Ok, so I got a laptop. At last. But, we don't have a wireless adapter at my house. I can only access the net during my Japanese class. Heh…so my teacher has to put up with my typing and being on my laptop all class long. XD It helps to be the best student there.

Anyway, since I've had this new computer, I've been writing this. It has significantly longer chapters than my other stories, so I hope you'll all be able to tolerate this. Yay for more fan fiction! Oh, and the whole copyright things are in place; as par the usual.


"You want me to do what?!" Envy demanded incredulously.

Lust shrugged indifferently. "I want you to see a shrink," she explained for the third time.

Envy scoffed and threw his hands in the air. "I am NOT seeing a shrink," he spat angrily, "I have no reason to!"

"Oh no?" Lust inquired with an elegant lift of her eyebrow, "Tell me, what do you think when I say 'Fullmetal'?"

The emerald-black haired homunculus cocked an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Just answer the question."

Sighing, Envy fell back onto the nearby couch and leaned his head back. Violet eyes fixed on the ceiling, he answered, "Ok…I think egotistical, over emotional chibi." A sadistic smile crept over Envy's pretty androgynous face. "And a new toy."

Lust sat down beside him. "There's the reason I want you to go."

"Because I don't like chibi-chan?"

"No," she answered, "Because you don't understand how you feel for the Fullmetal boy."


Shaking her head, Lust didn't bother answering his less than intelligent inquiry. "Look, I've already made your first appointment. You'll see him tomorrow afternoon."

Envy looked furious. "You didn't even wait for my permission?!" he snapped.

"You wouldn't have given it anyway. I've already proven that much. Thereby, it would have been foolish of me to have waited for something I never would have received." She smiled becomingly at him. "No need to get snippy. Save all that emotion for your appointment."

"Like Hell I'm going!" Envy snorted, "Just because you made the damn appointment does not mean that I am obliged to attend it."

Lust shrugged indifferently. "I suppose," she answered, "But then, you're banking on the idea that I won't make you go. It is, after all, my money."

She'd actually paid? Well that made things complicated. Lust did not throw her money around haphazardly. If anything, she was extremely conservative with it. So if she actually paid for the appointment, that meant he was going, whether he liked it or not. Scoffing, but saying nothing in retaliation, Envy got back on his feet and headed straight to his room.

"Did Lust tell you?" a soft female voice inquired before he could reach his destination.

Envy turned. There, standing in the large main doorway, was Dante, slender arms crossed. She was staring expectantly - if not in amusement - at the flustered homunculus.

Raising an eyebrow, Envy asked, "What? About my appointment with the shrink?"

"Yes," she replied, "So I assume you intend to go?"

He frowned slightly. "You want me to?"

Dante merely nodded, her posture suggesting that it'd be best for his health if he didn't ask questions. She obviously had something in mind by supporting Lust's psych idea. It wasn't often the two agreed on anything, much less anything in regards to the other homunculi. This was bad. They had a plan.

Shrugging, Envy didn't affirm, nor deny, her assumption. By the looks of it, he didn't have a choice anyway, and the only answer he could therefore give would be redundant. Instead, he bowed mockingly, giving her her undeserving respect, and headed back toward his room. There wasn't possibly anything else she wanted from him.

He didn't sleep. Envy rarely did. It helped contribute to his rather bad temper and overall irritability. Not that he didn't want to sleep. Far from it. He'd have given his left arm to be able to sleep. And yet, he couldn't. His body simply wouldn't allow him to. If he ever did manage to sleep - which was rare, but occasional - he was plagued by various nightmares, making it anything but restful. And really, in the end, it made things worse for his next day's temperament. Therefore, the psychiatrist was going to have one very cranky Envy to deal with.

The morning came, as horribly expected and dreaded, and Envy was forced to leave the sanctuary of his room. As always, he was second only to Dante in his arrival in the main hall. Lust wouldn't be much longer. Wrath would be last, arriving a good twenty minutes after Envy.

