Naruto stood strong as he watched the wooden casket being lowered into the ground. He could cry later, but for now he was strong. His eyes passed over the few attending the funeral. Tsunade had a few tears running down her face for her lost friend, which she wiped away as she noticed Naruto's glance. He knew she'd want to go out drinking later, and she'd let it out then. Jiraiya was sure to go with her, so Naruto knew she was in good, although perverted, hands. Sure enough, next to his blonde aunt was the white haired man. His face was solemn and respectful, very much in contrast to his normal playful and immature attitude. Naruto vaguely remember seeing the man at his father's funeral so long ago, and his expression then was the same as now. Naruto took comfort in the fact that Jiraiya at least knew when to be serious, even if he normally didn't show it.

Iruka and Kakashi were next to them. Iruka had heard about what had happened and wanted to offer his condolences. Of course, Tsunade invited him to the funeral services after hearing that he had seen Yumi just before she had been killed. Kakashi hadn't really known his mother, so Naruto assumed that he had tagged along to be there for Iruka. They were nearly always around each other nowadays, so it wasn't much of a surprise to Naruto to see them come together.

Then there was Itachi, whom was there to offer condolences for having a family member caught up in the case he was attempting to solve. It was solved now, at the very least. The murderer known as Snake was dead. He had been shot in the head when Itachi and other police officials had arrived on the scene, so Naruto had been told. When Itachi had questioned him on the things he did remember, he was filled in on what he didn't know when Sasuke and Sai rescued him.

Naruto glanced at the pale, black haired boy, who looked even paler dressed in funeral attire. Sai met his glance for a second before looking away again. Back in the hospital, Naruto had belatedly realized that Sasuke and Sai had gone to save him, and if Sasuke was hurt in the hospital, then Sai most likely was as well. This epiphany had come to him soon after he woke up once again from a nightmare. He had woken Sasuke up, who was still asleep with his head on Naruto's bed, and asked the Uchiha how Sai was. It had been a relief to hear that Sai had been relatively unharmed coming out of his fight with the psycho. It was an even bigger relief to see the boy later on that day, and with two companions as well.

Sakura and Ino had tagged along that day intending to see Sasuke and had gotten a surprise when they saw that Naruto was awake. Fortunately it had been a pleasant surprise to them. The conversation had started awkwardly, but eventually they managed to clear out the apologies and forgiveness, and the tense air that went with it. Naruto felt that it was a complete miracle that Sakura, Ino, and Sasuke had all been given back to him. Of course it was something he had hoped for at the time they had first left, but he wouldn't have been surprised if they hadn't gone back to him. He was much more surprised that they had.

And of course since they were friends again, once Naruto had been released from the hospital, Ino had ordered him to come to her house. There, she and Sakura had cut and fixed his hair so that it wasn't such a choppy mess as it had been since he'd had to cut it. Now it was short, although long enough to hang in his face a little, and it looked nice, stylish.

The coffin hit the bottom of the six-foot deep grave plot at last and pulled Naruto out of his thoughts. Cerulean eyes moved to look over the head stone standing proud and new in front of the plot.

Uzumaki Yumi

Loving wife and mother

June 16, 1971 – January 3, 2010

Next to it was another, slightly older, but still standing proud and in good condition.

Uzumaki Arashi

Loving husband, father, and protector

September 24, 1968 – July 20, 2000

His mother and father. Both of them were dead now. Snake had made sure to take one each time he came into Naruto's life. But no more. Snake was dead, and he couldn't take any more of Naruto's precious people.

An unusually warm hand suddenly grasped his own freezing one and squeezed. The blonde turned to look beside him at Sasuke, who was giving him a concerned look.

"You okay?" he asked quietly. Naruto smiled softly at the brunette and then turned his expression to the sky.

"Yeah. I'm good. 'Kaa-san's wanted to see Otou-san for a while. So I think…everything will be just fine, as long as they're together. Ne, don't you think so?" he said, glancing over at the other. Sasuke studied him for a little longer before nodding and looking back out at the other mourners. Naruto truly was a wonder to him.

"Yeah. It'll be fine," he agreed.

Naruto looked back up at the sky and smiled again. He didn't miss the fact that Sasuke hadn't let go of his hand yet. Granted a funeral wasn't the most romantic place, Naruto still felt the warmth spreading from where they touched. As of yet, they were still friends, but Naruto was fine with that for now. Maybe later something else could happen, but now he was just content with how things were. He had Sasuke back and that was a good sign.

It was nearing the end of January now. The months were still cold and school was only half way over. There was still plenty of time to do what he wanted to, and now he had nothing to hide. Before, he'd had secrets, which he hid right out in the open. He had been one big walking secret. But the thing about secrets is that eventually people are going to find out. And everyone did find out. News reporters had managed to track him down in order to tell the whole story of the Snake serial murders, and he'd been interviewed more than a few times until Itachi managed to stop the torrent of reporters coming to his door. Things were finally beginning to calm down now, and people were finally getting more used to Naruto at school since he'd gone back.

Naruto was still getting used to being finally seen as he really was though. Still, he knew he could count on his friends, the ones who had stayed and the ones who had come back, including Kiba, although he was still a little weirded out by the whole thing. He was trying for Hinta's sake and that was good enough for Naruto.

"Hey brat." Tsunade approached the teenager with Jiraiya close behind.

Naruto released Sasuke's hand stealthily and moved forward to meet her. "Hmm?"

The blonde woman bopped him lightly on the head and asked, "Why're you smiling like that?"

It wasn't meant to be scolding, although it held that kind of tone, and Naruto understood it. He merely smiled at her as well.

"She would be happier up there with him than she would be here without her memories," he replied simply. Tsunade was a bit startled by this answer, but she guessed it was something she should have expected. He was just like his father, her brother, ever the optimist even if he had his bouts of self-doubt. She ruffled his hair, ignoring the annoyed noise Naruto made in response, and smiled a little.

