Author's Note and Disclaimer: So here it is, Chapter 8. Time Force Power Rangers with Sailor Moon and the Cardians. I've been thinking about this chapter since the ending of Chapter 7- how was I going to introduce the Rangers to the Scouts, and then I thought about how rarely the female rangers interact with the scouts- I didn't do that on purpose, it just happened. So a quick preview- how will Jen and Katie interact with the Scouts, especially Serena? I do no own Sailor Moon or any of the Power Ranger series.
Please read and review.
Chapter 8: Time Force Meets Serena
Serena eyed Jen and Katie askance. "Do I know you?" Serena asked them even as Katie released Serena from the smothering hug she had given her.
"Are you kidding me?" Katie asked. "We are best friends in crystal Tokyo. You are Ne"-
"Katie, wait you can't just blurt out things about the future," the mechanical voice of the Time Force sentient artificially intelligent owl said.
Serena gasped. The voice had startled her and she looked at him in amazement. The blue owl blinked his eyes rapidly, and turned its head to look around the park, "Wow, Juuban is beautiful this time of year."
Katie smiled, agreeing and turned to Trip, "Take a picture of me!"
"Katie," Jen said, "We don't have time-"
"Jen," Wes interrupted, "Let Katie take a quick picture. We'll get to work in a minute."
"Fine," Jen gave in. She studied the park's rose bushes as Katie took a few quick photos around the familiar-looking park. Of course she recognized it, but in a thousand years, it will look different in many ways. She sighed, impatient.
Trip handed the camera to Lucas and took out the scanner.
Serena came to a quick and shocking conclusion- they were from the future. And, as she noticed their wristbands, they wore morphers, "You're Power Rangers!"
Lucas solemnly nodded, while Jen said, "Time Force officers from the future. And yes, we know you in the future."
"You do?" Serena asked, surprised, "But what's Crystal Tokyo?"
"Never mind that," Trip asks, "Where's King Darien?"
Serena's face clouded over- Darien still didn't remember their destiny, and she had recently discovered that he wasn't the Moonlight Knight. She said, "Darien's memory is still wiped. Wait- did you said King Darien?"
"We meant-" Trip stumbled over his words, trying to choose them carefully.
"That don't worry, you'll be together someday," Katie interrupted.
"Katie-" Circuit said.
"Circuit, don't worry about it," Trip said. The owl blinked, the metal of his eyelids clinking loudly. He flew away, settling in a tree not too far away, his back to them. He was clearly in a huff. Trip rolled own his eyes and called out, "Sorry, Circuit, but we don't have time to watch what we say every minute." The owl ignored him, and Trip gave a sheepish shrug.
Serena had trouble keeping up with the conversation, except to understand that there was hope for her and Darien, which is something she already knew, and that she wasn't supposed to know too much about the future. She interrupted, "Look, obviously, you're rangers, and you know who I am. So if you need help from me and my scouts, you can find us at the Cherry Hill Temple or the Crown Arcade." She turned to walk away just as Jen grabbed her hand.
"We will need your help," Jen said, "That's kind of why we came to look for you and your scouts. Our enemy Ransik has teamed up with your Cardian enemies. They have been attacking this area for energy. Trip's tracking the readings and we've figured this park will be the next target."
"Great," Serena didn't sound very enthusiastic, but she was willing to help the Power Rangers fight against their enemies.
She looked at the Katie and Jen more closely, noticing that they were trying to blend in by wearing kimonos. She sighed, "You know it will be difficult to fight in those kimonos unless you plan on transforming right away."
"What should we fight in?" Katie asked.
"What do you usually wear?"
"Our Time Force uniforms," Jen stated, "Or jeans and t-shirts."
"Well, you're gonna need to change into those," Serena said, her tone becoming urgent and her gaze fixed on a point behind the Rangers.
Wes pivoted quickly and looked at the monster attacking children in the park, "Trip, you were right!" They watched in horror as the monster used tentacles to attach to about a dozen children, and started draining them of energy. The children cried out, screamed in pain.
"Transform, Rangers!" Circuit said.
