The Review Box

Shintenshin no Jutsu: His birthday was my favorite chapter to write!

CrazyKidDeath: Lol, that chapter I spent like half an hour of what everyone would wear. I thought Ino would most likely dress up as a slutty vampire.

Wind797: Yup, It's just about time to put up the romance. Or atleast a little bit of fluff.

Rocker71592: Meh, You said it was angsty, but you couldn't stop reading... Anyways you don't have to worry about the 'D' word for a while since Naruto will be in the Wave.

Useful76: Meh, it's basically a filler chapter cept for at the end, and the fact that Kiba falls for Hinata.

Shouri no Hana: Rockman's pretty cool, although I wonder how he would get the costume, but whatever. As they say 'anything can happen in fanfic' Nooo! Naruto God Mode! Lol, it's not a shell, it's a conch. My teacher got angry for saying shell. What lame-ass book did you have to read? (Also when are you going to update Ryuusei no Kyuubi or Broken Soul: Saving the Promise. If you update I promise I'll leave a review...)

Quick Announcement

I'm just here to say that this chapter will be delayed. I included the Review Box for those of you of reviewed. Do NOT review to this announcement. Put it on any other chapter that you wish. The next chapter will be released on November 1st or 2nd. Sorry for the inconvenience. If your lucky I may have it out this weekend, but I highly doubt it.