Dante nodded her head in customary acknowledgment, mumbling something of a greeting. Envy returned the gesture.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked her, as had become habit.

"Well enough." It was her routine reply. "Did you?"

Well now that was out of the ordinary. And it was much too early for Envy to try and deal with curve balls. Which meant only one thing; snort incoherently.

And that's just what he did.

His master raised an unimpressed eyebrow. "And just what does that mean?" she queried, keeping her calm freakishly well.

"It means just that," Envy answered cautiously. And he repeated the incoherent snort.

Rolling her eyes, Dante let it go and wandered off. Envy didn't give a damn where she was off to.

"Still haven't altered your hair yet?" Lust's voice teased.

Envy smiled cynically as he turned to face the pretty female homunculus. "Haven't had the will to yet. I figured the shrink would like an appearance to match the no doubt stunning review you gave him."

Lust arched an eyebrow as she approached. "You think I told him about you?"

"Don't you have to?" Envy was mildly confused. He thought for sure the psych would want a brief profile of who was coming in, and for what reason. If he didn't, couldn't he wind up with some sort of serial killer and never know beforehand?

Smiling, Lust returned, "Yes, you do. I just like watching you squirm."

Envy scoffed and frowned deeply. "And just what did you tell him."

"I can't tell you," she answered, now standing right beside him, "That would defeat the purpose. You have to find out what's wrong with you on your own so you can fix it."

The shape shifter stared her down stubbornly. "I don't have a problem," he hissed.

Lust simply pat him on the head as if he was some sort of child. "You go ahead and think that," she mocked before walking off the same way Dante had.

Fine. Let them taunt him. Let them plot their little schemes. He wasn't buying. He knew damn well there was nothing wrong with him - at least nothing some stupid human could 'analyze' - and so they were doomed to fail. Smiling triumphantly, Envy altered forms to clean himself from his night's restless sleep and marched after the two women. No doubt Dante had a new maid to make them breakfast.

Given, they had to wait another fifteen minutes to eat, as they were oddly courteous enough to wait for everyone before eating, but breakfast was relatively enjoyable enough. However, with the conclusion of breakfast, Lust took it upon herself to announce to the others why Envy would be missing for most of the afternoon. Damn her.

Sloth smiled placidly, giving no reason for disdainful comments or acid remarks. Wrath looked confused, as if he didn't quite understand what was going on. Pride smiled faintly, giving off that disgusting air of patronization. Gluttony was in the kitchen. Envy said nothing. He simply looked at each homunculus individually before walking quietly and angrily out of the kitchen.

Dante wasn't far behind him, following him like the dog he was to her. "Envy," she said, instantly commanding his attention, "Turn around."

Biting his lip against various angered curses, Envy turned slowly on his heel to face the woman. "Yes, Dante?" he asked compliantly.

"Don't look so upset," she smiled, acting frighteningly like a parent with an unruly child, "It's only one appointment. I think it will be good for you."

Why was she being so nice? What kind of sick motives was she hiding? She only ever acted like this around the alchemists she was constantly trying to dupe, never with the homunculi. The homunculi were tools to her, not creatures worthy of her respect or kindness - not that humans fell in that category either. Envy's guard went up. This was getting weird.

"Whatever you say," he muttered.

Her temper flared habitually at the blatant lack of respect. "What did you say?" she snarled low in her throat.

Envy shook his head, bowing it slightly at the same time. "Nothing. I just don't understand what good this is. Isn't it all a waste of time?"

"If it is," she answered, her sickeningly false sweet tone returning, "I have a back-up plan. Don't you worry." And then, before Envy could speak to her further, she took her leave. Calling over her shoulder, she said, "I'm going out. Don't wait up."

Envy stared after her, more than a little irritated. This day was already going to shit. Whatever. What was one day in an eternity? Then again, come to think of it, the past four hundred years hadn't exactly been the best times of his life. Not even close. He couldn't remember the last time he'd had a really good day. Which was borderline depressing.

