away slowly, 2face turned around to face Pinhead once more,

'So its chains and hooks you like huh? I m sure I can accommodate that' 2face walked out of the cell.

At that point a single hook flew out from nowhere and dug deep into Pinheads hand, exactly the same way as Pinhead had done to Steve the night of the attack, Pinhead dropped his head, he had past the point of caring anymore, his soul was void of light, he had reached his dark abyss.

Only one thing stayed with him in his thoughts…Kirsty.

He no longer bothered to brace himself, he knew what was coming and he let his body and mind go numb.

With a bloodcurdling cry, wave upon wave of hooks covered his body.

Kirsty had broke out into a full on sprint as Elliot's cries of pain got louder and louder, she was getting close.

Beads of sweat had appeared on her face and her hair clung to her neck and cheeks, her eyes wide with fear and her heart beating so hard she feared it might breakthrough her chest.

She stopped when the corridor branched out into a crossroad of tunnels, looking around frantically trying to decide which way to go she heard a cell door open and someone walk out into the corridor, she dived around the corner to hide.

The figure was definitely one of a cenobite, not Elliot though, in fact she had never seen this one before, it wasn't one of the other cenobites that used to follow Elliot around either; the female, butterball or chatterer.

This one was undoubtedly ugly! Not that the other cenobites were lookers but there was something about this one with half his face peeled back that made Kirsty wretch.

She stayed hidden in the shadows, watching as the cenobite slammed the cell door aggressively, but did not lock it! Kirsty's heart began beating faster.

She looked on as the cenobite turned slowly and began walking down one of the opposite corridors, disappearing into the dark.

She waited a good ten minutes before venturing out of the shadows in case that demon returned.

Once she was happy that he was not coming back, she quickly and quietly made her way towards the cell, she turned the latch and pushed all her weight behind the old heavy door.

It slowly creaked open, but damn it was heavy!

She nervously creeped into damp dark room not sure what she expected to see.

It took a minute for her eyes to adjust to the darkness but she finally caught sight of him standing in the middle of the room, strung up crucifixion style again, so much blood flowing from cuts in his chest, arms, face, torso etc.

So much blood.

Kirsty let out a short gasp before putting her hand to her mouth.

He still had several hooks pulling at him, but not as bad as an hour ago when he was completely covered in chains!

Mustering up all her courage, Kirsty walked slowly towards him, old fears were gone, now all she was scared of was that he was going to reject her, tell her to go, to leave him.

He was still standing but his head was lowered, he hadn't heard her come in, he had stopped trying to listen, see and feel anything, as a way of coping with the pain.

'Elliot?' Kirsty whispered, not sure if he was still alive or not.

Pinhead swore he heard that voice somewhere in his head, he thought he was hallucinating, no way would she be here, in hell and definitely not standing right in front of him, he lifted his head to look up, to prove to his stupid self that she wasn't there, that his subconscious was just playing cruel tricks…

'Kirsty?' he whispered.

Kirsty took another step towards him, she was now a foot away from him.

She slowly raised her hand and gently put her hand to his cheek, her fingers stroking feather light touches to his face.

He had never let anyone touch his face since he became a cenobite but he trusted her completely and would let her do anything she wanted.

Slowly he began craving her touch more and more as he slowly turned his head towards her hand and let her fingers run slowly over his eyes, nose and mouth.

She'd had tears in her eyes since she saw him but was struggling to keep them back now, he looked deeply into her eyes and knew she was upset.

'You shouldn't have come down here, its too dangerous, you should go be with your father now' he whispered softly, his voice coarse from screaming in pain.

Kirsty couldn't stop the tear run down her cheek as she heard his voice.

She then placed her other hand on his leather covered chest and moved even closer into him, close enough for their bodies to be touching.

She hadn't thought about what she was going to say or do when she found him, she just knew she had to get to him.

'I promised I would help you become human again' she said softly looking up into those deep dark eyes.

'You already have' he replied.

'Why did you take my fathers place?' she asked.

'You kept your end of the deal and so did I' he replied, a little more coldly than he meant for.

He looked to the ground, he was going through so much emotions now, his head and his heart fighting for which one was truly right.

His head screamed at him to yell at her, tell her to leave this place and never come back but his heart, well his heart wanted her so badly.

A little bit hurt by his cold, harsh reply made Kirsty think; maybe he didn't feel anything for her after all, maybe it was just her foolishness and desperation to find her father that attracted her to him in the first place especially since he was the only person who could have helped her.

'You should go, before the guard comes back and finds you here' Elliot said sadly, refusing to meet her gaze, his mind made up whether he liked it or not.

'I cant just go!' Kirsty said with tears in her eyes and her voice shaking uncontrollably.

'Before I came down here to find you I had so much I wanted to say to you…but now ,' she took a deep breath.

'I just cant understand you, one minute its like your becoming more human and normal human emotions are coming back then the next minute…'

This made Elliot look up into her eyes so they were both staring each other out.

'The next minute your back to being a cold, harsh asshole!' Kirsty looked ready to explode.

Elliot spoke in a calm yet dangerous voice, 'I'm sorry I don't live up to your expectations'.

'Back to his cold, nasty self again' Kirsty thought.

They both just stood in silence for about ten minutes, neither speaking.

The silence was deafening.

'Kiss me' Kirsty whispered to him.

Elliot looked to her nervously.