"Time for," Wes said, and the others moved in unison with him, touching their morphers.
"Time Force!" they shouted, and they sequenced into their suits, double helixes swirling into their chests, and numbers spinning out around them. The fabric of their power ranger suits stretched taut across each body, their helmets shone brightly, and
Serena brought her broach out, cupping it in her hand, "Moon Crystal Power!" Pink ribbons embraced her torso and she felt her skirt appear on her hips. She lifted her arms, the ribbons twining around her arms, forming the gloves. Her boots were a pearl white and her pink stone glimmered as her gold tiara appeared on her forehead.
She and the Time Force officers ran toward the monster. The monster let out a roar that shook the ground. Children screamed and cried, their tears causing Sailor Moon to stop and look scared, "You guys! Let's get the children out of here!"
"There's no time," Jen yelled back, using her Chrono blaster to shoot at the monster. The monster screamed, and the tentacles tightened around the children, breaking a couple of arms. Sailor Moon cried out in sympathy, and ran towards the children, using her tiara as a sword. She yelled out, slashing at the monster's tentacles. She pulled them free, until the monster wrapped his tail around her and constricted it around her. She yelled out, feeling faint, and she watched silver light zoomed up the monster's tentacle. She heard the Rangers yell out and felt the faint burn of a laser as it cut the tentacle off of her. She passed out, and she felt her fuku melt away into her school uniform. As she passed out, she felt warm arms lifting her.
The monster swirled away while the Rangers surrounded Serena. They detransformed and Wes knelt on the ground with Serena in his arms. They heard running footsteps and a voice cried out, "Serena! Oh my god, Serena."
A tall brunette ran towards the group huddled on the ground, and she had lightening striping up her arms. She touched Serena and it seemed as if it sent a shock through her system. Serena jerked, Lita yelped, and then she retreated, her lightning still streaking up her arms, and the Rangers backed away, afraid of the lightening. She looked at them, snapping, "It won't hurt you!"
Jen shook her head, "Lightening?"
"It will shock her awake. I've done it before," Lita said.
"Lita?" Serena whispered, slowly awakening, "I hurt. Call Ami," she slipped into unconsciousness again.
"Oh, no, no, no!" Lita said, "Ami's gonna be pissed."
"Serena shouldn't have gone into battle alone," Lita said, "We still don't know the Cardian's purpose." She pulled out the communicator, holding a whispered conversation with the other scouts.
"To drain energy!" Jen said, "and she wasn't alone," she defensively continued. The other rangers stared at her, "and anyway, we didn't really need her."
"Jen!" Katie and Wes reprimanded her.
Lita clicked off the communicator, "They'll be here soon."
No had noticed Trip and Circuit wander off to the side a little, Trip using his scanning tool, until he said, "Good, because we have less than an hour before that monster comes back. Fully recharged!"
Wes looked around and noticed the injured children still hanging around. He said, "Lucas, Katie, start clearing out those kids. Move the uninjured children to the picnic area," he indicated an area with picnic tables, and a barbeque grill. "Don't move the kids with broken legs, and be careful with the others. Jen, check on the nannies and parents. Trip?"
"Keep scanning."
"Okay, Wes," he grinned.
Jen moved off in a huff, fuming over Lita's implied insult and Wes's taking over. She walked to each adult and babysitter and roughly shook their shoulders. She shook her head as they all remained limp and asleep. She walked back to Wes, Lita, and Serena, stating, "We'll need a barrier to protect them, or we need to move the battle to a less populated place in the park."
Ami and Mina jogged into the park, and Ami took out the Mercury computer, checking Serena over. She sighed in relief, "Nothing broken, just bruised."
Mina turned to the rangers, and said, "Who is responsible for this?"
"The Cardian-" Jen began.
"No! Who didn't protect our princess?!" Mina said, interrupting whatever Jen was going to say.
"Princess?" Wes murmured, surprised.
"We'll explain later," Lucas said to Wes, then tried a charming smile on the scouts, "We didn't expect her to try to stop the monster's tentacles or for the monster to try to steal her energy."
