Okay .. -blushes and hides in a distant corner- this is my first time writting here, so please take care of me -grins-. In my opinion, this chapter is sooo boring! And the next one will probably be the same, so this is my main dissatisfaction, but I need to explain things before going on with the story. Kagome is a bit changed from the original series (a bit more!) and I need to explain why. The next chapter will bring new characters, and only in the third chapter will the real action begin -grins-. So please bear with my style a little bit longer, and I promise that things will get livelier. Thank you!

P.S.:This thing is rated T, or possibly M (for language; everyone here has a bad mouth!); Kagome is 17, Sango 18 and Miroku and Inuyasha 19.

P.-P.S: Oh, and I don't own Inuyasha. Rumiko Takahashi does, but she's willing to borrow him to us .. isn't she? -grins while looking at a far, far away table, where Takahashi-san is; she turns our way and blows a raspberry towards us- .. Sheesh, and everyone was wondering where did Naraku got his features .. -blows raspberry towards Takahashi-san-

Chapter 1 – A bad girl

"Sango! Sango, dammit, wake up already!" someone growled, and anyone could harly tell it was a girl; she was leaning over the bed of her flatmate, shouting as hard as she could at 9 o'clock in the morning. "SANGO, GET UP! … Or I'll call Miroku, and maybe he'll want to come and wake you up", the girl said, as she smirked.

In just one second, a beautiful girl rose up from the bed, with a horrified look on her face. "Kagome, you wouldn't", she said. Kagome started laughing. "Morning to you too, Sango".

Both of them got off of Sango's bed, with Kagome still laughing. Sango started giggling herself.

"So, what are we doing 'till school starts?" Sango started, yawning. It was Monday morning, and since both the girls were in highscool, Sango being 18 in her last year and Kagome being 17 in her second year, they still had to go to school. "Normally, we start school at 8 in the morning, but with some unexpeted things happening", Sango said as she glanced at Kagome, who grinned, knowing it was her fault, "today we start at 11 and finish at 17. That's why I wanted to sleep more," Sango finished as she started whining. Kagome laughed.

"First, what possibly could I have done when I saw that big kid bullying another one?" Kagome asked, as she gave Sango some puppy-eyes.

"Well, anything besides throwing with blue paint at him", Sango started laughing. "You messed up the entire wall of the school, and that bucket went exactly in the chairman's window, breaking it and making a mess in his office, too. Lucky they didn't punish you, 'cause they had to prepare and clean up for today's inspection."

"Yeah, yeah", Kagome smiled devilishly, and Sango shuddered, knowing what it meant. "Oh yeah, and second," Kagome continued, "I had to wake you up 'cause I'm going early to school. I took a shower and I'm gonna go change my clothes, and I'm off". Kagome had to wake up Sango because they had only one key to the flat, which was Sango's (Kagome always forgot to go get a spare).

"Okay," Sango replied, "I'm gonna go take a shower, don't go until I finish."


After 20 minutes, Sango got out of the bathroom to see Kagome in front of the wall-mirror in the hall. She wore a sweater with black, green and pink stripes, long jeans and a pair of runners (since it was the end of October, and it was pretty cold), and was combing her raven hair, which had a single green lock in the right side of her head. Sango sighed, remembering a how she met Kagome two months ago.


Two months ago, on a Saturday; it was late and it was pouring ouside. Sango was two streets away from her flat, where she lived alone. She had to go get a book from the library, and now was running, hoping that she wouldn't get all wet from the rain. Suddenly, she saw some girl sitting on the grown and leaning on a wall. She had nice clothes and looked all clean (as clean as you can look when you're standing in the rain), so Sango thought she wasn't someone bad, but someone in need of help, so she rushed there.

"Are you okay?" Sango asked. Just when she wanted to put her hand on the girl's head, the girl slaped her hand.

"Get away from me!" the girl screamed, and Sango noticed she was trembling, and her voice as well, maybe because it was cold, or because she had cried.

"What's going on?," Sango tried again, "Tell me, are you okay?"

"Leav .. Lea .. LEAVE ME THE DAMN ALONE!", the girl suddenly screamed, as she look at Sango, who gasped, looking at her face. 'She cried!' Sango though, looking at her red eyes and cheeks.

Sango sighed as she started trying again. "Look, come with me", she said as she grabbed the girl by her hand, and this time the girl didn't oppose anymore, "it's cold out here, and it's pouring, with no sign of stopping, so how'bout a nice cup of tea?" Sango finished, as she grinned and started pulling the girl's hand. Surprisingly, the girl obeyed, and just followed her.

-----End flashback-----

"…go…ango…SANGO!!" Kagome shouted, standing in front of her flatmate. "Sango, what's up? You were all dazed and stuff, scared me for a while!" said Kagome, as she hugged Sango goodbye. "It's 9 and a half, how'bout you going to change and, I don't know, maybe eat?" Kagome grinned.