"Yeah, I guess," she agreed. She removed her hand from his head and placed his on her hip. "Listen, I'm gonna be out for the rest of the day, so you can go out with your friends if you don't want to be alone at the house."

"Going drinking?" Naruto asked mockingly. She smirked.

"Just a little. Sake always goes well with a little gambling," she replied.

"Jiraiya-san better be able to keep you from spending all your money," he said.

"Who said he was coming with me?" Tsunade demanded.

"Well he's either stalking you at the moment, or he's going with you. Both are possible," Naruto stated.

"Hey, I resent that. I've only ever stalked Tsunade-chan once and that was in high school," Jiraiya exclaimed, back to his energized self. Tsunade glared at him and he shrunk back. Naruto laughed at this and Tsunade turned back to him with a warm smile.

"Are you going to be alright?" she asked.

"Yeah. I'll just hang out with Sasuke and Sai, and maybe Sakura and Ino. They said they wanted to see me in a suit," Naruto replied, gesturing at his clothing.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow then brat," Tsunade said with a wave, and with that she left with Jiraiya.

"Take care," Naruto called after them. His smile slowly dropped as he watched them get further and further away until he was simply staring after them with a blank expression. Suddenly he was attacked from behind by Sai and nearly pushed to the ground by the momentum of the strange boy.

"Sai…what the—?"

"Naru-chaaaaan! Come on, let's go have some fuuun. No more sad expressions, right Sasuke?" Sai exclaimed as he hugged the blonde from behind, swinging him around to face the younger Uchiha.

"Right," Sasuke answered with a smirk. Naruto made a show of struggling in Sai's grip.

"Arg! Can't a guy brood a little?" he said.

"Nope!" Sai responded happily as he began dragging the blonde to Itachi's car. The older Uchiha was already inside, waiting for them.

"But Sasuke does it!" Naruto complained.

"That's because he's Sasuke, and that's all he ever does," Sai explained.

"Exactly," Sasuke said, agreeing to the fact.

"So no more frowny faces or we tickle you to death," Sai concluded. Just because he could, Naruto frowned as much as he was able. Suddenly he was on the ground, laughing and shrieking like a little kid as Sai tickled his sides and stomach.

"Stop! Stop! Sasuke…haha! Help!" Naruto gasped out between laughing. Sasuke just stood to the side, amused for a little. After the morbid air of the funeral, this silliness was quite a relief, and Sasuke had no doubt that Sai was using it to get Naruto's mind away from any serious thoughts for the moment.

"Sorry dobe, you knew what was going to happen, but you did it anyway. It's your own fault you're in the mess," he said in response to the plea.

"You hahahaha…teme!" Naruto exclaimed. Sai finally let up with a grin as he saw the blonde running out of breath.

"Did you learn your lesson?" Sai asked smugly. Naruto grinned up at him.

"Yeah," he replied. Sai sat on the blonde's hips for a moment longer as Naruto continued to catch his breath.

"Hey…" the blonde said breathlessly, catching the attention of both boys. "Thanks."

Sai grinned down at him as he got up and off of the blonde. Sasuke let out a real smile for once and offered his hand to Naruto, who took it happily. Sasuke pulled him up, and Naruto brushed off the dust and grass that had gathered on his suit.

"Anytime," Sasuke replied for the both of them. Naruto and Sasuke smiled at each other and Sai let a sly smirk slip onto his face as he turned and skipped away to Itachi's car.

"Now let's go to see Sakura-san and Ino-san!" Sai said happily as he bounced along. Naruto grinned after him and punched a fist in the air.

"Yeah!" he exclaimed and then followed after his skipping friend, not letting go of Sasuke's hand. The younger Uchiha followed behind him obediently, purposefully walking slower than the blonde wanted to go. He didn't let go the other's hand either, and Naruto grinned wider at this.

"Come on slowpokes!" Sai called from the car.

"Tell that to Sasuke!" Naruto replied. Sai laughed and Naruto felt the happiest he'd been in a while. He was no longer hiding. Everything was exposed and now Naruto was completely okay with that. His mother had died, but it was something he could cope with. He had his friends. He knew they were there for him. It was okay. He was okay. Everything was finally as it should be.

Naruto laughed as he tugged Sasuke harder, making the Uchiha nearly trip. "Come on Sasuke."

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

A/N: So short, I know, but it's the epilogue, and I felt this was a good place to stop. And at last we have come to the end! (bawls uncontrollably) Um…yeah. I'm quite proud of this just because I was able to finish it. Goodness, this ended up being about 172 pages in total on Word (faints). Most I've ever written, granted it took me a year or two.

I most definitely want to thank everyone who has read this the whole way through. Even if you're just following this silently, I appreciate the fact that you visit and make my hit counter go up as you do. For all of you who have taken the time to review, oh my goodness, I love you soooooooo, so, so, so much. You're all amazing, and I was always pleasantly surprised when it would pop up in my e-mail that I had reviews for this story! They always made my day when I read them, and there were times when I went back and re-read them all just to remind myself that I had people waiting for my chapters when I would get lazy. Anyway, basically, I think anyone who has made it to this point right……here! is pretty much amazing.

I'm not making a sequel for this because first of all, I don't think this story requires one, and second I wouldn't even know where to begin with a sequel. As for other future stories, I have a few ideas, but I honestly don't know what I'll do or when I'll post it. If you like my writing, just keep an eye out I guess.

Thank you everyone once again for all your support, and I really do hope you've enjoyed this story. Please review if you have the time, for it will be the last time and it will make me very happy to hear from you. You're all wonderful.

Disclaimer: even when this story is finished, I still don't own Naruto.