A/N: A little bout of something based completely off a video I saw on YouTube of the same name. One of the greatest fan videos ever. I'm not even a Dramione shipper, but it was THAT good. I suggest you look it up—you won't be disappointed. I emphasize again—this story is not mine! It was just written from the idea of someone else. No plagiarism is intended. Just flattery. Also, go look up the song she had for the video to get the full feel of the story. It's by Within Temptation, and it's called "Pale". Now, onward!
An empty space is all that's left, of
Where my heart should be,
The love that once lit up my life, now
just a memory,
I miss you more than words can say,
but nothing stops the pain,
And if I could, I turn back time,
To see your face again.
The Hogwarts halls were draped with black. The sun streamed through the massive windows, but it was a bold contrast to the dark and gloomy expressions on the faces of all students in the Great Hall. Every seat was filled. The funeral service was about to begin.
"Boy…" his angry voice breathed through the mist. "Your father is a Death Eater. Your mother is a Death Eater. It is time for you to take your rightful place. For their loyalty served, I will say it one more time—hold out your arm!"
Draco closed his eyes for the inevitable pain to follow. He would not hold out his arm to receive the Dark Mark, swearing evil servitude to the dark master. An action that he was going to die for. He was quite sure of it. He had known that this moment was coming for many weeks. Still, now that it was here, upon him, before his eyes, he found himself afraid. But his love for his friends, his love for the woman that was Hermione Granger, made the words fall out of his mouth.
"I have chosen, Lord Voldemort…"
Voldemort raised his wand under Draco's chin, making poor Malfoy hiss in fear.
"What did you say, boy?"
Draco didn't respond, to busy letting out terrorized whimpers. Voldemort lowered his wand slowly, much to Draco's surprise, and whirled away from him, pacing between several other Death Eaters in great displeasure.
"I will give you one more CHANCE!" he cast his spell as he shouted.
"AHHH!" Draco screamed in such volume as the curse made contact, barely having time to raise his arm up in defense, as the spell hit his forearm broadly. Draco fell to the ground, the injury too much to bear. He writhed in pain on the moist earth, trying to put his mind to better places, but having no success. Voldemort's coat flew behind him like dark wings, while he circled Draco as he bled onto the dirt below him, like a hawk stalking its injured prey.
Voldemort leaned down to Draco's pitiful figure lying on the ground, squirming like a burning ant under a magnifying glass.
"No… please… I beg of you, don't kill me, please…!"
"If you do not have a life serving me, what do you possibly have to live for?"
The killing blow would come any moment now, that was certain. His only regret was not seeing her face…
All Draco saw was a blinding light. In the next second, it was over.
People from all over the world had shown up. Students from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons had also filled seats.
Harry was sniffing back tears, as his memories flourished, ones of him and Draco play-fighting with one another out on campus, ones of them exchanging notes in class on how ridiculous the teachers were, ones of Draco cheering him on during Quidditch, the Triwizard Tournament… Draco had been with him through it all…
All was silent, except for the tears of some emotional few. Hermione was one of those few.
"Our Fallen Hero" the Prophet had called him. But he was more than that. He was the greatest sacrifice the war had ever seen. Images ran through her mind. The way he used to look at her. How suave he looked when he danced. The way he smelled… the way he tasted. She could still remember that taste, but now it was bitter in her mouth. She could still feel his smooth white skin on the tips of her fingers, but now it was like sandpaper against her heart. It brought new, warmer tears in her eyes.
Hermione's mind raced with thought, as she ran out the door with Harry at her heels.
"This is ridiculous, Hermione!" Harry called after her as he kept up the chase. She raced out the long bridge of Hogwarts, unable to break free of even a single moment of pain in her heavy heart. The world was cruel. It was unjust. Draco didn't even need to die in order for Harry to succeed. It was simply a brutal twist of fate. Knowing that their friendship was the very reason for Draco's death ate their soul to tiny pieces, torturing them day-to-day… They all struggled together to cope with their loss, but peace would not come, not even with time.
Hermione rested her head on the railing post, closing her eyes in an attempt to relieve some of the mourning. Nothing helped. The added guilty burden of his needless sacrifice didn't help much to ease the hurt.
