So we're finally here, the last chapter. I want to take a minute to thank all of those who have stuck with me to the very end, and for those who have reviewed and read. Special thanks to syaoronsangel for editing this entire thing for me, and more thanks go out to xHarryxPotterx, Lina Mistress of Elements, dramioneluvr and Aswen. All of the reviews I get have pushed me to actually finish this thing!! Also be on the lookout for a Fred/Hermione fic, I'm going to finish the entire thing before I post though so it might be a while. Without further ado, the final chapter!!!

Chapter 20-Epilogue

A little girl with untamed, curly platinum hair ran her stubby little legs up a grassy, green hill. She ran with the gait of one who had just learned to walk, but was drinking in the newfound independence and refused to be carried anymore despite the awkward stride that came with first steps. She was followed shortly by a little boy with dark, straight hair and piercing blue eyes. He was slightly more reserved, being a little older and having a better idea of where they were headed. He knew that this place was not a place for running and playing, this place that he had visited every year since he could remember. His little sister had already reached their destination, a stone mounted on the crest of a hill, facing the sunrise.

They said his name was Fred. He had never met him, but his mother spoke of him often. The little boy was startled upon hearing the name at first, he didn't think anyone else in the world had the same name as him. His mother smiled, saying that they had the same names for a reason.

The little boy drew his gaze up to his mother, expecting to see her weary like she usually was during these trips, but instead, she was calm and composed. She never liked making this journey, but she did it every year without fail. It had become a sort of family tradition, Mom and Dad and little Rose and him too. He still didn't understand why they talked to this rock with an inscription on it like it was some kind of person, maybe it made them feel better. He didn't think he'd ever understand grown-ups.

Hermione gazed at her little boy, astounded at the miracle that she and Draco had created together. Two children, and a third on the way. She had so much to be thankful for, so much that had almost never happened. She owed everything she had to Fred, she always would.

"Ah-CHOO!" A glorious eruption emerged from Draco behind them. Hermione turned and smiled weakly at him, she knew how he felt about roses.

"Here, let me take those." Hermione said as she scooped the flowers into her arms.

"Why roses? Why can't we get something less… I dunno… flowery?" Draco asked, rubbing his nose.

"Because they were the first flower you ever gave to me, they sort of have a special place in my heart I guess." Hermione said wistfully.

"Yeah, well now they have a special place in my sinuses…" Draco complained lightly.

Hermione laughed slightly, heading up the familiar hill. It took considerably more effort than she was used to, hiking up hills while being six months pregnant wasn't a habit she planned on getting into. Draco walked next to her, a comforting hand on her back, ready to support her if she needed it. He gazed at his wife, her breathing slightly quicker than usual, a slight sheen of perspiration on her forehead from the effort. She turned to him and smiled bravely back, warming his heart in places he didn't know could be reached anymore. He honestly didn't know what he had done to deserve such a wonderful wife, not with his past, not with all he had put her through. Harry and Ron had both been skeptical about their relationship working out, but they had been proven wrong. Here they were, standing together, forever, until the end of time.

They reached the top, a massive array of flowers already adorning the grave. The Weasleys had never failed to shower Fred's grave with life and color every year, celebrating his birthday. He would have turned 27 today, perhaps he even would be married, with kids too…

Hermione felt her eyes well up as she lay the roses at the head of the grave, just like she had done every year. Each year she faced him, and each year was just as hard as the last. The pain didn't go away or recede, his memory still alive within each and every one of them. It was his way of staying with them, she supposed.

"Well, here we are again." Hermione said to no one in particular, trying to find words to say.

Rose excitedly paced the grave, gaping at the numerous flowers in wide-eyed wonder. "Wow, mommy, someone sure loves this Fred person a lot!"

Hermione smiled. "Yes. He's always had love from many people."

Rose wobbled to her father's side, pulling on his pants leg, wanting to be picked up. Draco smiled down at his daughter, a miracle he'd never thought possible. He scooped her up, holding her close, watching in wonder as the life he helped create interacted with the world around her. His heart surged with a joy he didn't think possible.

"Well, what's new…?" Hermione said to herself. "I'm expecting another one in a few months, if you can believe it. We're still trying to think of a name."

"This one'll be a Slytherin for sure." Draco said proudly.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Well, it's just as likely for these two to be in Slytherin as well."

Draco said, "Who ever heard of a 'Rose' or a 'Fred' in Slytherin? No, these are gonna be Gryffindors, I'm sure of it. But we will spawn a Slytherin before all is said and done, Hermione. We'll create enough kids to make any Weasley proud!"

"Oh…" Hermione said, the daunting thought of numerous pregnancies filling her mind.

Draco smiled. He turned to Rose, who looked at him with wonder. "You hear that? You're gonna be surrounded by little Malfoys soon enough! You'll have lots of brothers and sisters. How would you like that?"

Rose just smiled back at him, one of the most beautiful sights he'd ever seen in his life.

