
Ah, you know, crack is often formed in the company of friends... So this is once again dedicated to Chocolate Confection. This ficcy was originally going to go along the lines of TezuRyo and bashing in pillars so personality would leak out - No I am not insane.

But anyway, please enjoy this TezuFuji ficcy!

x Pillar x 300 words x Dedicated to Chocolate Confection

Tezuka was rather uncomfortable.

Not because of his seating conditions, of course. His bed, albeit not the softest mattress around, was to his tastes - simple, and not broken. He was sitting on his bed with his back against the headboard, his head leaning on his pillow.

What was making him uncomfortable was not an 'it', but rather, a 'he'.


Tezuka finally spoke up.

'Why are you lying on my lap?'

Fuji looked up at him, an innocent smile on his face. 'Noun. 1 - a tall vertical structure used as-'

'Fuji,' Tezuka said sternly, 'Speak in Japanese.'

Fuji's smile only grew wider. 'Fine then, Tezuka. Noun. 1 - a tall vertical structure used as a support for a building or ornament. 2 - a person or thing providing reliable support.'

Tezuka stared back, his stern expression making Fuji laugh.

'It describes you well, doesn't it, Tezuka?'

Tezuka waited for Fuji to explain.

'You are quite tall, I suppose,' Fuji said in an absentminded tone. 'And you are supporting a building, if we consider supporting Seigaku, the school, as supporting a building.'

'Fuji-' Tezuka tried to ask what on earth Fuji was talking about, but Fuji continued.

'And you certainly are providing me reliable support.' Fuji smiled up at Tezuka, his smile rather iniquitous. 'I mean, your lap makes a rather comfortable pillow.'

'...Fuji, what are you talking about?' Tezuka asked, Fuji having be quiet.

'The definition of a pillar. Seems like you fit the definition perfectly.' Fuji's eyes were closed, making him seem serene.

Tezuka didn't understand.

'But the thing is, if you're the pillar of support, isn't it hard to provide support from above?' Fuji questioned.

Tezuka still didn't understand.

Fuji translated, the expression on his face teasing. 'Shouldn't you be the one bottoming instead of me?'

Tezuka frowned.

Fuji smiled. x owari

No omake. I am a lazy butt.

But as my old 100 ficcy goal is finished, I have a new goal - Write for 100 fandoms before the end of Summer 2008. So, now, I'm taking requests for basically any fandom. n.n

And anyway, wouldn't a review from you be just lovely? -awinchan