AN: Ask and ye shall receive. Some of you asked me to do a Leah perspective on things and the result is this chapter. I think it's a nice incite into Leah's head and her inner pain. I really didn't know how I was gonna get continue, I thought I had written myself into a corner with all the inner pain I was putting on Leah, but then I read you're reviews and it hit me. So here you go I hope you all like it.

P.S. don't forget to review!


"Leah, why were you crying?" I here Jacob ask as he lifts my eyes to his. My first instinct is to lie, to protect myself, to put up my ever present shield, but I can't do that to him. 'But can I really tell him the truth? Yes I can, he is mine now, he won't leave me.'

I look back up at him and smile, my first real smile in as long as I can remember. 'I can trust him, he is my one and only, he won't let me fall.' "Do you want the long or the short version?" I ask him softly still smiling up at him.

"I wan the hole story, however long it is." He whispers back to me; his eyes holding nothing but love and compassion for me.

"Let's go back to my place and I'll tell you everything." I can't believe I'm going to tell him everything. In a mater of minuets I will take down all my shields and bare my heart to Jacob. I was scared. I had spent year's strengthening my shields, putting up barriers, never letting anyone get threw, and to just tear that all down… I was scared; truly terrified.

The whole time we were running the same poem was running threw my head, over and over again until we reached my place. As soon as I walked in I headed strait to my room to put some close on. I grabbed something simple, just a white tank top and a kaki skirt; I also grabbed a pair of sweat pants for Jake. As I walked back out I tossed them to him and he slipped them on, they were a little tight but were better that nothing. I also realized they were hot pink, oops.

I walked into the kitchen and started a pot of coffee, I knew I was stalling and Jake probably knew it too. But this was going to be really hard for me; I had a right to stall. With the coffee started I busied my self further with trying to find the sugar and cream. I knew exactly were it was but I was getting desperate now.

Jake came around the counter and put his arms around my and pulled me against his warm chest. I knew I was stalling, that was made clear right then and there. I lean my head back against him and heaved a great sigh. 'It's now or never Leah.' With that thought I turned in his warm embrace and looked up into his beautiful chocolate brown eyes.

"I have a secret. What you see, isn't the real me." I pause not knowing how to explain this. How do you tell someone that the person you seem to be isn't who you really are? How do you just bare your heart? He looked so confused it made me laugh a little bit. He was so adorable when he was confused. His brows pulling together and the way he cocks his head just slightly, it kinda made this easier; knowing that when it was all said and down I would still have him to hold me.

I blew out the breath I hadn't known I was holing. I looked at our intertwined hands and bit my lip. I was trying I really was, but I didn't know what to say. Jacob was being so patient, I knew he was probably dying of curiosity, but he wasn't saying anything; he was letting me take my time, letting me just get it all out.

I smiled to myself, he was truly great, that's why he needs to know, he needs to know the real me. I took a deep breath and tried again, "I hide myself. What everyone sees is just an act. I pretend to be happy and smile, but I'm not. I don't want to smile; I want to cry, to feel. I want to be able to express my emotions. I want to be able to open up to people, to show them the real me. But I don't want to get hurt again. That's why I'm telling you Jacob, I know you'll never leave me now. I know that when I have a have a bad day I can come home to you, and you'll hold me and tell me everything's gonna be alright; just like you did in the woods.

"Jacob, I love you, with all my being, with everything that I am, and I want you to know me. That I'm not always this well put together person, I hurt. That I'm not this ice queen the pack thinks I am, I feel. I cried for days on end when I became a wolf. To know that every thought I had would no longer be my own, that the pack would here them, I was so scared. Scared they would find out the real me, scared that Sam would find out. But then they didn't and I was relived, I worked so hard on blocking my feeling and thoughts.

"But then I saw you and… It was unbelievable. You were perfect in every way. Words can't describe what I felt that day. It was like Sam was completely erased from my life; like he never happened, there was only you. The only problem was that you didn't see me any differently. I was still the same Leah to you and I was so confused. I thought fate had truly cursed me. That I had imprinted on you, but you not on me. It was offal.

"I guess no one ever noticed that I imprinted because I wasn't happy, I was still so sad, and angry. I guess everyone just thought that it was still directed at Sam, but it wasn't. It was directed at my self, for loving people who had no interest in me. I was crushed, and lonely. But I had to put on my brave face and continue living, even thou I was dead inside." I finished on a mere whisper.

"Leah…" his voice was thick with emotion. I could feel his love for me rolling off him in waves. Yep I had defiantly won the love jackpot with him. He was so caring; he would die for the people he loved. "I love you." He said as he pulled me closer to him, and that was all he had to say.

AN: So there was my Leah perspective I hope everyone liked it. I really just wanted to turn all that anger and hostility that was Leah into her acting out because she's hurting. So PLEASE read and review I really really really want to here what you think of this chapter. Oh and I don't think this is the end, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna continue with a real plot.