Sloth's tapered hand on his shoulder jarred him from his attempt to find what one would deem a 'good day'. He callously brushed her away like some sort of insect, not liking the idea of others attempting to 'console' him.

"Envy, dear, try not to think about it," she smiled, apparently oblivious to his rejection, "It's just one time, right?"

"So everyone says," he snorted.

Sloth ruffled his hair - the second person to treat him like that - and gave him a pat on the shoulder. "You'll be fine," she comforted.

Without turning around, he heard her take her leave, knowing full well she was off to play military secretary to Pride. Why couldn't he have gotten a job like that? That would have been so easy. No. He had to be the one to infiltrate, to do all the dirty work. Not that he opposed. Tormenting and watching humans writhe and suffer were two of his favorite things to do. And most recently, he'd found his favorite target; Fullmetal chibi-chan. What a perfect little toy. Not only did he carry the blood of the damned man who had made Envy's life the eternal hell hole it was, but he was also so easy. As chibi-chan was still a child, his emotions still played a heavy role in all he did. For example, his love for his brother drove him to face the homunculi in an attempt to discover the Philosopher's Stone. And his anger toward injustice made him so easy to rile up; it was fun. What made it better, was that chibi-chan was their new target, their latest victim in the manipulation game. And Envy was the key player in that game. That meant that it wasn't even out of his way to do what he did to chibi-chan. In fact, it was almost supported. So then why did Lust bring him up in regards to the impending trip to the shrink? What had she meant by 'not understanding his feelings'?

Envy sighed heavily and shuffled off in no particular direction. He didn't care where he wound up, as long as he didn't have to suffer through any more homunculi nosing into his trip to the psychiatrist. The appointment was now within mere hours, and he really didn't feel like thinking about it any more than he had to. Best to ignore it and face it only when it came up. That strategy had worked this long, right?

Unfortunately, the hours ticked by faster than anticipated, faster than he'd wanted. Lust had made the effort in finding him, and quite easily dragged him back into the mansion. One would think it would have taken her longer, considering he had a whole underground city to hide in. Apparently he was more predictable then he'd thought. That simply put more of a damper on his already miserable day.

"We're going to be late," she scolded him, "Now clean yourself up."

Envy frowned at her, but gave no argument. Altering forms appropriately, Envy then stared expectantly at his antagonist. "What? Which form should I take? What did you say I looked like?"

Smiling softly, Lust answered, "I described the lunatic standing in front of me."

The shape shifter glared at his fellow sin incarnate. "You're brilliant, you know that?"

"You can't really be that mad about this," Lust said flatly.

Glaring disrespectfully at her, he shot back, "You're right, I'm not mad. I'M FURIOUS!!" He knocked her hand away from him, preventing her from doing whatever it was she'd been planning to. If he was going to attend this 'session', he wasn't going to go quietly.

Lust, apparently, didn't have time for such foolishness. Her fingers were faster than Envy, and in one cruel shot, she had him pinned up against the far wall, her nails embedded deep into his shoulder. "Let's go Envy. We wouldn't want you to be late."

He groaned through his teeth at the pain. Fine. So she was a tad more serious about this than he'd anticipated. So what? He'd just have to put up a bit more resilience. That, however, didn't seem to be on Lust's agenda for the day either. Hooking one of her deadly nails through his rib cage, Lust made sure Envy wasn't going anywhere as she headed out. The shape shifter kicked angrily, but got himself nowhere. Her fingers were too long. He couldn't even get a shot in, much less one strong enough to free himself. So, instead, he realized he was going to have to inflict more pain than he'd originally intended to. So be it.

Grabbing the finger lodged in his chest, Envy braced his arms and pushed, one hand on the bottom of the digit, the other on top. He could feel the bone giving way, could hear the subtle cracking. Obviously, Lust could feel it. She swung her hand heatedly, throwing the other's body into a nearby stone wall with force enough to crack one's spine. Envy gave a strangled cry, yelping having been made difficult by the puncture in the lower portion of his lung.

