Sorry it took so long I am very lazy and I have had this written for a while I just didn't feel like putting it up. But here I am to put this up for you enjoy.

Chapter 2: The Fight

"Would you two like to see some of the pictures I have of you two" Grandma said

"Yeah" Sunako said

"You have pictures of us" Kyohei asked

"Yes, you two have been together since birth" Grandma said

"What but I'm older" Kyohei said as he scratched the back of his head trying to understand.

"Yes and when she was born you guys were always together. You two were inseparable from Sunako's birth."Grandma said trying to make it easy for Kyohei to understand as she looked for the photo album. "You were in preschool and kindergarden... found it" she pulled out the album as they all sat on the couch all together. Grandma had this grin on her face that made her seem like she was many years older then she was. "Look at how cute you two were together. This is my favorite picture of you two" It was a picture of them at about 3 or 4 at Christmas. their was a big tree in the background. Right in the middle were them under the Mistletoe kissing. As the page went along to them getting older and separated. "Sunako you know your mom sent me pictures as you get older." They were looking through the album for 15 minutes till there was a sound of jingling keys and the door open.

"Grandma you here" said a woman she sounded very young. In walked a woman. She looked a lot like Sunako. She was wearing a very gorgeous lit blue dress that matched her eyes.

"Hello mother" Sunako said looking up from the album.

"Hello" Kyohei said as he stood up to walk over to Sunako's mother.

"Oh your here" Grandma said as she closed the album.

"Oh and if it isn't the boy" Sunako's dad said from behind Sunako's mom. He walked up to Kyohei and stretches out his hand. Kyohei took it and started to shake it when he got pulled to the older man. "No boy don't hurt my daughter or I will kill you." He whispered into Kyohei's ear.

"I won't" Kyoheiwhispered back "Or I would kill myself for letting her go" Kyohei now tightening his grip to let the older man understand that he was completely serious. "No man can love her more then I do."And with that they let go.

"I like this boy even more now you have my permission."He said going back behind his wife.

"Hello your Kyohei right" Sunako's mom said

"Yes" Kyohei said as he bowed to her

"Man you have grown I can't believe this" She said as she pat him down then hugging him. Once she pulled away she looked him up and down. "I hear your strong"

"I don't know about that" Kyohei said looking up at the ceiling scratching the side of his face trying to be modest though he wasn't doing a good job of it because he though of himself as strong. Though he and Sunako stood side by side with him in strength though."I never really thought about it."

"Then fight me" She said

"I don't like to fight women" Kyohei said even though he fought with Sunako all the time.

"If you don't fight me you wont be able to go out with my daughter" She said

"Then that would mess up the whole arranged marriage" Kyohei said calmly

"How did he find out about that" Sunako's mom asked looking over to her husband.

"Because I'm a rocket scientist" Kyohei said he looked back at him and he had glasses and a lab coat on.

"How did he get that on" Sunako's mom asked looking at Sunako who just shrugged trying to hold in her laughed though some giggles escaped.

"Because I'm a magician" Kyohei said now wearing a magician costume.

"Ok stop that" Sunako's mom said in a voice that sounded as if she was trying to stay clam but was to mad to stay completely calm. Sunako couldn't hold in her laughter any longer the thought of her always calm mother sounding upset. "How about we make a deal. We fight and if I win you two have to do what I tell. But if you win I will buy you two all you can eat were ever you want to eat"

"n-n-no" Kyohei said trying not to think about the all you can eat. Sunako knew it was one of his greatest weakness and was afraid that he would cave.

"Then I'll throw in telling you everything about the arranged marriage." Sunako's mom said now grinning knowing he couldn't resist it.

"I can't fight a woman," Kyohei said "how about the old man for this"

"no because I want to fight you" she said

"Fine I will fight you anywhere, anytime" Kyohei said.

"At the fighting grounds now" she said

"Um... will you be able to fight in that" Kyohei asked pointing at her dress.