Ami's eyes narrowed, "She went into battle without us? Without calling us?"
"There wasn't time," Katie said, stepping in, "We just got here, we asked for the help from the scouts, and the monster appeared. Out of nowhere."
"Out of the ether," Lita said, helping Ami revive Serena. Serena blinked as she woke up, moaning as the bruises around her torso stung and sent pain up her sides.
"Serena, move slowly, your ribs are just bruised," Ami said, "They'll heal after you transform again."
"Which will be soon," Serena said, sensing that the rangers and the scouts were not willing to tell her. She blinked, still groggy, "What about the children?"
"We moved them," Wes said.
"Good," Serena said, still lying down.
Rei finally joined them, jogging into the park "Oh, god! Serena!"
"She's fine, Rei," Ami said.
"Serena?" Rei asked, double checking.
"Yep," Serena said, beaming her first smile since she woke up, "Just sore and more importantly, the kids are all safe."
"Oh, Serena," Rei said, sighing in relief, "Only you."
"What?" Serena said, clueless.
Rei shrugged, bending down and hug-helping Serena to her feet. Serena swayed a little and Lita put a steadying hand on her shoulder. She nodded her thanks to Lita and then looked at the Rangers, who smiled at her. All except for Jen who told her, "What were you thinking? Stepping in front of those children like that. We don't have time for mistakes like that."
The scouts glared at her, Rei and Lita opening their mouths to say, well anything, to defend their princess.
Then Serena said, "We never put innocents in danger. You should have helped me get the children out of the way. The only way we are going to defeat the monster is for all of us to work as a team." Serena stood straight, subconsciously looking at Jen regally. Jen caught a glimpse of the future queen.
She winced, looking down, avoiding everyone's gaze, she mumbled, "I'm sorry."
Wes said, "We're all sorry. We should have tried harder to get those kids."
"They're safe now, right?" When they nodded, Serena continued, "then that's all that matters. We need to be ready for when the monster reappears."
They heard a cackling filling the air just before the monster flashed in, it's tentacles squirming around, reaching for people to suck energy from.
"Now!" Serena said, holding out her broach, "Moon Crystal-."
"Mars-," Rei began, holding up her scarlet transformation pen as the Mars symbol flared red, flames spitting out.
"Jupiter-," Lita said, the Jupiter sign lighting up yellow-green on the green transformation pen as it began to strobe with her lightening. .
"Mercury-," Ami said, the Mercury sigil shining blue, water fountaining out transforming into blue ribbons.
"Venus-," Mina said, her orange pen's Venus sigil lighting up orange, and stars ribboning out.
"Power!" All five shouted. A rainbow of colors glowed brightly, different colored ribbons embracing each scout; gloves, boots, bows, tiaras, and jewels appearing on white sailor body suits.
"Time for," the Power Rangers began, "Time Force!" They pressed a button on their morphers. They appeared as Rangers within a few minutes.
"In the name of the Moon, we will punish you!" the scouts said.
"Time Force Rangers!' The rangers shouted.
"Remember, team work," Wes reminded Jen. Jen nodded.
The five scouts began their attacks just as the rangers used the V weapons to create the Vortex blaster. "Locked on target! Fire!" The rangers triggered the cannon and a beam shot out of it.
"Mercury Bubble Splash!"
"Venus Crescent Beam Smash!"
"Jupiter Supreme Thunder, Crash!"
"Mars Firebird Strike!"
"Moon Scepter, Elimination!"
The five sailor attacks combined and hit the monster just as the beam from the Vortex blaster slammed into the monster. It shattered into dust and blew away in the moonlight.
"Yes!" Jen shouted in exuberance, her uniform reforming into the kimono she came in. She ran to hug Serena. The other scouts shook hands with the Rangers and Circuit announced that it was time for them to get back to Silver Hills.
They sighed and nodded, summoning the Vector Cycles, and prepared to super speed across the ocean back to their clock tower headquarters and The Nick of Time Odd Jobs office.
Author's note: Wow, that one was pretty long. Not as long as one or two previous chapters. But still pretty long.