Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon.

Notes: I know that Serena has done some brave things when she wasn't Sailor Moon but for the sake of this story we'll assume she hasn't ok? It also might not be too good since it's my first Sailor Moon fic but hopefully it won't be too bad.


Darien sighed as he lay on his bed tired from watching Serena and Raye fight again. It was times like this he had wondered what he had seen in her in the first place. She was childish, lazy and always jealous when he was with his girl-friends even if they had boyfriends, along with that she was an embarrassment in front of his friends.

Shaking his head he tried to think of when she wasn't Sailor Moon and she had done something daring and brave to help save someone but his mind is drawing a blank as his hands balled into fists.

He sometimes wondered why he loves her so much in the future, why he loves her some much now, and yet he can't think of a single thing. His large rough fists slam into the wall making a dent in the plaster and making his hand hurt.

He walked into the kitchen and put the kettle on, he walked over to the fridge and grabbed a whole platter of food out for him and- he laughed to himself thinking she wasn't going to turn up too busy fighting and being childish to come and see him. Still he put the platter of food on the coffee table where they would talk about school and who was trying to take over the world that week, he sat down with his coffee and just watched the platter like any moment it was going to disappear.

Sighing he placed his coffee next to the food and stood to get his keys, when he walked past the window he took a quick look and saw something that made his heart jump in to his throat. A young girl was about to run onto the highway with speeding cars coming towards her, he would be too late to get to her as he stood frozen in fear when he saw a car slam the brakes on. Suddenly he saw long blonde pigtails run out and grab the girl just barely missing the cars.

He couldn't believe it, Serena not Sailor Moon, was on her knees still covering the girl from any kind of harm, her meatball head was sitting on top of the girls protecting her as, he could see, the girl crying into her pink T-shirt.

Grabbing his green jacket he ran out of the house, down the long steps and out the doors and across the road to the two girls, still holding each other, and was grateful to see neither had any cuts or bruises on them. She looked up at him with her tear-filled blue eyes and his heart ached to hold her and tell her how much he loved her. his own blue eyes filled with tears not only because of the scare he just had but because he loved her so much it hurt to even think about a day going by without seeing her face.

He looks into her blue eyes and he can see their future together, their children not just Rini, he could see why his future-self sounded so torn and yet so in love at the same time. He watches as the mother takes her child while thanking her and crying, she turned to him and she smiles even though the tears are still in her eyes and trails of wetness are still on her cheeks, "I love you" she whispers and that's all it takes for him to fall even farther in love with her. It doesn't matter that she's childish or lazy or even that she gets bad grades he just can't help the way his heart speeds up and his throat becomes dry, all that matters is that they love each other.

Written by Jessica