"Oh your right Sunako can we switch cloths" Her mother said

"Mom I have some better fighting clothes at home" Sunako said and with a wave and good byes they then left Grandma's house. Sunako and Kyohei were walking behind her parent. "sorry about my mom. She gets that way some times"

"There is nothing to be sorry for" Kyohei said taking Sunako's hand. "It was not you that told her to do that. Its probably her so called motherly instincts"

"Ok" Sunako said with a smile on her face. Then Kyohei leaned in to kiss her but then without him knowing when she deeped the kiss.

"They make such a cute couple don't they" Sunako's mom said from in front of then on the ground looking up at them (she is crouching) asked her husband that was stand a foot or so way looking the other way , who just nodded. They broke away and looked at her and a deep blush appeared on their faces.

"What do you want" Kyohei asked in an angry tone.

"Well I heard your conversation and wanted to know what would happen next." Sunako's mom said as she stood up.

"Well next time DON'T " Kyohei said getting even madder.

"But it was only my so called motherly instinct" She said with a sly grin on her face as she turned around and walked away leaving Kyohei speechless.

"We're here" Sunako said after ten minutes of walking in complete silence they were in front of the giant Mansion. "Ok mom come with me" They walked in the mansion but Kyohei stayed outside for a bit just thinking. But he went in when he heard Sunako scream it wasn't a girlish scream but one of her famous bloody murder screams.

"Whats wrong" Kyohei said out of breath because he ran as fast as he could into the house. But sunako was speechless and all she could do was point. Looking at were she pointed but there was nothing there but the oink wall and Kyohei then turned back to Sunako "There is noth..." Kyohei said before doing a double take. He didn't scream but instead yelled "Why the beep is the walls painted beeping pink. Who the beepen did this to the house. I will beeping strangle them" He continued on like that for ten minutes which felt like hours for everyone listening.

"That boy has one colorful vocabulary" Sunako's mom said as both her husband and daughter nodded in agreement. He had finally finshed when the reason for the room came in to the living room.

"Hello welcome do you like the new decorations" Landlady said

"No" Kyohei yelled

"Well you have to live with it"

"Why we want it the way it was before" Kyohei yelled

"No because that was boring and for guys

"guess what... there are four guys here and this is not right"

"So, my niece is the woman here so deal with it"

"But Aunty I don't like those kind of things" Sunako said.

"Ok"Landlady said and with that she tapped on the wall and it slid up and Kyohei and Sunako's jaws dropped as the walls went back to its original look. All the Landlady did was laugh.

"I'm going to beepen kill you until I beepen feel better then I will beepen bring you back to beepen life just to beepen kill you again" Kyohei just keep on going like that.

"So mom com this way" Sunako said leading her mother to her room letting Kyohei go on with his rant.

"Aren't you going to stop him" Her mother asked as she followed Sunako

"No he will be fine in a few minutes" Sunako said as they got to her room. "Get whatever you want to fight in" With that her mom started to go through all her boxes. Until she seen a ripped picture.

"What is this"

"Oh this is a picture of me and Kyohei" Sunako said looking at the photo over her mothers shoulder. Sunako was in the middle with Kyohei behind her but the original one had more people in it. It was taken a few weeks ago when she started to fell something for Kyohei. "This is Kyohei's" Sunako just blushed at the thought of Kyohei having a picture of just them. After a minutes of looking at the picture her mom went back to looking for some clothes. Until she found some blue jeans and a black shirt.

"These will do" She said as she started to change.

"I guess I should change too" Sunako said grabbing some blue jeans and a light blue button up shirt that was to big for her. It was actually one of the shirts she stole from Kyohei , she loved it because it smelt just like him, and started to put them on.

"Oh my goodness you have really grown" Her mom said from behind her

"W-What are y-you t-talking about" Sunako stuttered as she stepped back

"We have to go shopping tomorrow"She said

"What? Why?" Sunako said still walking back.

"Because you need some clothes that show your cuteness."

"But I can't I'm busy"Sunako said hitting the wall not able to back up anymore.

"With what"

"Um... Aunty's party" Sunako said trying to think of why not.

