Nine Months Later

Apartment #207

James sat in his couch, watching the T.V. He turned to a local news channel after deciding that he's had enough of the Seinfeld marathon showing on Channel 57. On the news channel, it showed video clips of a memorial service he attended earlier for all of the Cornerians who died in the war, as well as the victims of the Satoushi City bombing. After that, it showed an interview with the newly elected General Robert Pepper. He talked about his experiences in the war, including being under the leadership of the late Major James Edwards and how he had to briefly take on the role after he had been critically injured.

"It was tough, not only because I was now in his shoes, but also because I couldn't believe that he was really dying in my hands. I mean, he has really stuck his neck out for all of the Rangers who were under his command," he said.

"He was a good man," the interviewer agreed.

"The best," said Pepper.

James took a look at the sunglasses Edwards gave him, which were placed on top of the T.V. It seemed as though it will remain there forever, as he thought it wouldn't be right to wear them. He turned off the T.V. and took out his cell phone. Any minute now, he was awaiting a call from the hospital. He wished he could be there for Vixy, but couldn't because of the memorial service. He could have gone after the service had ended, but he was scared. Of all of the hell he went through, he was scared of this event. He always imagined what this particular day would be like. He imagined that he would be sitting there, with his wife's hand in his, supporting her in this battle. Well, he will be in a second. Literally a second, as his phone started ringing. He immediately answered it. "Hello?"

"It's time," said Peppy's voice.


James darted across the hallways of the hospital, looking for room 347. He found it and already he could hear Vixy's cries. Almost knocking down the doctors and nurses (which would've been disastrous), he went to Vixy's side. She looked at him as if to say, "Where the hell have you been?!" He felt guilty and took her hand, which didn't help much with the pain. What the hell was he scared of, now that he's seeing what she's going through? But her eyes softened up as the pain started to subside, and her cries were silenced by a baby's cries. The nurse brought the little baby fox up to her, and she smiled as held it in her arms.

James looked at the baby with disbelief. He couldn't believe it. He went up close to that little face and could barely breath. Vixy kissed him on the cheek, forgiving him of being late. He wiped the tears off his face and smiled as their baby started to silence his cries.

"James Fox McCloud, Jr.," he whispered.

Training Center #3

He could barely keep his mind on track the next day. He would rather be at the hospital looking at his baby some more than looking at hundreds of sweaty men work out. But he was the Captain and he had to look over these guys as well as inspect them and grade them. He looked at his clipboard, and he looked at the soldiers, but he didn't write anything down. He couldn't even pay attention to how well they were doing. But the soldiers were understanding, as they knew about the event of yesterday.

"Jimmy? Jimmy!" He turned to see Peppy smiling at him. "Not feeling up to work today, I see."

James grinned weakly. "I really, really want to get out of here and get to the hospital. How long do we have?"

"I think it's best if I didn't tell you."

"Thanks," he said weakly. "I just don't want to be one of those fathers whom are never there for their son."

"He's not even a day old, Jimmy."

"Still, I wish I can see him right now."

"Good looking kid, I might say," complemented Peppy.


"And Jimmy, if you ever need a babysitter, I'm available for that. Free of charge."

James smiled. "Much appreciated."

Peppy looked at his watch. "Um, I don't know if this is supposed to make you feel better, but it's time for the Arwing lesson. And it's your turn."

He sighed. "Well, maybe some flying might cheer me up. I haven't flown an Arwing in a while." He departed and walked over to the hangar bay. He saw eleven new Rangers prepped and ready and standing next to their assigned Arwing. The ships were all lined up horizontally, with Arwing #7 in the far left. It was nice that he was using the exact same Arwing that he used in his Ranger days. The Rangers all saluted him, which James responded to. He saw some familiar faces among the group: Corporal Monroe and Private First Classes Townshend, Page, and Plant. He started giving the lecture, which he knew wasn't going through their heads. They've already been through this lecture before and they didn't need to hear it again. But it was required that he gave this lecture over and over again until they have the whole damn thing memorized.

After that, they all climbed aboard their Arwings. ROB–32 started the take–off procedure, which took about thirty seconds to go through. In those thirty seconds, James ordered the Rangers to start up their engines. He heard the high pitched whirring sound of the engines charging up power. ROB released the restraining docks from left to right, and the Arwings were catapulted out of the hangar bay, as if they were on sling shots.

It was still a thrill to him soaring through the sky like this. He led the way for the others who were trying to keep up. They ascended above the clouds and started practicing their maneuvers. James was the first person to perfect the barrel–roll/somersault, which he thought was a useless move, but nevertheless it stunned the Rangers in training. For now, they practiced the various maneuvers the Arwing could do, and there were plenty of them. He watched from up high as they attempted them, giving advice on the radio whenever they had a hard time. They reminded him of the 2nd Ranger Battalion. He was in Edwards' position now, and down below were Jack Lombardi, Robert Pepper, Elias MacDonald, Martin Monroe, Fredrick Hamill, Peppy Hare, David Johnson, Pigma Dengar, Christopher Phoenix, and Matthew Lynx.

He thought of the survivors and how they were living their lives now. Lombardi was a family man now, quitting the army permanently to raise his son (who was a ravenous little tyke, he remembered). He has his own restaurant now. Pepper, of course, is General. Peppy and Pigma were instructors like he was, and Matt quit the army, like Lombardi, in order to be close to his family. He works in real estate.

James thought about following Lombardi and Matt's footsteps and quiting the army to be with his son. He would go back to being a cop, just protecting and serving like all cops do. But honestly, he loved this job. As much as he wanted this day to end right now, it still brought him joy to see other soldiers work their asses off to become the best that they can be. He wants to do the same for his son when he gets older.


He walked back into room 347 and saw Vixy feeding James Jr. He smiled at them and pulled up a chair beside the bed.

"Wow," he said, looking at the baby.

"Yeah," she replied, smiling.

There was very little conversation between the two of them, and there didn't need to be. She picked the baby up and carried him over to James. He held his hands out and cuddled him up immediately, afraid of dropping him. Already, he could feel that this kid was going to be strong. When this baby grows up, he's going to be stronger and braver than his dad ever was. And James was going to make sure of that. All the horrible things he's gone through, he'd go through it again for this kid.