Would Like To Meet
Chapter 4: Of Conspiracy Theories and Head-slaps

Thanks again to everyone who has reviewed! So sorry for the lack of updates, I can't promise to update quickly but reviews do help!
Enjoy! Xx

After her conversation with Abby in the Goth's lab, Kate headed back upstairs to the bullpen. She found McGee with his eyes glued to the computer screen and Tony, well, God only knew what DiNozzo spent half of his contracted time doing. To be honest, Kate didn't usually like to think about it. Grateful for the fact that she had decided to wear flat pumps that day and that the floor was carpeted, Kate walked quickly but quiet up to the bullpen. She was just inches behind Tony when he sensed her presence and quickly minimised the window on the screen before him.

"God Kate!" He exclaimed. "I thought you were Gibbs!"

Kate rolled her eyes as she moved away and over to her own desk.

"Gee thanks Tony, you really do know how to make a girl feel good about herself." She replied sarcastically.

Tony grinned his trademark DiNozzo smile at her.

"I do my best, Katie."

Kate rolled her eyes. "Where is Gibbs anyway?" She asked, noticing that the boss' desk was empty.

"He's up with the Director." Tony said conspiratorially. "Is anyone with me when I say something so went on between Gibbs and Jenny?"

Wisely, Kate and McGee said nothing despite their own suspicions.

Tony jerked around sharply as he received his second head-slap of the day.

"If you're not careful DiNozzo, there will be something going on between Gibbs and 'Jenny', i.e. discussing your dismissal."

"Yes, boss. Sorry, boss." Tony replied, and began typing manically on his keyboard.

Gibbs crossed the room to his desk, coffee cup in hand and couldn't help thinking about what he had overheard Tony saying. Usually he dismissed DiNozzo's comments but if the younger agent had picked up on the residual chemistry between him and the Director then maybe their still was something between them worth fighting for.

"Hi Abby," Tony called out, walking through the opened sliding doors and entering the Goth's lair.

"Hey Tony!" She replied and Tony followed the sound of her voice.

"Have you got the results on the Hammond case?" He asked.

"And here was me thinking you had come for a social visit!" Abby smiled, crossing to her workstation and picking up the plastic evidence bag and a pen for Tony to sign with.

"Actually, Abby..." Tony began, scribbling his name on the chain of custody form. "No, forget it." He said quickly, not quite sure what had possessed him to speak.

"Oh come on Tony, you can't tease me like that!" She said. "If there's something on your mind you can talk to me about it."

Tony sighed, wishing he hadn't started this. "It's about Kate." Abby eyes lit up but she knew better than to say anything just let, she waited in patient silence for Tony to continue. "I'm worried about her, I don't think she's taken breaking up with Jamie very well."

"His name is Justin, Tony." Abby corrected with a smile, she knew that Tony knew full well what Kate's ex boyfriend was called.

Tony just shrugged. "Has she talked to you about it, Abby?"

"Tony, you know I can't tell you things that Kate has told me in confidence." Abby replied gently.

He sighed. "I know, I'm just concerned about her." He saw the look Abby was giving him. "As a friend of course." He added hastily.

Abby rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on Tony, you've been hoping for ages that she'd finish with Justin."

Tony wondered when Abby had become such a pro at reading the mind's of others. Maybe it was all the time she spent with Gibbs.

"Guilty as charged." Tony admitted. "But not because I don't want her to be happy." He added.

"I know, Tony." Abby smiled. "It's because you care about her."

Jenny had taken her stryofoam cup of coffee back to her office with her and she continued to sip at it, enjoying the warmth and taste of the drink, and of course that fact that Jethro Gibbs had bought it for her. She had had no idea that being around him again would be so difficult. Before she had taken the position as Director she knew that it would be difficult at first to settle in to working with him again but she expected the teething problems to last a few weeks, maybe a month at most. What Jenny hadn't banked on was the way she would feel when she was finally reunited with the one man she had loved more than anyone else she had ever been romantically involved with. Gibbs was so hard to read that Jenny had no idea if he still had any feelings left for her. She had been the one who had left, walked out and moved on with her life without him. In fact he had every reason to hate her but she knew that he wasn't that sort of man. If she could take back her decision she would, and she couldn't help wondering what would have become of them now if she hadn't said goodbye. Jenny drained her cup of coffee and threw it in the bin by her feet, cursing herself for dwelling in the past, it was time to move on and she had an agency to run.

"Tony's been down in Abby's lab for ages." Kate commented to McGee when Gibbs had left for more coffee. She could help wondering why Tony may have been delayed but she also knew that Abby would never betray their trust.

"Mhmm." McGee replied noncommitally, not even looking up from his computer screen.

Kate rolled her eyes good naturedly and looked around to check that she was alone. When she was satisfied, she logged onto the dating website and signed in. She checked for messages but was disappointed to find that Andrew had yet to reply to her message. She was just closing the site down when Tony reappeared behind her. She breathed a sigh of relief, she would not want to try and explain why she was using a dating agency to find a man to anyone, let alone Tony.

Tony could not believe what he had seen on Kate's computer screen. She hadn't noticed that he had seen the website she was on and that was a good thing. He was shocked that someone as beautiful, intelligent and witty could not find a date in the real world. Maybe the break up with Justin was having more of an effect on her than he or Abby had imagined. It put an idea in his head though and he made a mental note to log onto the website as soon as he got home.

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