"That's at night any other reasons" Her mom said smiling

"I wanted to spend time with Kyohei" Sunako said

"He be be going too." her mom said her grin growing even bigger "Anything else"

"No money" Sunako said flat out

"I will pay" Kyohei said going in the room with some tea.

"Were you listening to our conversation" Sunako asked blushing.

"Yeah, I was bringing you tea and I heard talking so I listened" Kyohei said showing her the tea in his hands.

"Did you make it" Sunako asked

"No your dad made it" Kyohei said "He said something about he wanted his daughter to live

"Good" Sunako said with a big grin.

"For your information I can make tea" Kyohei said smiling back.

"No you can't. You can't even boil water without burning it" Sunako said not even see her mom sneak out of the room.

"Yes I can" Kyohei said

"Ok you can make tea" Sunako said getting so close to Kyohei that their noses were almost touched.

"Good because I can't" Kyohei said grinning ear to ear.

"Then why did you say you can" Sunako said still keeping the little distances

"To see your reaction. I love it when your angry" Kyohei said still grinning.

"What so you..." That was all Sunako could say before Kyohei pulled her into him kissing her softly onto the lips, and before she know it she was deepening it. Sunako's hand moved on their own to snake around Kyohei's neck as she played with his hair.

Kyohei's hands were around Sunako's waist. One of his hands started to move up and down her back (over her clothes) sending shivers down her body. Then his other hand started going up her shirt. When he got up about half way not stopping Sunako pulled away.

"What were you doing" Sunako asked

"Sorry" Kyohei said finally realizing what he was doing.

"This time I will forgive you" Sunako said playfully hitting him on the head.

"So we're good" Kyohei asked

"We're always good" Sunako said giving Kyohei a quick peck on the lips.

"You know you've changed" Kyohei said sitting on their bed.

"Have I" Sunako asked sitting next to him.

"Yes you have" Kyohei said teasingly

"Like how" Sunako asked

"Well you don't fight with me that often and you don't scream or try and kill anyone... that often" Kyohei said "All around you've changed"

"Well I changed for you" Sunako said blushing at what she said

"Why" Kyohei asked

"Because I know you don't like ugly girls" Sunako said remembering that one guy.

"No I don't, so good thing you've aways been beautiful" Kyohei said to an astound Sunako. They were mere inches away from each other when the door busted open. Her mom and dad came in.

"Get away from her"Her dad said at the same time her mom said "That's so cute"

"What do you guys want" Kyohei sneered

"Time to go." Sunako's mom said grabbing Sunako and Kyohei's hands and dragged them to the door. They walked out of the house and to the fighting grounds. They walked in silence the whole twenty minute walk.

"Ok there are no weapons and you win when your opponent faints, give up or is off the ring for 10 seconds."

"Alright" Kyohei said

"Alright fight" Sunako and her dad said and the fight started her dad was making play-by-play announcements but Sunako couldn't heard him all she could do was watch her mother and boyfriend fight. She could see everything. Her mother just throw Kyohei fifteen punches and Kicks. Kyohei was bleeding from his left arm, both legs and his head, which was bleeding the most. He wasn't throwing a single punch. He was horrible at blocking but he did stop a few of them. After the first thirty punches and kicks her mom stepped back to see what Kyohei would do.

'I can use that move but I have to aim it to the middle. It should knock her out, but I have to get this blood out of my eye.' Kyohei thought to himself as he wiped the blood from his eye as he got ready to use the Punch. As he throw the punch it hit her in the middle of her stomach and she went flying back and passed out. When she fell and didn't get up Sunako's dad ran to her while Sunako went running to Kyohei

"Kyohei are you ok" Sunako asked trying to wipe some of the blood off his face. He had a few cuts over his right eye were the blood went from and into his eye, his nose was bleeding and his bottom lip was bleeding but it looked like he bit his bottom lip so hard that it started to bleed and there were a few cuts on his cheeks.

"...yeah I'm fine, but you should go see your mother" Kyohei said barely able to stand and breathing hard.

