When Hearts Turn Evil ~ When Hearts turn Evil ~

A/n: I don't own DBZ but I do own Makashin, Jashiki, Onyxeyi, Silverina, and Zashiki. This is a a/u fiction with lime in later chapters. V/B G/CC K/18


In the beginning of Earth, five guardians were assigned to keep track of the activities that transpired on the planet. Kami, who was chosen to be the guardian of protection, was a simple namek with dedication to preserve the planet. Onyxeyi, a she-demon, was chosen as the guardian of female lust and power due to her chaotic past in hell. Silverina, a guardian angel, was chosen to be the guardian of female love and compassion since she kept women hearts in peace. Makashin, a demon-lord, was chosen to be the guardian of male power and dominance for he kept the balance of good and evil alive. The final guardian was Jashiki, an angel warrior, to be the guardian of male compassion and love so he could help warriors realize that evil hearts do not prevail. Kami always tried to keep the other guardians from fighting since it took their attention away from the earth. He never had to worry about Makashin and Jashiki fighting, they always got it out with wars and bloodshed. With Onyxeyi and Silverina that wasn't the case. As time passed Kami lost patience with the women, so he paid a visit to both of them. Little did Kami know that would be the worst thing he could ever had done.


As she sat on her marble throne, Onyxeyi stretched her leathery wings. She was appalled at the pitiful excuses for human women these days.

"Why, women of earth, do you choose to be treated like dirt by the men of the world?" she screamed as she clutched a nearby minion by its throat. Annoyed at the squealing of the pathetic slave in her hand, she snapped its neck and threw the corpse on the floor.

Any man would be worshipping this female if she were only human. Onyxeyi was beautiful beyond any creature's standards. Her raven hair cascaded past her shoulders and a few tendrils fell across her forehead. Her gown flowed around her lithe figure as if it were liquid silk. Her nails where painted ebony and shimmered in the light of the abyss. To a common bystander she looked weak, to many learned to late that it was not the case. Not only did Onyxeyi have strength she had torturous spells awaiting her command. With one slim finger she could rip the heart out of any soul that dared to cross her.

"My lady, Kami, the guardian of protection is here to see you." Zashiki, the she-demons servant said respectfully.

Onyxeyi rolled her eyes. "Tell the bag of bones to come to me." The last thing that she wanted to deal with is that holier than now namek.

"Onyxeyi, Mistress of Lust and Power, I must speak to you about Silverina and your constant fighting." Kami said respectfully to the demon vixen. He hated dealing with this guardian more than any other guardian, because he knew that the vixen despised him.

"What about that sorry excuse for an angel? She should rot in hell for what she has done to the female race on Earth! The gentler of the species my tail! Women should be powerful and not bow down to the men of the Earth." Onyxeyi spat out.

"My Lady, I understand your position, all I come here to ask is you and Silverina quit fighting on this realm and watch over the earth as we were assigned to do. You have your duties to keep the scale of darkness level to the scale of light." Kami spoke the last words softly.

"Keep the scale even you say?" She snorted, "If it is wished so it will be done." She replied with an evil glint to her violet eyes. "Now be gone namek, you have no right for discussion in my presence."

Kami didn't think twice about it. "Yes, My Lady, thank you." He dissipated back to his realm.

"So…the namek wants evil? He will get more than he bargained for." With that she raised a finger and projected a scrying mirror in front of her. "I think its time that I gave the rest of the guardians a run for their money." She scanned the earth for the three women that would make her plan complete.

"Ah, there you are my dolls, come to me." The vixen said as she curled one finger toward her. As she spoke the last words, the three women stood before her dazed and confused. The aqua-haired woman cried out in terror once she caught a glimpse of the she-demon. The blonde-haired woman acted like nothing was amiss while the raven-haired woman crouched in a fighting position.

"Calm yourselves…trust me I am not one to be threatened", Onyxeyi purred softly.

The three women stood there not knowing where this was going to lead them.


Please C/C is welcome. Next chapter will be up later on 8/23 in the evening.