lol. alright, so this chapter is a bit strange and it is meant to be so. If you read this, you must read the second chapter too. :)

It was a bright warm spring day, and Narpunzel was braiding his long blond hair. It was, in fact, his thirteenth birthday.

"La la la la la," he sang as he ran his mother-of-pearl comb through the end of his golden locks.

"My love?" A voice called.

Narpunzel looked toward the open window. "Hm?" He lifted his soft blue dress so he could walk. "Who beckons for me?"

"It is I, your true love. Throw down your long hair that I may climb it and rescue you from your tall prison."

Narpunzel's breath caught. He leaned out the window. "Here, it is coming!" He dropped his hair out the window. He felt a slight tug as his rescuer began his ascent.

A few moments later a silhouette became visible above the trees. At first all Narpunzel could see was a few shiny locks of hair. Then, an emerald vest.

The man almost hit a loose stone.

"Be careful!" Narpunzel gasped.

The man looked up. "I am all right."

Narpunzel froze. The person looking up at her had huge buggy eyes… and a bowl cut.

"Sir?" Narpunzel choked out the word.

"I am Sir Lee." He gave Narpunzel thumbs up and a smile. Then, he quickly grabbed back onto Narpunzel's hair.

Narpunzel realized with a panic that Sir Lee was wearing orange leg warmers.

He panicked. He shook his hair and tried to knock Sir Lee off.

"Whoa! Be careful! I could fall!" Lee laughed but held firm.

Narpunzel looked around for anything he could use to get rid off Lee. Being a prisoner, he wasn't given much in the way of weaponry. He had a dinner knife…but that seemed a bit harsh. He threw his pillow out the window.

"Hey, you dropped your pillow!" Lee held it in his hand.

Narpunzel yelled, "I know!" as he tossed a chair out.

"I am sorry. I cannot hold it all. I am afraid I dropped your pillow."

Narpunzel threw a plate. Still, Lee held firm.

Narpunzel held his breath as he did the last thing he could think of. He grabbed the dinner knife and… cut his hair.

"Whoa!" Lee yelled.

Narpunzel breathed a sigh of relief. He reached a hand up to touch his hair. He felt strange, lighter without his long locks.


Narpunzel turned in disbelief to see Lee clinging to and trying to climb into the window.

Narpunzel ran to the window and placed both hands on Lee's head. He shoved Lee as hard as he could.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Narpunzel put a foot on Lee's head as well and grunted as he pushed him.

"Wait-hey!" Lee fell.

Boom Lee hit the ground. "I'm okay!"

Narpunzel glanced at the emerald necklace that had come off of Lee's neck. "You can have this back!" He threw the necklace out the window.

Narpunzel looked at himself in the mirror. His hair was frayed from the quick cut and his fingernails were broken. He sighed.

lol. i told you it was weird but please, continue. ;) and, lol, i WILL NOT call him Narpunzel in the second chapter. in fact, i refuse to do so.