Hey Everybody! This is my first School Rumble fic, so please enjoy and review! BTW, I don't own School Rumble.

It was the near the end of the second year of school. Students were struggling to pass their exams. Some were struggling most than others.

"Auhhh! I still don't get all this!" cried Tenma to her three friends at class break. Mikoto raised her eyebrow.

"What's not to get? We made you study this material all last week. What do you still have trouble with?" she asked.

"Well, . . . everything! It was a miracle that I made it this far!" yelled Tenma with tears running down her face.

"Perhaps subconsciously you want to fail," suggested Akira.

"I don't believe Tenma wants that deep down," said Eri. Tenma placed her head on the desk.

"It's all over for me. I'll be stuck in this grade for the rest of my life. . ." murmured Tenma.

"Don't worry too much about it. I'm sure the adrenaline might get your mind focus when the exams comes," said Akira. Tenma sighed and sat back up. She was about to say something when the bell rang. Everyone went back to their own desk. Their homeroom teacher walked in.

"Okay class. I've noticed that many of you are having trouble with the last few weeks of school," said Tani-sensei. "So, I've decided to pair you up for a class program." The class whined out loud. "Now, the assignment will be about geography. You and your partner will be given a country and do a report about it. Listen for your name and who you will be partnered with." Tenma began to get hopeful.

"I hope I get to be with Karasuma-kun! Working together with him and getting closer to him. And then, I could gain confidence to tell him how I feel!" thought Tenma. However, someone else was thinking something similar.

"All right! If I get paired up with Tenma, our bond with grow into something more!" thought Harima. Everyone listened carefully for their names.

"Imodori Kyosuke and Hanai Haruki. You will be doing your report on Spain. Harima Kenji and Akira Takano. You will be doing your report on Egypt." Harima frowned that he wasn't partnered with Tenma. Eri felt some dissatisfaction but quickly shoved the emotion away. "Karasuma Oji and -" Tenma prayed her name will be called. "- Nara Kentaro. You will do your report on Russia." Tenma dropped her head in disappointment. "Tenma Tsukamoto and Asou Hiroyoshi. You will do your report on France."

Tenma and Asou were both surprised to be teamed up for the project. Tenma has never really talked to Asou outside of (or during) school. Meanwhile, Asou was hoping that he could actually be able to get some work done with her. Not only did he knew that she wasn't the smartest person in class, he was also starting to grow some feelings for her over the past few weeks. He had planned to stay away from her by the end of the semester, but now it looks like his plan was going downhill. After a few minutes, Tani-sensei was finished.

"I'll give you two weeks to complete your project. Here's a handout of how I want and what you need to research. You will be graded as a team so be sure to work together. I'll give you until the end of class to get with your partner and start planning things out," he said. Everyone got up and moved toward the people paired up with.

"Hello, Asou-kun," said Tenma sitting down next to him. Asou just nodded at her. They stayed quiet for a few minutes. Tenma began to get very anxious. "I have to break the ice somehow." Tenma cleared her throat. "So, when do you want to start working on this?" Asou looked at her.

"How about tomorrow? We could try going to each others houses and rotating everyday. We could probably get done a lot faster that way," suggested Asou. Then he regretted it. He wondered why he didn't suggest a public place like a library or something. If he got to be alone with Tenma, he knew he wouldn't be able to focus.

"That sounds like fun. We could have snacks and stuff just like the study group I have with the girls," said Tenma. Asou just sighed.

"This is going to be a long two weeks," he thought.

:: Next Morning ::

Asou was walking up the block to school. He really didn't really sleep well since he kept wondering about how he was going to deal with Tenma. He wondered how he could ever have developed feelings for her. If it was Mikoto, he wouldn't have to suffer through all this. Sawachika, Takano and even Yakumo were also better choices than Tenma. Asou just couldn't see himself being compatible with her. Then suddenly, he let out a loud yawn.

"Sounds like someone didn't have a good night's sleep," said a voice from behind, startling him. He turned around to see the girl that was occupying his thoughts.

"Tsukamoto!? I didn't know you came to school this early," he said. Tenma smiled up at him.

"I usually don't. I just needed to get to school early to do more studying. Last night, I made myself a goal to get a high score on the final exams!" said Tenma with enthusiasm. "If I get above a 70 on my exams, I can tell Karasuma-kun my feelings once and for all!" she thought. Asou saw the determined look in Tenma's eyes and smiled.

"I guess she's not a total ditz after all," he thought. They began to walk the rest of the way together, with Tenma rambling on.

"I was thinking about serving rice balls to our meeting. Unless of course you're one of those guys who like something sweet, I could serve some pie, or cake if you like? Or how about we have both? What do you think?" she asked. Asou was about to answer when Tenma started to stumble forward. Before she could hit the ground, Asou caught her around her waist.

"She's so slender. It seems like I could break her if I held her too tight," thought Asou. Suddenly, he realized what he was doing and quickly pulled her back up.

"Thanks Asou-kun!" said Tenma. Asou blushed and turned his head.

"No problem. Just be careful, okay?" said Asou. They continued their walk, oblivious to a pair of eyes watching them.

"That punk! How dare he hold Tenma like that!" said Harima with his fist clenched. "I won't let him get away with this!"

Tenma and her friends were around her desk before the bell rang for class.

"So, you came early morning to study, huh?" asked Mikoto. "That's good. I hope you actually got something in your head though."

"Can't you be more supportive?! A woman in love can accomplish anything!" said Tenma. Eri and Mikoto smirked at each other.

"So you're doing it for a guy huh? Well, I wish you the best of luck, Tenma," said Eri. Just then the bell rang. Everyone went to their seat and waited for the teacher to arrive. Asou turned his head and glanced at Tenma.

"I hope this crush I have on her will pass. I've never felt this way when I went out with Sou." thought Asou. Harima noticed that Asou was looking at Tenma.

"That creep! Who does he think he is?" Harima knew he had to settle this after school.

What did you guys think? I'm trying something that nobody has probably considered. Tell me what you all think. Thank you for reading so far!