Disclaimer- Nope, don't own nothing.
AN: Rory and Tristan are in their senior year. He didn't leave to military school because Rory didn't have that little outburst saying she loved Dean. Dean just didn't come to the school. As always there's so much sexual tension between the two! Hahaha.
Ch. 1-The Bet
"Oh my god! What is it with homecoming?" An aggravated Rory asked her friends as she approached her locker. She opened her locker and put her morning books away and got her books for her afternoon classes.
"What do you mean?" Asked a very confused Madeline as the crew was on their way to the lunchroom.
"Everyone is so…I can't find the word for it." Rory stated.
"Horny? Happy? Lustful? That's what I usually feel near homecoming!" Louise answered.
Rory rolled her eyes and laughed. "No Louise. I mean, everyone is like in the mood to critisize and bet against the school's 'Mary'!"
"What do you mean?" Asked Madeline.
"Well, there are bets going around the school about me. It's really annoying. I hate when people just openly stare at me 24-7." Rory confessed.
"Oooh, I see. And what are some of these bets?" Louise smirked. She had actually partaken in some of these bets. Rory just didn't need to know that!
"Well, one of them is if I'm going to be 'de-Mary-ed', and the other two are if I'm actually going to go and who I'm going with." Rory said in an exasperated tone as they entered the cafeteria.
All eyes were on her as they entered and whispering came along with the stares. "Will this never end?" Rory screamed in her head.
"Why hello Mary. You're looking ravishing today." She heard a familiar voice in back of her. She could just feel his smirk buried in her back.
Reluctantly Rory turned around. "Please Tristan, I'm really not in the mood to start anything today."
"Me ever start anything? Now wherever did you get that idea!"
"Uh, just what do you want Tristan?"
Tristan backed Rory into a wall and whispered, " Do you really want to know?"
Shivers traveled up Rory's spine. What really surprised her was that she really wanted to know! And the way he said it just make her senses go nuts! The smell of his cologne intoxicated her nostrils!
She tried to push him back, but her arms were too weak. Tristan saw the effect he was having on her and decided that he would play with her just a little. He loved seeing her all flustered.
"You know that I started those bets? They've become so popular in just a weeks time! I'm wondering the answers myself, but why when I already know them. You're not going to go to homecoming. You're just going to sit at home on a Saturday night and watch movies all alone while your mother goes out to dinner with Mr. Medina. Even if you did go you would probably show up in one of those old Western dresses that women used to wear in the Old West. You would be all covered up and secluded. You'd bring a book and probably go outside all by yourself!" Tristan told her.
Rory just stared at him with wide eyes. He had pretty much pin-pointed what she was going to do, (even though the Old West dress was a bit much.)
Tristan continued, " And do you know why? Because you Mary don't know how to be sexy or even to have fun! You just sit around and read! Your skirt is so long that my own grandmother probably wouldn't wear it! You don't know how to loosen up!" Tristan smirked waiting for his reaction.
That was it! Rory just blew up inside! How dare he say she didn't know how to have fun, or how to express her self in a sort-of sexual way! She damn well knew how to, but she never had a reason to ever show that side of her to him! "You know what! Screw you! What I do for fun would put your little ass to shame! You're the one who wouldn't know fun if it shoved a foot up your ass! And I sure as hell know how to be sexy! Why the hell would I show you how I can or am sexy? Huh? I have no reason! And I'm sorry if I didn't want to look like a street side hooker wearing those short skirts! But you know what? I'll prove you wrong Tristan DuGrey! It's a month until homecoming. In that month I'm going to totally change. No more long skirts and no more nice Rory! You're going to my bitchy and sexy side. I will blow your mind away. And just to prove your ass wrong once again, I'll go to homecoming with you. I will pick out a 'sexy' dress and blow your mind away. You're going to pick me up from my house on homecoming and you'll be blown away! Put your money where your mouth is DuGrey!" Rory burst at him at the top of her lungs. In the process of yelling at him she didn't realize that she had gotten auful close to his face and the whole cafeteria was staring at her in disbelief.
"And how do you know that I don't have a date already?" Tristan asked.
"Not my problem. Fix it." She said simply. And with that she winked at Tristan DuGrey and strutted out of the cafeteria with Madeline and Louise on her tail. As soon as she got out though she realized what she had said and was really beginning to regret it!
"What the hell was that?" Yelled Louise.
"I don't know! I just blew up inside! I was so tired of all the bets! And the stares and just everything!" Rory explained.
"Well, from what you just BET Tristan you're going to get a hell of a lot more stares!" Louise just smirked.
Rory let her words sink in and a horrified look came upon her face.
"Well let's get started!" Louise yelled.
"With what?" Asked Rory.
"With planning your homecoming!" Madeline finished for Louise.
"But what about school?"
"Oh come on Ms. I can be sexy. Let's skip and go to my house!" Yelled Louise.
"For once in her life Rory actually skipped school to go to Louise's house to start planning this 'amazing' homecoming coming up. Who wouldn't thought that our little Mary could be bad?
---So what did you think? Good bad? Review please! Oh, sorry for the horrible grammar! And also I'm going to need a beta, so if anyone wants to help, then please email me! Thanks!