A/N: O this rather lame.

There she is walking. Walking along on her stupid legs. Walking along on her stupid legs with Harry. Walking along on her stupid legs with my Harry! Damn her! What is he thinking? I can cry, we all can cry. If it'll get me Harry I'll cry night and day till the cows come home! Its bloody crap is what it is! That's all she ever does. Ok a little harsh but if she really felt that sad about Cedric she wouldn't even be thinking about Harry. I don't even care if she's in the DA tomorrow in the room of requirement im going to expeliarmous her ar-

"Hey Ginny, where's your little Boyfriend?" Ron asked poking out his chest and going all older brother mode.

Can't he tell I'm spying? If he doesn't leave he is so going to be on my hit list come tomorrow in Dumbledore's Army, Right under Cho! They are both just so infuriating! They both spend more time with Harry than I ever will, leaving me to believe that I will die a long old woman like my Aunty Muriel. It's sad, I'm sad. I'm now standing behind a shelf in Zonko's pretending to be interested what's on offer and pretending to be listen to my brother. I hope he doesn't ask me a question because I really haven't been listening. I did hear a bit of what he said that sounded like "I won't hand over my quill to the man that calls me fickle!" Does that even make sense? I doubt Ron even knows what fickle is. He was probably scabbing money off me. He's such a scab.

Cho and Harry are just laughing away like two laughing people that laugh at something that's worth laughing at. I'll bet it wasn't funny and Harry's pretending to be humored by a lame knock knock joke, or even better he's laughing at how ridiculously lame she laughs. Now I'm laughing, it is funny.

"What are you laughing at?" Ron asked his eyebrows rose.

"It's a joke shop,…duh, funny place Ron…its not a Sin.." Phew that was convenient.

He left yes muttering something about Hermione and a meeting with Harry. Wait! Oh finally he says something interesting and he left.

Oh whats going on here? Are the love birds going into Madam Padifoots are they? How lovely! Absolutely precious. – Yick. I hope she suffocates from the perfume in there. Now that would be a laugh. I can imagine it now – "Harry I have something to tell you…."

"Yes Cough Beeeeeeeeeeeep." She flat lines, like on those medical muggle shows.

Harry of course being the hero would try and save her, but it would be too late. Mwahaha. Besides he has bigger things to deal with than Miss exuse my while I cry for the rest of eternity about something I don't care about.

A/N: Might make it a chapter one though…like almost short Monolouges. All about Ginny.