This is it guys! The final chapter, try not to cry lol, I am! I love you all so much, you're amazing. You've all took the time to sit down and read an amateur story and that makes me even happier than I could ever imagine being.

This is dedicated to each and every one of you, to the people who reviewed every single chapter, to the people who reviewed occasionally, to the people who couldn't review because their anonymous but they read anyway and to those who read and got bored and stopped reading lol! This story is all yours!

Anyway, at the end of this story you'll find the title and summary to my next story! The trailer will be up anyway before I've even posted this so some of you might have seen it. If not then read this chapter then go to the end and find out the Title and the summary. Thanks guys.

Anyway I've babbled on and on now so love the chapter guys.

Chapter 27 – I Could Never Be Happier

"THE babies are coming! The babies are coming!" Kelsi said loudly from inside the kitchen.

Troy who was stroking Shade's ears tried to make his way into the kitchen, seriously worried but Sharpay stopped him with a serious glare.

"No Troy. She's got help, she'll be fine." She said firmly and Troy nodded nervously.

He looked around his roomful of friends and smiled. It was finally happening. The babies were coming! It had been five years since Troy and Gabriella had gotten married and life couldn't get better. They were stronger than ever and Troy found that being a husband was one of the best feelings in the world.

Chad walked over to him with his five year old son, Keegan attached to his hand. He gave Troy a reassuring smile.

"Come on, its best we sit outside for a while, you don't want to hear anything. It makes it harder." Chad said and the men led the worried Troy outside and onto the porch.

"I just can't stop worrying. You know we had a lot of problems and all and it just makes me worry." Troy said shaking his head.

"Hey, she's going to be fine." Zeke said smiling.

"I hope so." Troy said as he watched Keegan and Charlie bounding around the garden together.

The men gathered around Troy and offered him comforting smiles. Troy smiled as he locked eyes with Beth's long time boyfriend Tyler. Beth had been going out with Tyler for the past two years and a half. Maria had been on and off with relationships for something but she was hoping to find the right person to settle down with very soon. Shade laid his head upon Troy's lap and whined uncomfortably and Troy stroked his head trying to show him that everything was going to be alright.

"So, how long will we have to wait?" Jason asked, he was trying to look through the window, hoping to catch a glimpse of Kelsi perhaps.

Maria came dashing out, "One!" She yelled before she darted back in.

The men cheered, one, that was enough and as they all shook hands and cheered as Charlie and Shade howled loudly.

"This is going to be great. A perfect family." Zeke laughed.

"The best!" Jason bellowed.

After a while of celebrating the men settled down but their celebrations were cut off after Sharpay came running out smiling.

"The second baby is here." She laughed.

Troy sighed, how long would this take?

TWO hours later Beth came out smiling. The men looked up with anxious eyes and she beckoned them in.

Everyone looked nervous but they could hardly hide the smiles on their faces. Zeke put his arms around Sharpay and kissed her as they went through to the kitchen.

Gabriella was leaning over something and Troy looked nervous as he Shade and Charlie walked towards her.

"Gabriella?" Troy mumbled.

She stood smiling and was holding up a perky little Doberman puppy. She looked incredibly proud and she walked over to him and smile kissing his cheek.

"Three beautiful babies. The puppies are gorgeous." She crooned. (Ha ha, bet you thought Gabriella was pregnant! Got you!)

She bent down so Shade could sniff his young one, the dog licked the puppy and Gabriella laughed before setting the puppy back down with Elphie who looked truly exhausted.

"You're right, 'Troy said, "They are lovely."

Everyone gathered around to look at the puppies, two brown and one black. It was unusual for a Doberman bitch to have a small litter but Elphie had had a terrible ordeal and she had lost four of her litter.

Shade sniffed his way through the group and climbed in behind his mate to rest with her. He licked her ears and growled gently as he rested his head on her back lovingly. Charlie who was still a youthful pup, only five, came and rested outside the basket and nuzzled his head as close to the puppies as he could possibly get.

"Could we have the black one Mummy?" Keegan asked he tugged on Taylor's skirt, trying to get her attention.

"We'll see." Taylor laughed stroking her son's hair.

"Come on, 'Gabriella said, "Let's leave them for a little while." She ordered and everyone began to make their way out.

Everyone sat down in the living room and a very tired little boy came dashing up to Gabriella.

"Mama! Guess what, Grandma took me to the zoo today and we saw lions." He said excitedly.

Gabriella looked across at Troy and smiled, their little boy was called Blaise and he was a sweetheart. He was five years old and he loved his mother more than life itself. He nestled close to her and Gabriella put her arms around him reassuringly.

"Where's Grandma now?" Troy asked.

"She just dropped me off. She said she had to go." Blaise replied.

Blaise harboured both of his parent's qualities. He had Troy's soft sandy brown hair but Gabriella's warm gentle brown eyes. He was intelligent and crafty and he loved many things his parents enjoyed. For this Gabriella was grateful.

"Go to Daddy, Mama has to go check on the little one." Gabriella said and she shifted Blaise towards Troy.

The little boy rushed into his father's arms and Troy laughed and tickled him affectionately as he rolled about giggling. Gabriella looked on at the scene one more time before she made her way upstairs.

She wandered into a bedroom decorated with fairies and covered in pink. She walked over to a small crib and smiled down on the tiny baby who lay awake in her crib. Gabriella and Troy's second born child was a little angel named Leila. She had her mother's soft dark brown curls and Troy's bright ultramarine eyes. She babbled to herself and Gabriella lifted her daughter up and held her in her arms.

"There's my girl." She whispered to her, holding the little one close. Leila was no more than a few months old and she loved to cuddle against Gabriella's breast or lie on Troy's stomach to sleep.

There was a knock on the door and Gabriella turned to find Troy and Blaise standing in the doorway. She smiled and Blaise rushed to hold onto her leg.

Troy came and stood beside her.

"Are you okay?" He asked her tenderly.

"Yeah, a little worn-out that's all." Gabriella replied.

Five years of marriage had done much for Troy and Gabriella. They never grew tired of each other and loved the passion they could give to each other. They rarely argued and when they did the arguments didn't last long. They were a good family and for that they were both exceedingly happy.

Troy pulled his wife close and kissed her gently.

"YUK!" Blaise said sticking his tongue out and making his parents laugh.

"What are you thinking about?" Gabriella chuckled sweetly.

"Oh nothing, It's just I could never be happier, you know?" Troy said kissing her forehead and stroking his sons head.

"Yeah, 'Gabriella giggled, "I know."

Thanks! That's it. I was quite disappointed with the ending but I hope you all enjoyed it. You've been amazing and I can believe it's finally over.

Anyway…the new story is called…

Husband And Wife

And it's a Troyella obviously! I'll give you a summary Taster, here it is…

Summary: They were meant to be together since birth, arranged to be one in Holy matrimony. She needs to trust him and all he wants to do is love her! Will she give into him and will pressure from their parents get to them. TROYELLA! CHAYLOR etc