((((((((((((((((Kagome's POV)))))))))))))))))))))

I ran to the well faster then you could believe. I stop at the sound of Inuyasha's voice. "Inuyasha,what if I can't go back?" I ask as he walked up to me. "Well,we'll have to just find out."Inuyasha said putting his hand out to me. I smiled a bit and took his hand. I felt him grip it tightly. We jumped into the well. My face light up as I saw a blue light and we were at the bottom of the well. Inuyahsa picked me up and jumped out. There I was,home at least. I smiled as Inuyasha grabbed my hand. We began walking back to my house. I layed my head on his shoulder. Anyone could see we were together now. Sota,my little bro,came running put from the house. "Sis! Your back!"He said hugging me. I smiled and hugging him back. "I miss you to."I said. The three of us walked inside to be greeted by my mother and gramps. My mom saw me holding hands with Inuyasha and smiled. "Hello dear!"She said hugging me. I hugged her back with my free arm smiling.

"Hi mom."I said as she let go. "Nice to see you back so soon."She smiled. "Nice to be back."I smiled and rolled my eyes. "Hi ya Gramps."I said hugging him dragging Inuyasha behind me. He hugged me back. "Nice to see you home."He said. I smiled. I,finally,let go of Inuyasha's hand. "I'm going up to the bedroom,come on,Inuyasha."I said running up stairs. I heard Inuyasha sigh and follow me. We made it into my bedroom and I close the door bhind us. "Well,the well still works."I said sitting on the bed. He sat by me. "That's good."He said. "I know."I replyed. "Inuyasha,that was very sweet to do."I said smiling. "What?"He ask. "Doing what you did for Kohaku. Your such a sweet hearted jerk."I said. "That's ri-hey,ok,that is true."He sighed. I hugged him tightly. He hugged me back.

He pulled back and pressed his lips against mine. It felt so good. He pulled me closer,deepen the kiss. I smiled as we kiss,what seemed,to last forever. Then, the next then I knew was me on top of him. I blinked. We still had our clothes on,thank goodness. I began kissing him again forgotting that I had family downstairs. We were making out what seemed like a good,great,wonderful 5 mins. Inuyasha kissed me agiain as Sota walked in. "Hey Sis,I w-EWWWW!!"He said covering his eyes. I pulled back,grabbed a pillow and thorw it at him. "Get out of my room!"I said getting up. "You guys are nasty! Wait,till mom and gramps here about this!"He said running out of my room and slamming the door. I was standing there angry but it all went away when I hear Inuyasha's voice. "Oh,sorry."I said sitting back by him. "Aren't you going after him?"He ask. "Why?"I ask.

"Well, he's going to tell your mom and gramps so-"I cut him off by saying,"So,there going to find out sometime." "True."He sighed. I smiled and gave him a peck on the lips which lead to another make-out fest. I just wanted more and I mean lot more. I guess,I'll have to wait.

Time flew by and I stayed at my house for the weekend. Inuyasha and I are much closer. The villagers,Miroku and Inuyahsa build a house for Sango,Miroku and Kohaku. Life had been great. I'm sending another weekend at my house right now.

I sucked into the warm water in my bathtub. It felt so great. Mom loves that Inuyasha and I are together. Sota won't stop borthering me about it and gramps just said great. I washed my hair making it shine each time the light hit it. I got out of the tub,let the water drain and got dress. Tommrrow was Monday so I was going to school. I have been so behind. I was worried what might happen. (A/N-I'm time skipping since I'm having writers block :P )

!3 years later!

((((((((((((((Regular POV))))))))))))))

"Inuyasha!"Screamed Kagome in pain. "It's ok,Kagome."He said patting her head. "NO!It's fucking not ok! DAMN IT!"Screamed Kagome again. "A few more pushes!"Sango said as she watched. Kagome was having her first child. "Damn you,Inuyasha!"She said coldly. Miroku and Sango had wed already. Kagome and Inuyasha had already also. "What did I do to you!?"Inuyahsa ask as she held his hand tightly. "You got me pregent!"She screamed! "DUH! That's what WE wanted!"He said. "If I fucking knew it was going to be this damn painful I would have said NO!"Kagome said coldly. "Damn it,suck it up!"Inuyasha replyed. "AHHH!!!!"Kagome screamed. Inuyasha's ears layed flat on his head. Sango was smiling happily. "Kagome,one more push!"She yelled. DAMN YOU INUYASHA!"Kagome screamed as the baby came out all the way. Kagome was breathing heavily and hurting Inuyasha by holding his hand tightly. "Ka-Kagome,hand!"He said in pain.