"She is fine, but your not. Your breathing hard and bleeding.. a lot" Sunako said wiping some more blood away. "and your..." That was all she could say before she felt Kyohei's warm lips on her. She could taste a little bit of blood too.

"Just shut up and help me to a seat" Kyohei said as he fell on her shoulder and she took him to the seat she had once use. As he sat Sunako's mother woke up. She was in the seat next to him.

"Are you ok" Sunako asked

"Yeah I'm fine" Her mom said then she turned to Kyohei "where did you learn that at" she asked with a serous look on her face.

"I don't remember who taught me because it was so long ago" Kyohei said pausing to think. "I don't why I learned it. Why?"

"Because that is the move that I taught you when you were about four i think." She said "I thought it to you so that you didn't hurt girls and to protect Sunako. When I told you to protect Sunako you learned it in a week." She started to laugh when she seen the look on their face. "and it's all true. But I wont tell you anymore until tomorrow."

"Tomorrow" Kyohei said finally understanding what was going on.

"Yup tomorrow but tonight you have to rest for the shopping were going to do" She said with a big grin on her face. With that they all got up and started to walk home.

"I'm hungry" Kyohei said as they walked home. He was using Sunako's shoulders to lean on as he walked.

"When we get home I'll make you some fried shrimp" Sunako said

"Thanks, babe" Kyohei said teasing then it was like the ground was moving to him till he hit the ground. Sunako felt her heart bet faster and then slower."I'm sorry" Sunako just helped him back up and they walked what seemed to be fast home. Sunako took Kyohei into the dinning room and sat him down in the chair.

"mom, dad you can take my old room" Sunako said leading them out of the dinning room.

"Old room" Her dad asked "why is it your old room"

"It's this way, I will sleep in Kyohei's room tonight" Sunako said grinning ignoring him.

"You better not do anything to my angel" Her dad yelled to Kyohei as her mom draged him away "or I will kill you" Was ecoing through the hall. All Sunako did was laugh and went into the kitchen to start cooking after a few seconds it was quiet. Then minutes went in this silence when Sunako heard the door open. She didn't turn around because before she could someone was on her back their warm body against hers. Then she felt arms going around her neck as she felt his breath against her neck.

"Kyohei" Sunako said in a soft whisper. It was so soft that only her and the man behind her could her it.

"Yes" Kyohei softly whispered back.

"Shouldn't you be sitting" Sunako said

"I wanted to be with you" Kyohei said still in the soft whisper in her ear.

"But your hurt" Sunako said turning around.

"Not that badly" Kyohei said. It was then that Sunako realizes how close they were. They were so close that the only space she felt was at their heads that was even losing space fast.

"I'm almost done how about you go sit down and I will bring it out." Sunako said turning back around breathing hard to rid herself of the thoughts that were going through her mind at rapid speed, but Kyohei wasn't helping. He was nibbling her left ear and kissing her neck up and down. Sunako turned around and pushed herself on him. He was pushed so hard that he was against the wall. She was then kissing him with a deep and passionate kiss as she kissed him she started to unbutton his shirt. It took all his might just to get himself to push her away.

"Are you sure because if I start I wont be able to stop." Kyohei said

"I don't know" Sunako said finally thinking "no not yet"

"Ok I've waited all of these years I think I can wait a little longer" Kyohei said as he buttoned up all the buttons she had undone. As Sunako went back to cooking. As she cooked they remand quiet."

"Ok Kyohei here you go." Sunako said handing the plate to him. "Their hot though" With that they went into the dinning room and eat from the plate. Every now and again their hands would touch and Sunako would get flushed. "I'm going to go take a shower" 'a very cold shower' she thought.

"Ok I'll see you in the room" Kyohei said eating somemore .

