Yay! Another story! I thought up this one while in W. Geog today! We had to make some retarded globe or something, really though, who cares? Or should I say, "Who gives a dip!?" Anyways, hope people like this one as much as my other story Troubled…! Anyways, here's a summary… And I don't own Naruto, as much as I wish I did…
I SOOO MADE UP THE VILLAGE HIDDEN IN THE ASH! (AKA Kaibun) Oh yeah, I'm awesome… And if someone wrote about something like that before me, sorry, but I seriously did think of this just today, and I'll give you the ownership if you did come up with it before me. Anyways, the symbol look's like this: \'''/ (The comma's are supposed to be straight…)
Summary: What if Sakura was a member of Akatsuki from the age of 5, had a bloodline limit, and was originally from the village hidden in the ash? (In Fire Country) Well this is the story that answer's those questions. Sakura is now at the age of 12 and is being moved over to Konoha on direct orders from Pain (Pein, Pain, Rain, I've heard it all, and don't know the real name, so I'll just use Pain… Don't yell please). She is to watch over the Kyuubi, Sasuke, and anyone else who is added onto any later list of hers. This is a SakuDeiSasu story. Also brotherly SakuSaso. Hope you enjoy it!
Sakura walked in the 'black snow' and smoke and slowly made her way to the large empty Haruno mansion. Ignoring the piping hot doorknob, she turned it and walked into her darkly furnished living room. She slid off her black combat boots and slid off her cape and hung it on the back of her door. Walking past the empty room, she slowly made it into her kitchen. An inch away from the beautiful tile, she quickly backed away and took out five kunai, two in her left and three in her right. In a flash, she jumped into the kitchen and threw the kunai at the two intruders, only to be met with a small yelp and a grunt.
Her eyes widened as she dropped the two remaining kunai on the floor and ran forward with happiness and relief on her face. She quickly removed the kunai from the two cloaked figures and healed the first one, the second one having no need for it. When she was finished healing, she took a step back with a giant grin on her face.
"I've missed you guys so much!" she yelled, jumping on both the blond and the redhead. She was met with a tight hug from both of them and soft chuckling.
"Sakura-chan, you got really good, yeah! I didn't even sense you, un!" Deidara flashed her a sly grin. He looked at her short pink hair and tight black tanktop, baggy black ANBU pants and black fingerless gloves. "We defiantly have to spar soon and see just how good you got, yeah." Sakura smiled and gave him a tight hug and turned to the redhead.
"Saso-kun, I need a new attachment!" she whined softly, letting Deidara scoop her up into his arms, setting themselves onto the kitchen counter Indian-style. Sasori smiled and pointed to a bag a few feet away from them on the large redwood table.
"I came prepared, of course." He slowly sat down at the table and stared at her. "You grew a lot Sakura-chan," he shook his head, "no one at HQ will believe your that little Sakura-chan who had pigtails and ran around on Deidara's shoulders all day." Sakura blushed, but smiled nonetheless.
"Not to be rude, I love the fact that you guys came here, but why? There has to be a reason…" She looked sheepishly to the ground in front of her and awaited their answer.
"We came here to get you to Konoha, Saku-chan, yeah! You're to be stationed there to become a genin along with the Kyuubi, un." He smiled and nuzzled the side of his head onto hers as she giggled softly.
"Wh-what ? Why? I'm nowhere near genin level! I'm an ANBU here in Kaibun!" she whined looking to the ground disappointedly.
"I'm sorry Sakura-chan. But it's our order's, therefore, yours as well. You have to carry them out. Now come on, you have to tell the village leader about your departure. When you get back, we'll give you the upgrade on your arm." Sasori pointed to her right arm, then to the door, as she reluctantly got out of Deidara's arms and lap to walk down to the front door.
Before fully exiting, she looked back. "When do we leave?"
"Tomorrow morning."
She nodded, put on her boot's and her cape and walked out of the cool house into the fiery burning outdoors' of Kaibun.
Sighing, she gave one last glance to Sasori and Deidara.
"So, then I won't be seeing you guy's for a long time, eh?" Both of them gave her a sad nod. She nodded back to them with a sad smile. "I'll miss you two so much… I love you guys, and thanks for the new arm Saso-kun. I love all of the hidden traps." She waved her right arm around a little bit and gave a small laugh as she walked into Konoha.
"Name, age, date of birth, where you just came from, and any specialties like a bloodline limit, or if you were say, a genjutsu specialist." Kotetsu said with the utmost bored tone, and a yawn at the very end.
"Sakura Haruno, I am 12, born on March 28th, I come to Konoha from Kaibun, and I specialize in healing and genjutsu, and I have a bloodline limit." Kotetsu's head shot up and looked her up and down.
"What is the name of your bloodline limit, and what is it."
Sakura paused, trying the best she could to think of the word's that would describe it. When she was satisfied, she spoke up.
"It's called 'Tsurugi' (sword). I can morph almost any item into a sword, including string and wire, and can change the length, weight, and dullness of the blade." Kotetsu stared at her with wide eyes.
"Oh, um… Okay then. Let's go into the Hokage's office now then."
Sakura nodded and silently obeyed.
"Alright Miss Haruno, welcome to Konoha, you are now a permanent resident. Do you need help on getting an apartment? Or need a loan?"
"No, Hokage-sama." Sarutobi smiled at the young girl in front of him and handed her the Leaf hitai-ate.
"The academy will start tomorrow at 7:00 sharp. Good luck, and I hope to see you sooner as a chunnin. You hold great promise, Haruno-san." Sakura smiled and bowed and slowly walked out of the office, replacing her Kaibun hitai-ate that held her cape on with the Leaf hitai-ate.
'That was much easier than I thought.'
FYI, Sakura's cape looks like the Akatsuki cloak, only a cape. It still has the big-ass neckband though. And it's all black… And open in the front 'cause it's a cape… Anyway's, you get my point. Near her collar bone, her hitai-ate is clicked on as a button to keep it shut. So there 'ya go! That's her outfit!
R&R! I hope you liked the chapter, and/or prologue. I really want to finish my other story too, but if you ask me, this one sounds better… But hey, that's just me. Oh, and if you were wondering, I discontinued my DN and Naruto fan fiction. No one read it… You people suck! If I don't get at least one comment, I'll discontinue this one too.
Bye for now! COMMENT PLEASE!