She closed the distance between them again so they were mere inches away from each other.

'I need to prove to myself that you mean nothing to me and that there is nothing between us before I'll go' Kirsty said to him sadly.

This wasn't how she had pictured their first kiss, she had imagined (rather foolishly) that he would have been more nicer, more receptive to her but no he didn't want her it seemed.

Leaning in closer to him, Kirsty lay both her hands on his chest, even chained up like this he still seemed powerful and strong as if the chains couldn't really hold him. But hold him they did, Elliot could barely move so Kirsty had to move closer still, their bodies touching and her face inches from his. Kirsty closed her eyes.

Elliot leaned forward slowly, he didn't want to scratch her with the pins in his head so he angled his face so his lips brushed softly over hers.

Kirsty pulled him in closer to her.

He kissed her softly and slowly.

Kirsty knew there was no way she was leaving without him now.

She couldn't believe she was here kissing him, it felt weird and right all at once.

'We have to get out of here' Kirsty whispered as she broke the kiss, still holding onto his armour.

'You need to get these stakes out of my wrists, I cant move otherwise' Pinhead told her, still breathless from the kiss.

Kirsty back away slowly and looked towards the bloody stakes impaling his wrists.

She took hold of one with both hands and pulled using all her might, Pinhead braced himself until the first one finally come free.

Kirsty went for the other one as pinhead brought his arm down slowly trying to get the feeling back.

'Come on' Kirsty gasped as she finally dislodged the other.

Pinhead brought both his arms across his torso, they were aching, Kirsty began carefully removing the chains from around his body.

Pinhead leant all his weight back onto the pillar and watched as Kirsty tried to free him of the chains.

'Thank you' he whispered.

Kirsty stopped and looked up into his eyes.

He slowly lifted his arms up and reached for her waist, pulling her gently to him, kissing her lips once more but with his arms tightening around her.

But unfortunately for them they weren't alone.

'Another for the slaughter?' came a horrid voice in the corner.

Kirsty swung around to see 2face making his way towards them only to be sent colliding into the far wall courtesy of his backhand, her nose bloody and her head spinning as she slid down the wall to the floor in a daze.

2face, too busy watching Kirsty fall to the floor had not noticed Pinhead throwing the remainder of the chains down to the floor and picking up one of the bloody stakes at his feet.

Standing over her menacingly, 2face raised his fist once more, intending to finish her off once and for all. Kirsty could only look on helplessly through tears and blood.

'She's not yours to hurt anymore' came a voice behind 2face.

2face spun around only to have a stake rammed right through his face with such force it ripped through to the back of his skull.

Standing still as if just realising what had just happened, 2faces body fell limply to the floor at Pinheads feet.

Kirsty looked up into Pinheads eyes as he moved slowly towards her and held his hand out to her.

'Lets go' he said softly to her.

Kirsty smiled softly as she let him pull her to her feet and took her weight as they moved towards the cell door.

'I cant remember the way' Kirsty said softly.

'I know the way' replied Pinhead with a smirk.

They walked for ages through twisting tunnels and endless corridors, none of which Kirsty could remember but Pinhead had lived there long enough so trusted his judgement. He had walked these halls for years after all.

He kept a hold of Kirstys waist trying to help her walk even though she was sure he was in more pain than her. He knew her head was still reeling from that blow to the head from 2face.

After half an hour they were walking down another endless tunnel when Pinhead stopped and signalled to Kirsty to look, she did and saw the greatest sight at the end of the tunnel- the gateway home! She could see her bedroom through the gates.

Her spirits perked up and the both of them started walking on closer towards the gates feeling more relieved.

'oh no' Pinhead muttered.

Kirsty looked up to see the dark corridor and gateway slowly beginning to close!, her heart sank.

'We have to move now!' Pinhead said to her.

Pinhead grabbed Kirstys arm and pushed her forward with such force causing her to start running as fast as she could, Pinhead followed behind her.

The corridor felt endless and the gateway looked as if it was miles away,

'we're not gonna make it!' Kirsty gasped in between breaths.

'yes we are!' Pinhead shouted to her from behind.

The gates were now only a metre apart, Kirsty ran as fast as she could physically go, hoping Pinhead was still close behind her.

They were getting closer 'keep going!' Pinhead shouted to her, Kirsty was getting tired and felt like she was going to throw up.

The gates were almost closed when Pinhead gathered the last of his strength and pushed himself and Kirsty further forward and they both jumped/fell through the gateway into her bedroom as it slammed shut behind them.

Kirsty lay on the floor with her eyes shut, still trying to get her breath back, she felt so weak she could barely move, her eyes finally opening a few minutes later to catch the moonlight streaming in through her window.

Her eyes followed the moonlight towards the black leather clad chest of a man lying on his back next to her, he hadn't changed at all from the picture she had of him. He was as handsome as she imagined up close.

He was also trying to get his breath back, he was tired and had his eyes closed, Kirsty turned onto her side to face him.

'Elliot?' she whispered.

He slowly opened his eyes and turned to face the woman he loved, she was lying next to him smiling, he also turned to face her, pulling her close to him and laying his hand across her cheek he kissed her softly and slowly, savouring every second he had with her.

'I love you Kirsty' he whispered to her, keeping there heads close together.

'I love you too' Kirsty softly replied.

They both lay there on the floor of her room in each others arms, kissing, promising themselves and holding each other until sleep finally caught them both.