"Harry," she said, as she heard his footsteps come closer. "This was utterly wrong and you know it."
"Hermione," Harry sniffed, a tear falling from his nose and off into the foggy distance ground below. "It's killing me too, but we've got to accept it."
"Think about it," Hermione said softly. "We could go back. We could use my old Time-Turner… Harry, we can make this right…"
"And what?" Harry demanded. "Go back and warn him? Hermione, one way or another he'd still get killed."
He was right, even though Hermione hated to admit it. There was only one way to do this. But she could only go through with it if Harry was in full compliance as well. She would need his help in order for this to work.
"Harry…" she breathed raggedly. "His feelings for us were the cause of his death. What if we… were never even friends with him to begin with?"
"But how would that makes things better?" Harry shook his head, not comprehending a world without his best friend.
"Because I would be saving the man I love," Hermione admitted to the floor. "And you would be saving the best friend you've ever known. And that's worth it in itself…"
Harry nodded firmly. He understood now. He would do it… he would become enemies with him… to spare his life.
Hermione frowned in sadness, knowing that this was the right thing to do. Someday the pain would fade, and she would live on. She would live with this. She had to trust that he would be alright… without her.
"But I don't understand. You're from… the future? What are you doing here?"
"There's going to be a boy," Hermione said sorrowfully, a very young first year version of Harry sitting before her on the Hogwarts Express. "His name… his name is Draco Malfoy."
"Oi, I've heard of him!" little Ron piped up.
"Yes," Hermione said, trying to get a grip on her composure, barely able to speak while choking back more tears. "In order to save him from a very awful fate, you have to refuse his friendship. You have to let him hate you."
That's when little Hermione showed up, and she stared face to face with the girl she once was. Before she had met Draco, before life was heaven on earth when she had been in love with him, before life had become a living hell when he was so tragically taken from her. It took her a moment to gather herself, but she eventually did. She was here for a purpose, after all, and it was a purpose she was determined to serve. She silently said goodbye to the Draco she once loved, once and for all.
She had to make it right.
"You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort," Draco's gaze was harshly directed at Ron with these words. "I can help you there."
Draco stretched out his hand to Harry, and Harry paused before shaking it. He wasn't too fond of how he was treating his new buddy Ron, though he would have overlooked such words on any other occasion. Except today. This was the day that futuristic Hermione had warned him against making friends with this very boy. As a matter of life and death. So, Harry chose to believe her, and did not shake the boy's hand, but rather said:
"I think I can sort out the 'wrong' sort for myself, thanks."
The rest was history…
"I don't want a foul scar across my head, thanks. I don't think getting your head cut open makes you special myself…"
"Scared, Potter?"
"You wish."
"How dare you talk to me—you filthy little mudblood…!"
"It's not the sort of thing you hear in civilized conversation…"
"They say the last time the chamber was opened, a Mudblood died… as for me, I hope its Granger…"
"I think we better teach Weaslebee how to speak to his superiors…!"
"I hope you don't mean yourself…!"
"I don't think you'll last ten minutes into this tournament… My father disagrees… he's doesn't think you'll last five."
"I don't give a damn what your father thinks, Malfoy…!"
Time caught up with her eventually. There was a day when her alternate self and true self merged into a single form, living in the hellish world as Draco's mortal enemy, while still having the mind of his lover. The same happened with Harry and Ron. But as the brave souls they were, they managed to keep up with their charade, hiding behind insults as verbal masks to their pain. It seemed the stronger she felt of hurt in her heart, the harsher she overcompensated her outward hate towards Draco.
The day she hit him in the face was the day that stood more than most. It was a strike against her out face, her own heart. Hating him was a masochistic action every day, even though it was her lover's saving grace… he would never know that.
Hermione watched Draco run off in fear of her after her aggravated violent act, and old familiar tears swelled up in her eyes. Harry understood completely, and without words, he held her close. Ron joined in the support group as well. They all just had to remember the good they were doing. For though he was not the same Draco they had known, at least he was an alive Draco…
Maybe someday she would be convinced that it was best for everyone this way…
Or maybe just everyone else.
Reviews are greatly appreciated.