"Stop this idiocy at once," she snarled, "Or I'll bring you to the shrink in a hundred pieces."

Envy glowered defiantly, but realized she was serious. He'd learn to realize when Lust's threats should be taken genuinely. And showing up at his already unwanted psychiatric appointment in more than one piece was not something he felt was worth it. Why add more pain?

She clearly saw the forced resignation, as Lust withdrew her nail, reverting it back into her slender hand. "Good. Now let's get moving."

Shuffling reluctantly after her, he decided to get as much information about this 'session' as he could. "Ne, Lust, how long do I have to be there?"

"How long are you going to act like a child?" she retorted.

"I'm serious," he shot back, "I want to know how damn long I'm going to have to sit in a room with a human trying to 'analyze' me."

Lust looked over her shoulder at him, a look of tired boredom on her pretty face. "It's a two hour session Envy. But if you co-operate, it might not even take that long."

He raised an eyebrow. "You think I can solve my alleged problem in one session?" Envy asked.

"If you pay attention, yes," she replied.

"And yet you insist on wasting perfectly good money on sending me to a professional?"

"What are you getting at?" She wasn't even looking at him anymore.

Envy shrugged. "I'm just thinking out loud here, but if my 'issue' is so minor that it can be sorted out in less than one two hour session, it isn't really worth going to a 'professional' for, is it?"

"That's the thing," Lust elaborated, "I have faith that you can figure it out in one session, but I think it will take a professional - a complete stranger - to help you see it. You don't think you have a problem, and that's what makes it difficult. If you can't acknowledge you have a problem, you can't fix it. And so I'm taking you to see a professional because he'll help you see that you do have a problem. Once you take it seriously and realize its existence and potential effect on your life, you can fix it. Easily."

A frown that had once been of indignation and resentment changed to one of confusion. "So…what? You honestly think this guy's going to help me come to terms with myself?"

"If he doesn't, we will. We just won't be as nice about it as he will be."

By this time, they'd reached the surface and were standing in the streets of Central. Lust glanced about a moment before leading Envy down yet another street. Envy felt oddly calm. Here they were, two homunculi, walking down the streets of Central as if they owned the place; Central, the main headquarters for the military's State Alchemists. The calm that had settled over him was unnerving. He actually found himself longing to be found, craving the attention it would bring. But then, that was fairly negative attention. Not that he really cared. Attention was attention.

"Here we are," Lust announced, gesturing grandly to an ornate building.

Whoever the guy was, he obviously wasn't a slouch. If the size and exterior décor was any indication, he did quite well for himself, meaning he no doubt got 'regulars'. Envy wasn't sure if that was such a good thing for a shrink.

"Go on," Lust commanded softly, passively. "You're already five minutes late."

Envy looked at her. "You're not coming?"

She shook her head, long thick hair flowing with the movement. "I'm afraid not. I have other business to attend to here. I'll come pick you up though." Giving him one final pat on the shoulder, Lust kissed him on the cheek and walked off down the street.

Staring after her, Envy scoffed lightly. Great. Now he was on his own to boot. He could run, just ditch the whole thing and come back in two hours to be picked up. Then he could feign rehabilitation. No, that wouldn't work. If his 'problem' was really as obvious to her and Dante as they claimed it was, and yet so elusive to him, he'd never be able to fake it. He'd have to go through with the damn session.

The shape shifter turned to the doorway of the building, swallowed all the dignity he had, and marched in, having the common sense to at least cover his feet with shoes. He didn't want to look crazier than Lust had already painted him to be. Once inside, he came to a large waiting room, lined with cushiony chairs, wooden tables littered with old magazines, and a television against the far wall. This guy really was rich. Not many people could afford those TVs. Immediately to his right was a large wooden desk, a pretty young girl sitting behind it.

"Hi," he greeted her with forced benevolence, "I have an appointment?"