Sango smiled. "Sure. And since I know that you didn't eat, how'bout I bring you today some homemade food at school?" At that, Kagome's grin grew ever bigger. "Sure", she said, as she prepared to leave.

"Hey, Kags", Sango said, and Kagome looked at her, "don't do anything TOO bad at school. There's this inspection today, some big-and-high guys want to check the school out, we don't need the papers next morning saying stuff like "17 year old student locks up inspectors in girl's bathroom" or "Incredible, student forces inspectors to eat the food at the canteen by holding a bucket of yucky-stuff above their heads", Sango said as she started laughing. Kagome also started laughing, and then grinned madly. "You know, the whole stuff with the forcing to eat and bucket of yucky-stuff might be something", she said, as both girls started laughing even harder.

"Seriously Kags –" Sango wanted to say, but was cut off by Kagome opening the door and stepping out. "HEY, LISTEN TO ME!!" Sango roared, as Kagome started laughing.

"Yeah, yeah, I get the point. But, Sango-chaaan," Kagome said making the puppy-eyes, "Am I sooo bad?", and Kagome started sniffing.

Sango started laughing. "Neah, it's just that you always cause trouble", she said as she giggled, then waved goodbye to Kagome, closed the door, and started making the packed food for today. 'What a girl!' she thought, and memoried started to once again gather in her mind.


After reaching her flat and bringing the girl with her, she gave her some clothes of her own, and said she should get a shower, pointing at the bathroom. The girl, who Sango had learned was called Kagome, obeyed, and took a shower, while Sango was making tea and some sandwiches to eat.

'I wonder what exactly happened to that girl', Sango thought, 'she looks so pretty, I don't think anyone dumped her'

Her thoughts stopped when she saw Kagome leaning against the door frame, with a towel on her head. She was indeed pretty, but she looked so sad, Sango's heart melted when she saw her.

"Umm, want to -" but she stopped when she saw Kagome leaving the kitchen and heading towards the living room, where she layed herself on the couch and closed her eyes. Sango would have thought this was rude, but when she saw Kagome like that, it was like she had a relative in her house, not a complete stranger.

'She must be sooo tired', Sango thought.

"Umm, I understand that you're tired, but don't you wanna eat first?" Sango asked, politely.

Kagome didn't answer, and Sango sweat-dropped. She stood there for another 5 minutes, and then, a hard voice said "No".

'Oh well, at least I tried', Sango said to herself.

Then she said, "Hey, tomorrow I have to go meet some teacher at school, you cand stay here. I'll be out early in the morning, and return by .. let's say 11, ok?". Kagome nodded, and Sango left.

Next morning, Sango left at 7 in the morning, while Kagome was still sleeping. She returned at 11, as she promised, and was astonished to see that nobody was home.

"What the .." she started as she looked in every corner of the house. "Kagome! .. Kagome, are you here?" she asked, with no response.

Just then she heard some noises from the living room, and rushed there, to see Kagome coming in from the window (they lived at the first floor and had emergency stairs).

"Hey", Kagome said, as she looked at the news-paper in her left hand and took a sip from the cup of coffee she had in her right hand.

"Wha .. Where were you? Why did you go out? What did you do?" Sango said, worried.

Kagome looked at her indifferently. "I was out, jogging; I had to clear up my mind. On the way, I found some shops, and bought this news-paper. Then I started looking at the job offers in the news-paper, hoping I would find something fine. I had no luck, so I returned here. The coffee I bought it on the way back", she said, as she finished the coffee.

"Jobs? Work? Kagome, doesn't school start in a couple of weeks?" Sango asked.

"Yeah, so? I think I'm at the same school as you are, but I'm not going anymore."

"Whaaat?! Kagome, you have to! You can't just leave like that! I don't know what happened with you, but I'm not going to let you drop out of school. But anyway, it's Sunday, so we're going shopping, got it? And you're staying with me for now, because I don't think you have another place to go," Sango finished.

Kagome smirked; "Okay, if you insist," she said.

-----End flashback-----

Sango was so occupied remebering things, that she forgot to lock the door, and didn't even notice when it creaked and a figure got into the house, creeping towards where she was. And suddenly ..

"What, YOU PERVERT!!!" she screamed, as she slapped the person beside her. "I knew it was you, Miroku, I KNEW IT!! You LECHER!!" she finished, panting.

"What, Sango, can't you hit me even harder than that?" the person, obviously Miroku, an 19-year old happy pervert said, while he was grinning lecherously.

"Damn you, Miroku," Sango started, "Why are you here?"

