I do not own Gakuen Alice!

Some reminders: They won't be having any alices.

Title: A Forbidden Feeling

Brief summary: Natsume Hyuuga studies at Alice Academy to be able to get his inheritance. However, the students there kept telling him not to fall in love with Mikan Sakura. Who is she anyway? And why must he not fall in love with her?


Chapter 1: The warning


It was an ordinary day at the market, filled with old ladies chatting and gossiping. Two of them engaged in a conversation.

"Have you heard of that boy?"

"Boy? Who is he?"

"The raven-haired! The one who will get all the inheritance of the Hyuuga enterprise!"

"Lucky him."

"Yeah. but it seems there is trouble about the inheritance."

"What is it?"

Another lady joined in and said, "His father told him he won't be able to get it unless he finishes school."


"Oh well. He can pay the school to let him graduate early."

"That is impossible? I heard he will get transferred to another school. Far from here."


"Alice Academy."

At that exact moment, Natsume, the one being talked about, was staring at the gates of the academy, looking at his so-called new school. His raven-hair swaying gently swaying with the wind. Once he entered, he was greeted by a blonde-haired guy.

"Oh! Hyuuga-san!!" he called.

Natsume smirked, "Yeah?"

"By the way, I will be your homeroom teacher. My name is Narumi."


"Come in. Come in. Let us have a talk inside."

When they arrived at the teachers lounge, everyone stared at the two and after a few moments went back to their work. Natsume sat down at the seat Narumi offered him. He looked at the gay teacher and rudely asked,

"What now?"

Narumi just smiled at him, "Well Hyuuga-san, I, on behalf of the academy, wanted to tell you that you are going to be a top-star. That will be the basis for your allowance every month, room, your food etc. But if you disobeyed rules, we will treat you like what we treat the others.."

"So?" Natsume asked, smirking.

"We do not treat people here because of status, we just classify them according to status. Understood?"

"Yeah, whatever."

"And here is the rule book of the school. Please read it now."

Narumi gave the book to Natsume, who immediately read it. After reading it, he threw the book back to Narumi and angrily asked,

"What do you mean I can't go out?"

"Well, that is the strict rule of the school. You are not allowed to leave the school, however you can contact the outside world."

"Isn't that stupid? Anyway, show me where my room is."


Narumi led Natsume to the dorms, classified according to star level. Upon reaching his room, Narumi said,

"Oh Natsume-kun. I have something important to tell you."


"Uhm...no nevermind, I'll tell you tomorrow when you meet her. Alright, goodbye." Narumi said.

He walked away and left Natsume pondering over his last words.

The next day, Natsume calmly walked towards his soon-to-be classroom. High School branch, 3-B. He saw Narumi approaching as well.

Narumi smiled upon the sight of him, "Are you ready Natsume-kun?"

"Yeah yeah." he replied pissed.

Narumi then opened the door and walked in, followed by Natsume. As soon as the two of them entered, silence enveloped the room. Narumi smiled and introuduced Natsume,

"He is Natsume Hyuuga. 17 years old. Star rank, top-star."

Natsume eyed the room, looking at the students there. He smirked and said,

"Nice to meet you."

All of a sudden, almost all the girls in class stared at him with heart-shaped eyes, squealing and shouting. After all, Natsume is very handsome. The boys groaned, looking bored. They seemed to be waiting for someone. And they were. The door suddenly burst open, and in came a girl, panting hard. It looks like she ran to get to the classroom. Narumi sighed,

"Mikan-chan, for once can you come here without being late?"

Mikan smiled at him, "Sorry sensei. I slept late last night."

"Alright alright. Go to your seat now."

Natsume became curious and looked at Mikan carefully. She has waist-length auburn hair, hazel orbs and a very sweet smile. Heck, what is he thinking about? Natsume shook his head and cleared his thoughts, 'I came here to get my inheritance.'

After Narumi assigned his seat, which is beside Mikan's, he ended the homeroom period. Mikan smiled at Natsume and introduced herself,

"Hello, I am Mikan Sakura"

Before getting the chance to reply, a green-haired girl came towards them saying,

"Mikan, you shouldn't get too close to Natsume-san."

"Why Sumire?"

"Because our newly created fanclub for him forbids it!" she said and laughed out loud.

Mikan sweat-dropped, then she said,

"Sumire, being his friend wouldn't hurt right?"

"Oh come on Mikan. We just don't wanna hurt him, especially if he falls in love with you."

"Like that is going to happen" Natsume suddenly said, interrupting the conversation of the two.

Sumire smirked, "Don't get so cocky now. But, that cockiness makes me fall in love with you Natsume-sama!!"

"Shut up. I won't be in love with anyone." Natsume said.

Suddenly, a raven-haired girl with amethyst eyes appeared infront of them, saying,

"You will never know Hyuuga-san. 1 year is an awfully long time."

"Hotaru, are you encouraging him?" Mikan asked.

Hotaru smirked, then she asked, "He said that too before? Right Mikan?"

Mikan's smile faded for a while,

"Yeah. Hayato did." she said, her voice almost unaudible but Natsume was able to hear it.

"Anyway, it was nice meeting you Natsume-kun. Bye bye." Mikan said in her normal voice. Her smile visible again.

Mikan and Hotaru left the room, followed by a few people. Natsume stayed inside, and read a manga. Sumire stayed with him, talking about so many senseless things. Then before leaving the classroom with her posse, she told him,

"I am warning you Natsume-kun, please don't fall in love with Mikan."

The students left inside nodded in agreement, and they all left him alone. He continued to read there, alone, not wanting to be disturbed. The door creaked open and Narumi peeked inside, he sighed and smiled in delight. He walked towards Natsume and asked,

"How was your first hour?"

"Fine. Nothing interesting happened."


"Alright, they kept telling me about falling in love with the little auburn-haired girl." Natsume said as he smirked.

Narumi continued on smiling, "Mikan? Well, they're about correct."


"Actually, I was looking for you to tell you the same."

"About falling in love with her? Sheesh. That is so ridiculous. I will never ever."

"You wouldn't know. Hayato said that too before, but he ended up falling in love with her. We just don't want anything to happen again."

"Why? What happened?"

"Your classmates are the ones who needed to tell you."

"Yeah yeah, whatever."

"but seriously Natsume-kun, don't fall in love with Mikan Sakura if you don't want to lose all that you have."

Narumi left him alone once again. This time, he didn't read, he looked outside the window.

He remembered what they told him, about not to fall in love with her.

He smirked, "Seriously, its not that bad to fall in love right?" he asked particularly to no one.

Yeah, seriously, its not bad to fall in love.

But, what is bad about it, are the things that will happen once they do.

Now, I wonder what will happen?

Will he follow what they said? Or will he end up falling in love?

Author's Note:

Hi hi! Howdy? This is imhappy15! I just thought of this story and I hope its good.

Its alright if its bad. Please review and I will accept either praise or criticism.

Its actually cool to see criticisms sometimes because its a way to help me improve my skills.

Please review.

P.S.: Thanks for all of those who supported me when I was writing another fic, -when two worlds collide-

Thank you.