Hermione teased, "Fred, you'd be surprised at the affectionate father Draco's become. Who knew the taunting Malfoy would be so kind and gentle? Well, what else is there… I'm still working at the Ministry, and Draco is next in line for a teaching job at Hogwarts next year. Draco rejected the job of Dark Lord after little Fred was born, he realized that all he really wanted to do was be a father. Quite a strange calling for one who was so sure to be the most vicious Death Eater of our time, but I guess anyone can change. At Hogwarts he'll be teaching- surprise, surprise- Potions. As you know Harry and Ginny married earlier this year, and Ginny told me last week she's expecting! Can you believe it, Fred? Your baby sister starting a family of her own. It's incredible how time really does fly. I can't wait to see the child. Harry and Ron are still continuing their work as Aurors, and Ginny's still the fastest quidditch players in the league. You'd be so proud of both of them."

Hermione looked at Draco after finishing her words. "Draco? Do you have anything to say?"

Draco turned to the grave, wishing that he could see the real Fred. They had never been particularly close, but he hated talking to a stone and wondering if anyone ever truly heard him. He wanted to know for sure what Fred was thinking, where he was, what he was doing. If he would ever be back.

"Well… I forgive you for that one time you kissed Hermione, since you saved her and all… and if it wasn't for that sacrifice, then I wouldn't be holding this beautiful girl in my arms or have a son to take to quidditch matches. I owe you a lot. Thank you for giving us this chance."

Draco finished, settling back into his calm, cool composure.

"Fred? Anything you'd like to say to… well, Fred?" Hermione asked out of courtesy.

The little boy turned to the grave, gazing at it with wonder, still trying to wrap his mind around the concept of death. "Well, I guess you must be a pretty cool guy, since mom named me after you. And I'm sure if you were around, you'd be really welcome. We probably could have been good friends."

Hermione hadn't told the little boy exactly how Fred had saved them, he wasn't quite old enough to understand the abstract concept of death. Soon, though, he would know. He would understand everything, and realize why he had been named after such a noble person.

"Rose?" Hermione asked. Rose looked at the grave, not really understanding what was happening. Hermione knew this, but she gave her the chance to say something anyways.

"Those are real pretty flowers, and there sure are lots of 'em. You must have a lot of friends here." Rose said simply.

Hermione nodded. Draco looked at her, realizing it was time for them to go. Draco scooped up the kids in both of his arms, much to the protest of little Fred ("I'm not a little kid anymore!") and walked back down the hill. Hermione remained, beautiful thoughts awash on a shore of memories within her mind. Sometimes she missed Fred so much it physically hurt, she ached when she thought of the pain that he'd had to go through. But what he went through had given her the life she had, something she'd be eternally grateful for.

"Fred… we all still miss you so much. Molly, I don't think she ever really moved on. George has never been the same, either. He's much quieter now. As for your other siblings, they still laugh and have a good time, but that doesn't fill up the empty chair at the dinner table. We'll always miss you, Fred, and we'll always remember you."

Hermione paused, staring down at the grass between her toes. It was so bizarre to think that her friend lay below, so far down, never to rise again. This observation baffled her every time she came here, despite how often she had confronted it. It was so hard to wrap her mind around, so hard for her to understand.

"And, Fred… thank you for the advice you gave me. You were right. You were right all along." She gazed back towards her family, her eyes lingering on Draco, waiting for her at the bottom of the hill.

She stepped towards the grave, and placed her hand solemnly on the stone.

"For the sake of what might have been." She said quietly.

Without another word, she stepped away, back down the hill to the life that was waiting for her. Rose was chasing Fred in a circle around Draco, laughter filling the air like the melody of a gentle flute. Draco tried in vain to stop them, children were no match for a slow grown-up. Hermione reached the bottom of the hill and was met with the whine of Rose.

"He took my flower! Make him give it back!" Rose wailed.

Draco muttered, "He just might be a Slytherin yet…"

"Fred, give Rose back her flower." Hermione commanded.

Fred looked rather crestfallen, glancing between the rose and his mother. Finally, defeated, he handed the flower back to Rose.

"Come on, Fred, fight the system…" Draco muttered, just quietly enough for Hermione to hear.

Hermione sighed. "Fred will be a Gryffindor. You just wait and see."

Draco shook his head vehemently. "No he won't, cause then you'll have to make more babies till we get one! You don't want that, do you?"

Hermione chuckled, "Whatever, Draco. By the end of all this we'll have populated half of Hogwarts between the two of us."

She turned one last time towards the hill, watching the sun dip behind the crest, spreading millions of brilliant colors across the sky. She sighed, trying to release the tension that had seemed to never really go away since that last battle. She looked into the faces of her two children, who were still glaring at each other so much that their faces were a brilliant shade of crimson. She felt herself slowly let go of the pain and regret when she looked at them, relaxing in the presence of her precious family.

She took Draco's hand, her two children running in front of her, and walked back to her home, where she finally belonged.

(A/N) So what'd you think? Love it, hate it, indifferent? Let me know so I can make my fics better in the future! I looove reviews, they make my day!