Seme, Teme, and Uke

Yay I'm soooooooo happy that the laptops finally fixed , though not having got me over writers block for many stories, so I've got a ton of shit for yall.

Warning: slash and shortness

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Sasuke was in the room he and Naruto shared when Naruto came in.

"Hey Seme, I, I mean Teme." Naruto blushed.

Sasuke looked up from the book he was reading. "Seme? I think that can be arranged, Uke." Naruto blushed more, and Sasuke, not being able to stand it any longer, threw his book down, pushed Naruto against the wall and kissed him forcefully. When they pulled apart, Sasuke said, "You know you look really sexy when you blush like that.

Naruto blushed again and Sasuke pulled him in for another kiss.

I like how this turned out, do you? Feed back much appreciated.

Buh-bye now,

Plain Jane Is A Vampire