The hours ticked away slowly at my ending life, and the start of my new one.
"Are you all packed?" Charlie smiled sadly. His discomfort was as obvious as the sun in the sky, well the sun anywhere but in Forks. Ever since I mentioned Edward was going to Alaska too, he had been uncomfortable no matter what I said to reassure him.
"Yeah, just about," I sighed, tucking my cd player between the legs of a pair of jeans in my suitcase. Edward's lulliby was still inside. I had listened to it every night since I excepted his proposal. That, is what had made me uncomfortable. We hadn't told Charlie, and we wouldn't for a few weeks. If I told him now, then he could easily prevent me from going using who knows what force. But if I was in Alaska when I told him the news, he would have to accept it regardless.
I only had one suitcase and a small carry-on bag. I would worry about getting warmer clothes when I got to Alaska. Not that it would matter, Alice assured me, the cold wouldn't be much of a problem to us. The heavy clothes just made us look less suspicious, we had to "blend in" she told me.
Charlie pulled my suitcase off the bed, and carried it downstairs to the kitchen. I followed, my carry-on slung around my shoulder. I dreaded what I would have to do next.
The only thing left was the goodbyes. I would make sure I took my time during this part of the process. Only time would tell when I would see Charlie again.
He stepped foreward akwardly, and I stepped into him, completing the hug. He lay his head on my hair, not letting me go. I listened to his breathing, and his heart beat, tuning it with my own. His arms were fastened around me tightly, and I thought that any minute I would faint from lack of oxygen.
Finally, he released me, a decades worth of goodbyes didn't compare. Even as excited as I was to leave with Edward, I still felt bad leaving Charlie alone. He held me at arms length, his large hands on my shoulders. "Bella, don't forget your old dad now, remember to call sometimes," his smile was genuine, "have fun kid."
"Thanks, dad," I blinked back the tears I knew would eventually come. You have no idea how much fun it'll be. I thought to myself.
Then, as if planned, a loud knock echoed through from the door. I scrambled to answer it, knowing who would be on the other side.
Edward Cullen, my Edward, stood there on the porch. He smiled at me, but his smile didn't quite reach his eyes. I knew immediately somthing was wrong, but I smiled back, making sure my face didn't show anything.
"Hello, Edward," Charlie leaned against the counter. Charlie had forgiven Edward for the most part, but I knew Charlie still held some kind of grudge. He didn't like the fact that I was leaving with the person who caused me so much grief a few months ago.
"Hello, Cheif Swan," Edward greeted him politely.
Edward helped me get the few things I had and took them to the shiny Volvo parked further down the driveway.
"So you're going straight to the airport? You know I can take you," Charlie attempted weakly, but his emphesis on "straight" was clear. He knew by now that I wouldn't change my mind.
"Yes, dad," I turned to leave. Lying was a piece of cake for me now. I knew perfectly well, that I wasn't going to Alaska by plane. Edward was at the door waiting for me.
"Ready, Bella?" his voice was luring and patient.
"Yep," I managed to say before my heart pounded loudly. Edward stifled a laugh and I put my head down quickly as I left so he couldn't see my reddened face.
"Bye, dad!" I called from the passenger side of the Volvo before I got in. Charlie waved and shut the door, keeping the rain from getting inside.
My white sweatshirt was already wet from the rain and my hair was beginning to plaster to my face. As we drew closer to the Cullen's house, pushing 95 mph, I had to ask the question eating away at my mind, "what's wrong? You don't seem pleased." I glanced at his expression from the corner of my eye.
He seemed to be chosing his words carefully. Then, he looked at me with deep intensity. His eyes were coal black, his stare piercing. His gaze narrowed to mine, "our plans have changed."
(a/n) Well, that's the first chapter in my ending to Eclipse, by Stephanie Meyer. I can't wait to put the next chapter up!!! I have so many ideas. So everyone is reading fanfic. endings, but the next book in the Twilight series will come out next August. If you want information, go to Stephanie's sight. Also, there might be a movie!!! Yay! Well, please rate and comment! I do not own anything of Stephanie Meyer's. This is purely fanfiction and is in no way associated with the real work.