Getting a bit extreme now, even I'm rather surprised my fanfiction got to this kind of plot and scene… I wish more people will start reading this…but nothing much I can do, sighs. I hope you enjoy, anyways! And just to tell you: I WON'T UPDATE UNTIL I GET REVIEWS. 'Cause seriously, I neeeeeeedd MOTIVATION! Reviews do that…
I own Tsuki, Kimi, and anything/one you don't recognize.
Chapter 6--- Avenge For Love
I walked down the halls, avoiding not only Nekozawa but Kaoru as well. I have been noticing lately Kaoru and Hikaru's fans were all glaring at me with deadly looks in their eyes… Thank god they didn't know Haruhi is a girl or they'd be targeting her too.
I gathered my stuff for the day…this would be the first time I actually went home earlier since I usually, unexpectedly, ended up staying behind some way or the other before. Walking quickly, I was about to turn the corner when I saw Kaoru, or almost crashed into him...
He looked a bit surprised to see me, "Ah, Tsuki, I was just looking for you!"
"I'm sorry, but I'm in a huge rush!" I breathed as I slipped past him, almost breaking to a run. Darn, I was successful in avoiding so far before then…
"Hey!" He grabbed my arm and pulled me backwards, I gasped.
"Eh…Kaoru!" I said nervously as I tried to shake off his grip on my arm…it wouldn't budge.
"H-have you been avoiding me?!" He wasn't asking but accusing in a…hurt tone???
I shook my head, "N-no…why?" I avoided his eyes as he studied me. "Please, Kaoru, I'm in a rush…" That was my only excuse I could think of.
"'Cause it seems that way," he sighed and let go of my hand, "It kind of seems like a long time since I last talk to you…I didn't notice how big of a part of my daily life you were until today." He brushed his hair back slowly sighing as he said that… "I guess I miss you, that's all." He quietly put.
I stared at him and slowly but clearly said in a tone just above a whisper, "My feelings…are a hundred times yours, Kaoru." I was now looking down, blushing hard, "I-I really got to go now...!" I rushed off, leaving him there to wonder of his thoughts while my pondering was fast and came confusingly.
I thought I was going to get out of school safely after that encounter but was I ever wrong. I crashed into…and I mean literally crashed into Umehito.
"You okay?" he calmly said with a tint of worry to it.
I nodded, rubbing my head. "Yeah…fine…" We stood there lapsed in silence afterwards…me rubbing my head and he fidgeting.
"Um…" we both mumbled and nervously laughed a little, telling each other to talk first. Nekozawa ended up giving into my amazing convincing powers and began first.
"How you been?" he asked nervously.
I mumbled 'good', "What're you doing here, don't you have club?" He told me that today all clubs were cancelled due to being some kind of special rest day.
"I'm just waiting for Kimi…she said she had something to discuss with me…" he said but I guess some kind of 'karma' struck and there was Kimi behind Nekozawa.
"Neko-" she began and then spotted me, her expression changed immediately. She rushed off; leaving Nekozawa confused…I hadn't kept my end of the promise.
"What…" he began.
I bit my lip, fighting the incoming waterworks. "K-Kimi is nice…I bet what she wanted to tell you is that she…sh-she really loves you…" I stuttered, hopelessly.
"But, I love y-" he began but I cut him off…I knew what he was going to say…and I had finally noticed how I felt when Kimi had told me she loved Nekozawa.
"But I don't!" I shut my eyes tightly and raised my voice, "I DON'T! Kimi is nice and she likes you! D-don't let someone as wonderful and deserving as he slip by…or…or I will never, never forgive you!" I could just feel the pain of him and mine… "Please, don't make this harder than it has to…" I scarcely whispered.
I'm sorry; I thought to myself, I'm just protecting something precious to me… I felt like crying then but with the last of my efforts I didn't.
"But…" he broke off softly as he stared at me with convicting yet hurt eyes. I avoiding his gaze…if I looked him in the eye now, I'd surely die.
"G-goodbye" I was shattering and I ran off. I left the most important people today without finishing what I brought onto myself…
A fair-haired girl panted and wiped the last of the falling tears from her face… That girl…she had broken her promise, her end of the bargain. Se seethed with hurt as she pushed open the door to one certain classroom. Nekozawa had been wrong, not all of the clubs was closed, only the publicly known were closed for rest… Fan clubs were definitely open.
"Hello, welcome to the Twins Fan Club, how may we help you?" the leader, a light haired girl, asked.
"Shizuku Tsuki…does the name strike you perhaps," the fair-haired girl whispered, "I can help you get rid of her once and for all…"
The leader smiled wickedly, "Yes…and who may you be?"
"Yamato Kimi of the Black Magic Club." And the pawns began to set in place.