Smiling broadly at him, she answered, "You must be Mr. 'Envy'."

He flinched. He could hear the quotation marks she put on his name. There was no doubt about it now; they thought he was a total nutcase. After all, not many people had others phone in their psychiatric appointments and then give a name of one of the seven deadly sins as their own. He was so screwed already. Best to just roll with it.

"Yes, that's me. I'm afraid I'm a tad late." He returned her smile, trying to appear as normal as one can when dressed in a skin tight, sleeveless, stomach-less, violet-black turtleneck. And a skort to boot. Great.

As if he was nothing new, she casually directed him to the 'doctor's' office, telling him the doctor would be just a moment. She then left him there, sitting on a cold, leather couch, staring at an empty armchair. The office itself was overly decorated, with wooden walls and ornate paintings hanging everywhere. Exotic rugs covered the floor, and all of his shelves held rare books and odd statues. Envy smiled to himself. It looked like this guy needed the shrink more than he did.

Envy was jarred from his internal mockery of the man he'd been sent to see, by the sound of the door being opened.

"Mr. Envy, how nice to see you finally made it," a young and placid voice greeted. Impressive; no hint of mockery in the way he said 'Envy'.

Looking up, Envy found that his 'professional' was nothing more than a mortal youth. He looked no more than late twenties, with plain brown hair and a very plain, uninteresting, face. He dressed well enough, in a tailored suit and a tie, but otherwise, nothing was really all that striking about him. And even the suit wasn't all that great.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting," Envy smiled back, once again putting his acting to the test.

The doctor waved a dismissive hand. "Oh, don't worry about it. You're my only client for this afternoon, so there's really no rush."

Envy frowned slightly. If that was some kind of psychiatrist code for, 'go ahead and twiddle your time away, I've already been paid', Envy wasn't going to bite. He wanted to be out of there ASAP.

Discarding his already minimal manners, Envy cut right to the chase. "Alright then, shall we begin?"

"Oh…um…Of course." Envy's blunt suggestion had apparently caught the doctor off guard. After all,

hadn't that phrase belonged to the shrink?

The young man took his seat in the armchair and produced a clipboard from a pocket Envy hadn't noticed on the piece of furniture. He then pulled a pen from behind his ear, crossed one leg over the other, and smiled. But he didn't say anything. He merely stared unnervingly at the homunculus.

"What?" Envy asked flatly.

Shrugging, the psychiatrist answered, "I'm just waiting. I assume you know why you're here?"

Envy shook his head. "Not a clue. Enlighten me." Besides, wasn't it this guy's job to tell Envy what his problem was?

"Right then. The person who made this appointment for you said you had an odd…compulsive nature in relation to one of your fellow human beings."

Envy held back the urge to laugh. Fellow humans; what a load of shit.

"She went on to explain, that this obsession could prove harmful to yourself, the other person involved, and your work. She also told me that you had no actual concept of this problem yourself. That's why she wanted you to come." The doctor tapped his pen absently on the top of the clipboard. "So then, is that true? Do you feel you have no problem?"

The shape shifter rose an eyebrow. Wasn't that obvious? "No, I don't. I think she's just mocking me."

"Right." Leaning back into his chair, the shrink continued, "Let's find the source, shall we? I want you to answer my questions without thinking, just let it out. I don't want you to impede your instinctive answers."

Frowning, Envy muttered, "Alright." This guy was nuts.

The young man uncrossed his legs and leaned forward. "Tell me, what does the name 'Elric' mean to you?"

"Shit all," Envy answered flatly. "They can all go drop dead."

"I see," the doctor said, scribbling something on the clipboard, "And what about 'Dante'?"

"Bitch. But I have to listen to her."

Seeming to warm up to Envy's callous nature, the doctor continued easily. "And 'homunculus'?"

"Screwed. All of them. We have to take what we can get, really, and the sky's the limit for us." Envy was surprised how quickly his answers were coming. Maybe this was a bad thing, he didn't know. Regardless, if the shrink tried anything with the information he was being given, the homunculi could rectify any problems that arose from it.