"I came to give the two most important girls in my life, meaning you and Kagome, a ride to school (Miroku had stayed back one year in school); obviously, first how about we going to get a drink somewhere, 'cause it's only 10. And by the way, where is Kagome, and what were you doing, standing there in a daze?"

"First, you say 'most important girl in my life' to all the girls, so don't dare say it to me and Kagome, got it? Second, bad timming, Kagome went ahead to school by foot, and third, I was .. I was remembering how I met Kagome, and how my life like this started," Sango finished.

"Oh yeah," Miroku giggled, "remember when we went to the mall that Sunday?"

"Yeah", Sango started laughing, as she pointed the living room to Miroku. "Go stay there, I'm gonna go change, and DON'T YOU DARE PEEK ON ME!"

Miroku nodded, as he obeyed. He knew Sango could be bad if she wanted. Well, not as bad as Kagome; the last time when he tried to peek on Kagome, she threw him out the window; luckly, he landed on the emergency stairs, but got a few bruises.

After a few minutes, Sango entered the living room smiling, with a couple of cups of tea in her hand.

"I just remembered how Kagome said about you, after you two first met at the mall", Sango giggled. "I qoute: Damn pervert! I would curse his generation and all (Sango just learned Kagome was a Miko) with some sort of a Wind Tunnel maybe, so when he gropes other women, that damn hole gets damn bigger! ". Both Miroku and Sango started laughing.

"Yeah," continued Miroku, "and remember when you tried to buy her some cute clothes?"

"Oh yeah, she just got mad, and said that she didn't like the clothes," Sango laughed. "I admit, I was starting to get pretty damn annoyed there, and I was even thinking to cancel the whole thing, but then she just showed up out of nowhere and shoved us into th-" but Sango stopped herself, as she turned her head away from Miroku, trying to hide her blush. When Sango stopped, Miroku realized it too, and he too blushed and turned his head.

The thing is, at that time Kagome pushed them both into the janitor's closet, which was a small and dark room, and locked them in. Miroku and Sango had little space to move; in fact, their bodies were inches away. When Miroku tried to scream for help and knock in the door, he accidentally knocked over some cleaning supplies, scaring Sango, which leaned forward .. directly on Miroku!

'At that time, he could've groped me, and put the blame on no light and no space,' Sango thought, still not facing Miroku.

Similar thoughs were running through Miroku's head too. 'At that time, I could've damn groped her all I wanted, and I could've said it wasn't my fault,' Miroku sighed, 'but to damn, I didn't want to at that time. It would've made her upset, and .. I was so damn happy with just 'hugging' her like that .. Sango ..'.

And just for you to know, they stood like that .. almost two hours, without talking. Nobody heard their cries at first, and after they got .. comfy with each other, they didn't need help anymore. Sango even took a nap there, in Miroku's arms.

Anyway, Sango was the first to break the silence between them. "So .. re-remember after we .. got out of there, how we saw Kagome?"

Miroku laughed. "Yeah, she was dressed so damn wicked. She said that it was exactly her style, and dammit, she was right. She bought them all, remember? Half payed by me, and the other half by you two." At this, Sango grinned, as Miroku continued, "Oh, and it whas then when she made that green lock in her right side of the head, no?"

Now Sango laughed. "Yeah, she was saying it was something with her rebellion, and that she didn't want to be like before, and ..," Sango sighed, "and then I convinced her to go to school with me, and then she slowly started fessing up to us…"

"Yeah, who would've known that she ran away from home and had to go through all that .. Sango, do you keep in touch with her family?"

"Duuuuh, sure, I talk with her mom almost everyday, I managed to get their number from the phone book. She has a sweet mother; I would've been the damn hell scared if my daughter decided to live with a stranger, but she just said she was scared when she ran away from home, but now that she knows she's with me, even though she doesn't know me, she thinks her daughter is safe."

"And what did she say about the rebellion phase?

"Oh, about that, she said she isn't a bit scared, because she trusts her Kagome is doing the right thing. And then she asked me if Kagome still goes to a little kit-yokai's class everyday to help him and to talk with him, and I said yes, and then she asked me again if she gives almost all of her lunch to homeless kids that stay near the school, and I said yes, and she said See? Kagome may have cheanged her attitude, but her heart is still the same , and now I think she is right. And anyway, now Kagome is my best friend, my sister you could say" Sango finished, grinning.

"Yeah .. Kagome is one hell of a girl." Miroku said, then suddenly snaped his gaze to the clock on the wall. "Dammit Sango, it's already 10:45! We better get moving!"

Sango nodded, as they both put on their shoes, left the flat and head to Miroku's car.

Phew, finally finished - sweat-dropps-. Next chapter will come soon, please read it too, and wait for the third, that's when the real game begins.

Hugs for all -grins-, Jo // FT-chan