Hey guys,

I am so so sos os sos oss sooo sorry for not updating as fast as I could, I hate people that do that. I hope this chapter is a good one.

Chapter 10

I remember one time when I was seven; I asked my dad if he could sing a lullaby to me so I could fall into a deep sleep filled with enchanting dreams. He covered my smooth porcelain hand with his calloused one, leaned over me and spoke through his red beard.

"Why would you need to sleep so deeply? What kind of reality do you need to hide from?"

My mind wandered to the nightmares that had recently infected my dreams. I didn't want to wake up with screams still rattling around my head.

I shook my head and replied, "nothing."

The old man's smile grew bigger and the next time I saw him open his mouth, a song was all to be heard.

"Time lasts forever, it goes on and on,

Only Time will tell,

Safely your sleeping, clouded by dreams,

Far, far away from this spell."

His voice still echoes in my ear and the words are imprinted in my memory.

I was walking along the side of the lake, digging my toes into the soft spots letting the murky water puddle above my foot.

I was having the dreams again. They were haunting me and there was no way to get rid of them. The only thing that ever did was the sound of my father's voice singing that delicate lullaby. But his voice was never to be heard again so I must find some other way.

Instead of my father, maybe I could sing the lullaby. It would never be the same but at least it was worth a shot.

I started to sing. The words were frozen in my throat at first, but the longer and harder I tried, the noises and words started to piece themselves together.

I was singing. I could hear my own voice.

It was like I was never silent, like I was a bird singing a love song to the morning sky.

It sounded beautiful. But was that possible? Could I bring forth that much beauty to the world?

It couldn't be me. Maybe it was some other bird singing or mermaid humming.

I stopped singing to see if I was right. The music stopped to.

I started singing again, and the music started to play again.

The song was me. I really was humming a hymn, singing a song, and caroling a chant.

And it was beaut…..

Footsteps. I could hear them. I stopped, and turned around, afraid of what I might see.

And what I saw was the worst possible thing that I could've seen; James Potter, with an astonished look upon his face and a guilty look in his eye.

I almost screamed. He had heard me. What if, during my time of music, I had decided to tell the world my secret? Why I am quiet and invisible.

I would have died right there on the spot, if I hadn't remembered that I had legs and a pair of feet. I ran with all of my might and strength. I ran faster than air and quicker than light. Basically, I was wind with feet. At least I thought I was, until James caught up right next to me with breath still in his lungs and his blood still circulating.

I couldn't run any more. There was a lump in my throat and a pain in my chest. I had to stop or else I would pass out and James would have to carry me up to the hospital wing.

I put my hands on my knees and let the held air withdraw from my filled lungs. I stared at the ground and forgot for a split second, why I was out of breath.

Wait, why was there a cramp in my thigh and a drop of sweat on my forehead? I looked to the right of me and saw a charming face with rave hair and a tight smile.

Oh, that's why.

As soon as I caught my breath I started to walk again, but James didn't let me,

He grabbed my arm and said, "Lily, wait."

I turned to look at him, giving him one chance to say something.

He sighed, "Why do you run away?"

I blinked and turned again to walk back to the castle.

James lurched and this time grabbed my hand. And of course the familiar spark passed through my body once again making my head spin and my shoulders shiver.

"I want to know, Lily." He held his breath, "What I heard back there," he gestured to the small hallow by the willow tree, where I had sung, "was amazing. It was like a wolf baying to the moon with a sorrowful but delighted, bated breath."

I stared at him.

"You know what you have to do?" he asked, "You've got to live a little. Do something stupid." he laughed, "sound good?"

I shook my head.

He sighed, "Well, you're going to so you better get prepared."

And with that he pulled my hand and ran off so that I couldn't utter a sound or make a movement of protest. He was carrying me like I was weightless. I couldn't do anything to stop him, no matter how much I wriggled or shook my arm, his grip was staying there.

He led me across gardens of weeds next to the many green houses filled with foreboding plants. He pulled me across the pumpkin patch next to Hagrid's Hut and through the bright green quidditch field to the small den next to the changing rooms. Right before the pumpkin patch I had given up, James was determined.

"Do you have any idea how fun it is to ride a very thin piece of wood, a hundred feet up in the air with nothing beneath you but pointed mountains and fresh air?

I shook my head yet again.

James grabbed a broomstick and placed it, floating, three feet above the ground. He held out his hand.

"Are you ready?"

I vigorously shook my head. Was he really serious? I thought he was kidding, just trying to scare me, I….ahhhh!!! I screeched.

James lifted me with effortless motion onto the front seat of the broomstick right in front of him and he took off way faster than I ever thought possible.

"Open your eyes." He said in a husky voice, and the whisper sent chills though my body

I hadn't even realized that they were closed. But when I opened then I then saw what I had been missing for the last seventeen years of my life.

Beauty beyond imagination was stretched out before me. As I felt the wind blow against my warm cheek, I looked out into the world that I had closed my eyes to long ago. A world of peace and serenity.

Birds were flying in all directions through the white fluffed clouds that floated over my head and through the sky. The green, rolling hills of Scotland went on for miles and miles until they reached a place that I could not see so far off into the distance. There was a foggy mist hovering over the land that was barely touching the ground and it seemed as though it was reaching for the sky but the ground could not part with its beauty. The sun was smiling down upon the whole scene with a twinkle in his eye. And I could've sworn I saw the pure white splash of a unicorn frolicking gracefully across a single hill.

I wanted to lean back and just lay there for hours, waiting for a sign to cross the sky, or a star to wink in my direction. But when I started to lie down I felt a hard but warm wall against my cheek. I sat up quickly; remembering what warmth it was but then slowly came back down to rest my head on his safe and secure arms. I looked up to the sky through the clouds and up to heaven and smiled.

He laughed and whispered into my ear again so that his lips were touching my skin, "You're free."

Actually that seemed a lot like a one shot to me, but that's ok, as long as I updated im good. Please people update, if you like it, or you don't, actually, I would rather have the honest truth.. thanx!! So far eveythings been really great so I hope today is the same!