This visits me every night
I see the blood, feel my mind full of
Violence..unthinking coldness
Blood-stained, crippled bodies
Lie crumpled on the floor in
Front of my eyes.

Violet eyes are open, blank and
Among the littered bodies, I see
Brunette hair dirtied by crimson blood.
...Hakkai?....the corpse looks like Hakkai...
But it has longer hair
The other one has black hair..he bears so much
Resemblance to Gojyo...

And my hands are stained.
With thick, dark red, dripping
Yet, I remember

Memory evades me as I
Even as I fall into the sudden darkness
That has opened up beneath me and then
I wake up.
Soaked to the bone, and I'm relieved to feel
The familiar hard whack on my head
And I know that they are alive.

Unlike my