"One more now; 'Hohenheim'."

Envy rose from the couch, his face a mask of pure hatred. "What did you just say?" he snarled.

The doctor flinched and recoiled instinctively. "I…I'm sorry. I didn't realize the impact that would have on you," the boy apologized. "I'm just using the words your companion told me to."

Growling low in his throat, Envy forced himself to sit again, fuming inwardly over Lust's impertinence. If this was going to go on like this, he was going to leave. To hell with his 'problem'. He'd lived this long with it, right?

Apparently having calmed his nerves, the doctor continued. "So then, just what does the name 'Edward' hold for you?"

Envy glared angrily, but answered regardless. "Brat. Spoiled, but necessary. And adorable, really." Surprised at his own answer, Envy bit his tongue. Did he just say that? What the hell?!

"I see," the doctor muttered, writing continuously, "And just why do you feel that way?"

The hell he knew! "I don't know," Envy retorted, "He's…he's fun to pick on. He's easy."

Nodding, the doctor pressed, "So your fascination is merely sadistic?"

"I wouldn't say that," Envy muttered, "I just take…odd amounts of pleasure in his pain."

The doctor frowned. "That's the clinical definition of sadism," he pointed out.

Envy snarled low in his throat before shooting back, "Zip it, ok? That came out wrong."

"So then what did you mean?" Did this guy ever run out of questions? And why did all this matter?

"I don't know, ok?" Envy scoffed. "Maybe it's not his pain…maybe it's…his reaction."

"I'm sorry?"

The shape shifter scrunched his face in contemplation. "You know…the way he acts when he sees me, when he hears me. Just…him."

"And do you have any idea where this fascination of yours comes from?"

No…not really. All things considered, he hated Edward Elric; or he was supposed to. After all, wasn't chibi-chan the very image of what he had lost? Didn't Ed represent to him everything he could have had? So then why find him so fascinating? Why enjoy his presence so much?

"I think," Envy began carefully, "It has to do with…comparison. I want him to see and realize what happened to me, so he can compare it to what's happened to him. Jealousy? Sure. No doubt that has something to do with it. The kid's got everything I could have…and don't. And yet he mopes around, as if his life has gone down the tubes. The stuck up little brat doesn't see how much he has, how much he could have lost. I mean, look at him! He's one of the military's finest, he's intelligent, he's fast, he's strong for his size, he's loved by just about everyone he meets, and he's got the strongest will I've ever seen on a kid like that." Envy had forgotten to care that he was pouring out his chibi related issues to some stranger he hadn't even wanted to come to as he continued heatedly. "And even though I'm stronger than him, faster than him, smarter than him, I still have to treat him gently. I've been ordered to. I'm not allowed to kill the shrimp. And so I take pleasure in what little I can do to him. I want to watch him writhe and suffer like the horrid little stain on my life that he is, but I can't! He won't let me!! The damn chibi has too much pride to do that; too much will power! And so I have to keep trying. I have to take different approaches. I have to…" Reality slapped Envy hard in the face. Why was he saying this, especially to some human nitwit who had no doubt been lost halfway through the rant?

"One final question," the shrink rebounded, as if Envy's sudden stop hadn't bothered him in the least, "What if something were to happen to Edward Elric that was not inflicted nor had anything to do with you?"

Envy had never really thought of that. He'd figured the only real enemies chibi-chan had were the homunculi, and therefore, everything that happened to Fullmetal would have something to do with Envy, if only by association. But someone else? Someone not associated with the homunculi? Now that was hard to imagine. But he had to if he wanted this damned session to end. So just how would he feel if that were to happen?

Frown deepening severely, Envy wracked his brain. Finally, he managed slowly, "If something were to happen to chibi-chan…that had NOTHING to do with me…I think I'd freak. He's mine - my toy - and I won't let anyone else have him. Mind you, if it's someone I know, or is directly involved with me, all the power to them, but you specified otherwise. Therefore, I'd have to hunt the shit heads down and kill them. No one touches my chibi-chan."

