Chapter 1: The curse

"Prince Edward, run!!!" A middle aged man dressed in royal attire screamed before being silenced by one swift bolt of lightning. A cloaked figure stepped onto the High King's pedestal laughing insanely as he stood over the limp body of the High King whom he had just murdered. The High King's eyes gazed blankly at the ceiling, his body as cold as ice. His arm hung limply over the side of the pedestal, fingers locked around a small object obscured from view.

The cloaked figure bent over the High King, hissing as he tried to pry the object from the king's cold fingers. With one final tug the High King's hand fell limply open, a small round stone rolled onto the floor. Scooping up the stone, the figure rose, raising it above his head in triumph. His sickly pale face glowed as he smiled contently, turning to watch a slaughter take place. Small creatures with eyes that burned like red hot coals and gray skin as rough as parchment ran about wailing their glee as they launched into the crowd. The long dinning tables were knocked over as people ran panicked into them. Lightning flashed striking at anything that moved with deadly accuracy. Windows shattered as people jumped or were thrown threw them. Women clung to their loved ones, screaming in animal like panic as they watched their friends being slaughtered.

The stone in the figures hand suddenly glowed a brilliant blue, startling him into dropping it on the marble floor with a yelp of pain. He angrily launched himself after the stone as it rolled into the crowd. Cursing, he shoved his way past women and creatures alike. The glowing stone rolled further and further into the crowd, the infuriated figure falling behind. The stone was stopped as it hit the foot of a young man clad in fine royal garb. He picked it up and turned to flee his royal robes fluttering behind him like the wings of fiery blue dragon.

The cloaked figure roared with rage and pointed one sickly pale finger at the young mans back. A huge flash of brilliant white light filled the whole chamber. The light blinded the young man as he screamed in pain. His body felt as if it were on fire. Everything around him began to grow larger and larger. He was thrown to his knees as his back began to arch and his hands shrank. His head felt as if it was being split open and his scream of agony turned into the scream of an animal. It was over in mere seconds and the young man had little time to realize what had happened to him. He quickly scoped up the stone in his mouth that now held a row of sharp pointed teeth. His vision was sharper and the room seemed brighter than before. Using this to his advantage he dashed around the dazed and disoriented people who stood in the now dark chamber.

The clocked figure smiled evilly as he herd the curse make impact. What he did not expect was to see a small dark shape where the man once stood. The shape had a shining blue stone in its mouth and the clocked figure growled with rage once again. The shape took off and dashed through the large marble doors of the dining room. Cursing the figure followed in pursuit, damming the fact his killing curse had gone askew.

The young man realized with a bit of cold irony how the figures curse would give him the means to escape. For he now could run faster than ever before and his small size allowed him to run under things he never could have fit under when he was human. His enhanced vision was also incredibly helpful allowing him to see in the darkness of the corridors. His ears swiveled to catch the sound of the cloaked figures thundering footsteps. Panic engulfed the young man and he took of through the nearest door.

The room he found himself in was quite plain with nothing adorning the walls except for a large mirror. Its surface seemed to glow just enough to cast flitting shadows on the stone floor and walls. Suddenly the ordinarily plain frame began to form glowing runes on its surface. They glowed first a fiery white then blue. The same color as the stone still clamped in his jaws. The young man found himself being pulled against his will towards the glowing surface. He struggled digging his claws deep into the stone of the floor. The mirror continued to pull him towards it not faltering in the slightest. In an instant the young man disappeared engulfed in white light…