A/n: Ok, I realize the treaty says there are no boundaries to it, but let's pretend that Edward discussed it with the pack, and they said it would be (loosely speaking here), ok for him to change her, as long as they were very far away. Also, I would like to thank my lovely beta, your vennela, for helping me with this. She gave me the title (even if she says it's corny, I like it), and helped me with a slight OOC problem. SO THANK YOU VERY MUCH, VENNELA!

Bella's POV-

"Bella, it's time to wake up," Edward said softly.

I groaned and rolled over, pressing my face against his marble chest. "I'm not ready to, yet. Just five more minutes?"

He chuckled. "I suppose five minutes won't hurt…" He nuzzled my neck, inhaling my scent. We lay in contented silence until he said, "It's been five minutes. Bella, you have to get up now."

I got up with a sigh and grabbed my bag of toiletries. "What will we be doing today?"

"Well, It is Friday. We have school," he grimaced, "And then I have surprise planned for this evening."

"Edward, you know I don't like surprises!" I groaned, thinking about all the previous "surprises" I'd been made to endure.

"I promise you, Bella, you'll love this particular surprise."

"Humph." I walked over to my closet, and began rifling through my clothes. It was a little chilly outside, so I decided on plain jeans and a jade colored sweater, with thin golden threads making a flowered pattern to the left. Throwing a smile over my shoulder, I left for the bathroom.

Edward's POV-

As Bella left, my mind strayed to my plans for tonight. I had asked Alice and Rosalie to help me, and they had both happily agreed. The change in Rosalie since the Italy incident was truly incredible. Even though she still didn't love Bella, she had started to accept that Bella would be an official member of our family. In fact, she would be an official member of our family very soon.

Bella just didn't know it yet.

Well, that was the prologue. I made it kind of short on purpose, to see if you guys like the way I write. One review will have me ecstatic, so please, go ahead…