A smile spread across the young psychiatrist's face. "I see," he beamed, scribbling furiously on his clipboard, a motion he'd been performing almost constantly. Whether he was writing down Envy's words themselves, or mere interpretations, was beyond the homunculus. And the hell he cared. "I think I've found your problem," the shrink announced.

This would be good.

"This obsession of yours stems from jealously, that much is obvious. You feel that Edward has wronged you in some way by possessing that which you cannot. However, in feeding this obsession, you're growing closer to him, and becoming more possessive of him. I think that your subconscious is working in some sort of odd effort to have Edward all your own, as it believes that by owning him, you by default own that which is his; that which you feel entitled to. However, in this need to have Edward all to yourself and fill this gap you see in your life, you've become almost fixatedly attached to him. And that is where you endanger not only yourself - as this could prove to be an extremely mentally damaging compulsion - and him - as you may very well begin to cause physical pain to him -" At this, Envy snickered, "but your occupation as well - as this seems to be threatening to overwhelm your entire conscious mind."

The homunculus waited for a moment, to make sure the shrink had said all he needed to. Once he was certain such was accomplished, Envy asked flatly, "So that's it, huh? I'm obsessed?"

Shrugging, the doctor replied, "No, not quite. You already knew that, I think. What I fear you didn't realize was the extent of said obsession. You not only hate Edward, but desire him at the same time."

Envy choked. Desired chibi-chan? Like hell he did!! And he made such feelings known. "Are you off your fucking rocker?!" Envy snapped, "I want nothing more than to see the little twerp squirm. I don't actually want him!!"


"You see? You deny the fact and hence it grows worse. You have to come to terms with this possessive desire toward Edward." This shit head was annoyingly persistent.

The homunculus snarled, almost angered to the point of removing the human's limbs. Almost. "Oh?" Envy queried through clenched teeth, "And just what do you suggest I do about said 'problem'?"

"I suggest you confront Edward yourself and just…talk with him. You have to realize that your jealousy is unfounded. True, he may possess something you do not - and you wish you did - but you, too, must have something he doesn't. In speaking with Edward, perhaps you can help yourself focus more on what you have instead of what you don't have." The psychiatrist seemed convinced that Envy was that obsessed with chibi-chan. And that answer - that 'solution' - was imminent proof of that. What the fuck was this guy's problem?!

Getting to his feet, the homunculus stared down at the young human with unmasked malice, darkly enjoying how the shrink squirmed uncomfortably under his stare. "Thank you, 'doctor'," Envy hissed, not bothering to hide his disgust, "I'm so glad I could come here today. However, I have other engagements, and will now be taking my leave." Dismissively turning his head away, Envy walked out of the office. Two hours must have passed by now.

Sure enough, Lust was standing in the waiting room, her arms crossed in a look of forced patience. "You're out early," she smiled, glancing down at her watch, "Five minutes to be exact."

"How long have you been waiting?"

She shrugged offhandedly. "Not long. Maybe fifteen minutes."

"Good," Envy nodded curtly, "Now let's go."

Raising a curious eyebrow, Lust asked, "So you're done with your session? You see what the problem is now?"

The shape shifter scoffed and smiled cynically. "Yeah, I know what the problem is," he sneered, "That you just paid good money to an idiot. You got scammed sweetie."

Lust sighed heavily and shook her head, muttering something under her breath. "Fine. If you feel that way, go. I just need to talk to this 'scam artist'."

Envy didn't want to be there any longer, so she didn't have tell him twice. As soon as the permission to leave had been spoken, he'd begun to move toward the door. He only barely caught the last thing she'd said. Not that it mattered much to him. The shit was done with, that's all that mattered. And he sure as hell wasn't going back anytime soon. Let Lust do what she wanted; it was no concern of his.

To Be Continued…