I walked into the classroom and immediately I felt some people glaring at him, suppressing a shiver, I sat down in my seat. Reaching into my desk I felt a piece of glass…dang, when will I ever learn to look into my desk before I reach in?! I heard a giggle from the front and saw a group of girls looking at me, but they quickly looked away when they saw I was staring at them. I gritted my teeth, seething…how vile can fan girls get? Class hadn't even begun and I had already lost some blood…that made me kind of wonder if I could die of blood lost, counting on how much blood I lost so far this week…
I saw two hands being placed on my desk before me. "Oh, Kaoru, hi." I greeted him with a little salute with my left, non-bleeding, hand.
"What happened to your hand?" he asked right away…he noticed details WAY too well, "And this is Hikaru by the way." I studied him again…oh gosh! I wasn't paying attention at all. It was indeed Hikaru before me, I must be off today.
"I just cut myself on a piece of paper, nothing much!" I laughed lightly but he leaned his head over, almost on my lap as he peered into my desk. I couldn't stop the distinct flush that came washed over my face.
"What's with the position, huh?" I softly asked but either he wasn't listening or he chose to ignore me.
"Ah, paper, eh? With a cut that deep, pfft, you must assume me stupid!" Hikaru raised his eyebrows and gave me a cocky grin.
I glared at him, "Just don't tell Kaoru, please…" The twin just stared at me curiously.
"You've been hanging out with him lots lately, aren't you…" he began but seemed to debate otherwise to bring up this topic, "Why not tell him, won't he be worry if he finds out?" He seemed to know of his brother's and his fan girls targeting me because of the time I spent with Kaoru.
"He won't be worried or even know if you keep your mouth shut," I snapped, getting up, I walked out. I didn't feel like attending class anymore at all. I went up to the roof to get some fresh air…
Damn…I thought as the rush of the wind blew over me. Why did Hikaru have to look so much like his brother? That must be the reason why I get the usual butterflies I get with Kaoru when I'm with Hikaru. I mean, every time I talked and spent with Kaoru…my heart beats so fast and hard that I think I could just drop and lay there, crying and dying at the same time…weird huh…? Thoughts kept coming as I laid there, eyes closed, as I let the warm Chinook of a wind wash over me.
"Hey," Someone tapped my forehead and immediately snapped open. I saw one of the last people I wanted to see then.
"Oh…hi," I softly looked at Kaoru and quickly got up and he backed off a step to avoid me crashing into me. "I got to go, yeah, see ya!" I said as I quickly walked off. I always ended up with someone I didn't want to see at all.
"You're always avoiding me now…it's no fun anymore…" I heard him whisper but I urged myself on…
I'm that selfish…I don't want to be…hurt…
A girl peered at the scene, her love, Kaoru, stood there as the stupid girl walked off so rudely… Revenge would be necessary and soon she would tell the rest of the girls.
So I avoided Kaoru and Nekozawa even though the little 'accidents' persisted. They were little ones, hardly noticed at all, and I said nothing. I wasn't scared, I just didn't want to cause anymore trouble.
My life has been down right boring now since I guess I have nothing… Only my heart that I hold carefully and closely locked away. It was the only thing I had left…
I walked up again to the roof but this time company had followed me… Unlike last time it wasn't Kaoru and it wasn't what you call a 'friendly' encounter. I watched them as the approached and stopped about a meter or more away from me.
"We decided that this has have to end," a light haired girl began and you could tell she was definitely the leader, "We have hurt and damaged you with petty 'accidents' so far but this has to end. You've been strong and held out longer than we suspected but I am sure anymore you'll begin to crack…from the pain…"
I said something quietly and she went, "What?"
"I said it doesn't hurt, not at all! Compared to what I feel for something else I must endure, like you said, your actions and attacks are petty and to my perspective, rather cowardly. If you have problems with me you should openly approach me!"
I felt a hard slap made contact with my face. It stung where she hit me but the raged look on her face made me give her a cocky yet crooked grin…I had the upper hand.
"Like I said…we have to end this…do you know how though…?" She fought to keep her voice steady and calmer, "You must die!" There was a weird look on her face. "This is what I'm doing, openly approaching you!"
It seemed this girl had problems because she rushed forwards and pushed me backwards. Most of my upper body was off the roof but I put my weight in my hips to stay on. She had not only caught me off guard but shocked me.
"Y-you're crazy!" I yelped as she tried pushing me off, I wrestled to keep on.
She gave me a half-crazed grin, "So I'm told!" She was cackling and now clawed me in the face, knocking me sideways and I rolled back onto the roof. I held my scratched face as she quickly advanced on me… I was unbelievably…scared. She screeched as she lunged at me once again, I knew I couldn't dodge by the little area that was left between us. Holding my arms to defend my face was all I could manage and I attempted to roll sideways. But I was bonded by an unknown force…a supernatural one.
I forced myself to look up to see Kimi. She was chanting a spell to bind me to the ground. The light haired girl now slowly walked around my body in nerve wracking circles as she cackled non-stop. She was going to lunge at me…
That was when the door to the roof of the school opened and help finally arrived.