Bokura: So here's a new story and for those of you who read my other story do not worry I shall continue with that one soon I was waiting to see if anyone will review some more…. BUT enough of that one….this one shall have angst and mature content…..probably….so yea I'm warning some of you innocent minds out there. I DO NOT OWN OURAN….so you must not kill me but I will own any original characters in here…don't worry they won't get in the way….much lol SO ENJOY!

Kaoru's POV
"I hate you!"

I knew you didn't mean it….did you? You kept saying it profusely , but I tried not to listen… How couldn't I listen though? You were so angry and for what? Because somehow I found myself kissing Haruhi….I didn't mean to , but you won't listen. You just walked in at the wrong time….why don't you trust me? Why in all hell would I kiss her and not you? But you won't listen. I finally looked you in the eyes though after you said I hated you for the millionth time. Your eyes were full of anger and hurt, I wish you were hurting because you said these awful things to me, but I know that's not true. My thoughts returned to what happened once you turned your back on me….

"Hey Haruhi, did you want something?" I walked up to the brunette girl, well as of right now she is supposed to be a 'he.'

"Um…have you told Hikaru yet?" Yes, this little he/she knew my darkest desire.

I shook my head and she gave me a questioning look , I knew she wanted an explanation." It's just not the right time…..that's all…"I looked away.

"Kaoru, you got to tell him sometime, you can't keep it bottled up forever…if you're not careful you're going to regret it…." I laughed a bent down closer to her with a Cheshire smile on my face…mistake number 1. Some blonde haired king decided he'd bmp into me …the idiot. So there I was locked with this little brunette on the lips and here you are walking into the music room to get me. I was the one who pulled away first and you had the look of hatred pressed on your face as you turned and walked furiously away. Haruhi stopped me by grabbing my arm, " He'll understand, just tell him the truth." I nodded because I knew that that wouldn't happen , but before I could say anything the reason for this mess was suffocating Haruhi in an embracecrying and apologizing for making his 'son,' kiss his 'daughter.' I ran out of the extravagant doors and chased you down ,but you had already taken the limo home….great, now I get to walk. I guess that was how you wanted it…oh well it'll give me time to think , and that's what I did the whole run home. Once I got to our home I stood at the doorway catching my breath before I ran up to our room. And that's when I saw you throwing our picture of us hugging one another to the ground and you saw me in the doorway.

"Get out!" I was definitely not going to move until you heard my story ….. "Well, what are you doing here?! JUST LEAVE AND GO DIE OR SOMETHING!" I can't believe you said that….I understood the hates and the get outs….but you have never said that to me before. I'm glad my bangs could cover my eyes at that moment. Tears were leaking from my eyes and I turned towards the door. I 'll just get the maids to get my stuff later….Before I reached the hallway I whispered something to you…. " I wish I could've told you sooner….I guess Haruhi was right, I would regret it…"

…..I love you……

Bokura: I'm very sorry for the shortness of this chapter, but I didn't want it all to be in just one chapter I plan on making the fight last longer so yea lol…..REVIEW and I'll probably get the next chapter up after this one.