"O-oh."Kagome said letting go. Inuyasha began rubbing his hand. Sango bought over a beauiful baby girl. "It's a girl."Sango said giving her to Kagome. "Awww..I wanted a boy."Inuyasha said crossing his arms over her chest. "Whaever."Kagome said looking at what she,no,they had made. The little girl in her arms had doggy ears that were white and had black on the tip of them. She had choclate brown eyes like her mom's that would sweep anyone off there feet. "Inuyasha,look."She said giving the baby to him. He took he gently. He smiled. "She's..so cute."He said making Kagome giggle. Sango,Keada and some of the women villagers left so the couple and there new born could have some peace. Sango had gotten pergent around the time Kagome did so she would be having her baby soon. And,soon was a little to soon. Sango sat down by Miroku.

She smiled then began feeling pains. "Sango,dear,are you alright?"Miroku ask worrid. "Y-yeah,I think the baby's kicking,that's all."She said smiling. "Are you sure,that's all."Miroku ask. "No,pain."She said. "Lady Keada!"Miroku called over smiling. "What's wrong me childs?"She ask. "Lady Keada,Sango said she's having pain just like Lady Kagome's."Miroku said standing up. "I,it's time."She rpelyed. "What!?"Sango said in shock. Sango was lead into a room right near Kagome. Shippo came running into Kagome's room saying,"Sango's having her baby,mommy,daddy!" "What?"Kagome ask in shock. "Yeah,you might hear y-"Shippo didn't finsh cause you could her Sango screaming. Inuyasha's ears went flat.

"Why did she have to have em today?"He ask handing the baby back to Kagome. Kagome smiled and looked at her baby. "Shippo dear,come see your little sister."Kagome said smiling. Shippo smiled and jumped on Kagome's shoulder. "Aww..She's cute."Shippo said. "I know."Kagome said smiling. More screams came from the room beside them as Inuyahsa cover his ears. Kagome giggled. Her baby started to cry itself. "Great."Inuyahsa said. "What should we name her?"Kagome said. "I don't know."Inuyahsa siad. "Shippo,idea?"Kagome ask as the baby cryed. Shippo sat there thinking.

"Ai?"Shippo ask. "Ai,I like that,how about it,Inuyasha?"She ask smiling at her mate. "Ai,yeah,that's ok."Inuyasha replyed smiled. "Ai it is then."Kagome said as she heard Sango screamed. Then, you could hear a baby crys but it wasn't Ai. Shippo smiled happily.

((((((((((((((((Sango's POV)))))))))))))))))))

"Miroku,we are having no more!"I said holding my little boy. "Ha,you'll want more soon."Miroku replyed. "Prolly."I said smiling. "Name?"I ask looking up at Miroku. "How about...Haruki?"Miroku ask smiling down at him. "I like that name a lot."I replyed smiling. Everyone else left the room so we could have some alone time with him.

!A year later!

"Awwww!!!"I said as I watch Haruki walk. "He's sooo cute,Sango!"Kagome said holding Ai. "I know."I rpelyed. He had black hair like his daddy but brown eyes like me. Kagome's baby was just soooo cute! The cute choclate brown eyes and the cute little doggy ears. Kagome put Ai down to play with Haruki. "Aren't they cute when they play?"I ask watching the two playing togther. "I know."Kagome replyed watching them. Inuyasha and Miroku were outside talking bout something. Haruki and Ai got up and begna walking towards each other when they ran into each other and fell on there butts. Kagome and I gasp but all Ai and Haruki did was laugh. We love it when they laugh. This made us laugh to. Shippo laughed with us.

We had a great,great,life.

((((((((Inuyasha's POV))))))))

"It's fun being a dad,isn't it?"Miroku ask me. "Yeah,let's get back inside."I said walking inside. Miroku nodded and followed. Ai ran up to me and clinged to my leg. "DADDY!"She screamed. That was the only word she could say beside Mommy and Shippo. I picked her up and hugged her tightly. "DADDY! DADDY!"Haruki screamed as Miroku picked him up. We had great lifes,very great ones. I kissed Ai on the forehead as she yawned. I smiled.

(((((((((DA END!!! I know, it sucked! lol P ))))))))))