Dear readers,
Lately, I have been thinking. Thinking hard and long about my writing and the way my interest seems to be lost easily. I have decided I will rewrite Lies Hurt. Please, when I do start to finally post chapters again, excuse my writing. It has been so long since I've actually put myself in the Heartland mind set. Sure, I do help Miss Colleen (ilovetk) write One Day You'll Know, and I am known by several as Ty by most means, but I haven't tried to write for it. I have been reading a lot lately. But most of what I have read is Twilight fanfictions for a lack of much else.
As a result, I find myself skipping around between an Amy and Ty relationship to an Edward and Bella relationship. I can't write that way. It upsets me quite a bit to go from your average life to life with an extremely emotional vampire and a not-so-much girl. Please, if there is anything you would like to see different, any advice, or any super-quick beta-ing you wouldn't mind lending, PM me or leave a review (if you haven't already).
Eevee (MyForgottenDream)
P.S. I broke another rule. Yet another author's note. I will repost Lies Hurt brand-new. Just look for the title, because this one will be gone once I get back into the rhythm of things.
P.P.S. I will warn you now. Everything I write is either somewhat, or completely OOC.