"Yeah see you in the room" Sunako said walking away. When Kyohei finished his shrimp he got up to go to his room when he heard the door open. It was almost midnight so Kyohei thought it was Just Ranmaru, but in walked Takenaga too. "What are you doing out so late, Takenaga"

"Well Noi's parents liked me a lot so they tried to get me to spend the night" Takenaga said " They were even talking about marriage so I told them I had a lot of things to do, but took them until a while ago to let me go. Then I walked home" he took a deep breath " can you believe that I've only been going out with Noi for only about a year and their already talking about marriage"

"Well my parents have been talking about marriage for a while too." Ranmaru said

"Yeah well at least their your parents talking to you about it. I have my girlfriends parents talking to me about it" Takenaga said.

"You both lose" Kyohei said. It was then that they noticed the bandages on his face. "I have had an arranged marriage since I was little by both my parents and the girls"

"Really who is the girl? Does Sunako know? What are you going to do about it? Do we know her?" Ranmaru asked. "Is that why you have all those band-aids? Did you guys fight?"

"No its not something like that it's more like me and Sunako are arranged to get married" Kyohei said with that the guys mouths dropped. "Well I'm going to bed" With that he left out but to get to his room he had to pass the bathroom. He didn't hear the shower going though. 'she must be in the room' he thought but right when he was in front of the bathroom the door opened and out came Sunako. All Kyohei could do was stare, Sunako was standing there with her hair down and was wrapped in a towel. She wasn't soaking wet be wet enough for you to see the water on her skin, her skin that looked as smooth as it felt in the kitchen.

"What are you staring at" Sunako said punching Kyohei sending him down the hall way with blood running down his nose.

"Nothing, so why are you out of the bathroom like that." Kyohei indicated to the towel.

"Oh I was going to go toborrow some of your pajamas." Sunako said. "For some reason my pajamas wont fit me anymore I can't even button them all the way up"

"Ok then here" Kyohei said taking of his shirt handing it to Sunako who had a confused look on her face. "The guys are in there and I don't want them see you like this when I don't even get to see you like this." With that he was once again hitting the wall face first. Sunako just stomped of to the room with Kyohei following from behind grinning. Kyohei went over to his dresser and pulled out some pajamas for her.

"Turn around while I change" Sunako said as he turned around. "Kyohei do you think we are good for each other." Sunako was buttoning up the pajamas and every no and again Kyohei would sneak a peek at her. His eyes would gaze down her legs and up her body not looking to her face so she wouldn't know he was looking

"No I don't" Kyohei said. Without even seeing her face or looking in her eyes he could feel her upset face settling on to his back " We fight all the time we can never see eye to eye, but I guess that's why I love you." He could barely hear it as she gave out a sigh of relief. As she was walking up to him it was now her turn to press against his back wrapping her arms around his waist. He started to entangle his hands in hers.

"Thanks"She whispered into his back. Her head leaning against him. Kyohei then pulled her arms from around him and turned around so he was facing her.

"You should be thinking me" Kyohei said with his usual grin on his face. This caused Sunako to punch him into the wall. When Kyohei finally got up he just laughed. "You should go to bed you have a long day tomorrow"

"You can't tell me what to do and you have just as long of a day as I do."

"I will but I have to do something before I go to bed" With that he walked to the door.

"I will help" Sunako said as she followed Kyohei out the door. They went to the room that Takenaga and Ranmaru were still sitting with their mouths wide open. "Whats up with them." Sunako started to poke them when she got close enough.

"I told them about us and they went into shock" Kyohei said walking over to takenaga and put him on his shoulder.

"Didn't they already know about us" Sunako asked picking up Ranmaru.

"They didn't know about our marriage." Kyohei explained as they took the guys to their room.

"Oh I get it now" Sunako said as Kyohei went to go to the bathroom to change. Sunako cozied into the bed and was asleep when Kyohei walked in. Kyohei laid into the bed and gave Sunako a kiss on the forehead with cause him to roll over and lay on his chest. He just stared at the ceiling thinking about how he found his true love. With that one thought he fell asleep from the feeling of Sunako's warm breath on his chest.

So what does the next day have in store for them. What is the truth about the arranged marriage. Find out in The Truth and The Party

Sorry I started typing like four days ago and I just got it finished this was a eleven page long chapter. I have one clue when the next one will be up though I have it already up but with summer coming I will try to get it up. That's all R&R =)