The Breakfast Club
Disclaimer: I don't own Veronica Mars or The Breakfast Club!
Pairings: LoVe (LoganxVeronica), MaDi (MacxDick)
Princess: Lily
Athlete: Logan
Criminal: Veronica (enjoy the irony!)
Brain: Mac
Basketcase/Asshole: Dick
A/N: --AU S1-- Lily isn't dead but Veronica is still an outsider, her attitude style etc. is that of the 1st series. Lily is dating Logan and Duncan and Veronica aren't together. I realise that the Mac/Cassidy relashionship thing is from the second series, but I kinda felt it could make some appropriate waves here! Plus she doesn't actually like him here, I figured I'd save her the heartache.
"So, Mars, over your little freak attack?"
"Why yes Dick and thank you so much for caring."
Logan grinned as he listened to the insults being tossed back and forth. He realised he was still staring at Veronica and whipped his head around before anyone could notice. When he turned he saw Mac giving him a strange look and he strolled up to her.
"Any particular reason you're staring at me or is it just my general charm?"
Mac rolled her eyes,
"It's the charm."
"What's Lily doing?"
They all turned to witness the sight of Lily headbanging and making weird motions with her hands.
Veronica let out.
"I never took her for an air-guitar kind of girl."
Mac's eyes widened. She'd completely forgotten she was even there! From the look Dick was sending her way she guessed he was thinking the same thing as her:
What if she'd seen something?!
Logan tapped Lily on the shoulder and she jumped a foot off the chair.
"Logan! What the Hell?!"
She only then seemed to realise where she was.
"Oh duh, detention. Oh, hey V.! Feeling better?"
"Yes Lily, I'm fine now."
Lily turned to face Dick and Mac.
"I'm glad the two of you didn't kill each other while I checked out. I was sure something would've happened when I left you alone for so long. Find anything interesting to do?"
Dick watched her suspiciously, but she seemed innocent enough. Well, as innocent as Lily Kane could be anyway.
"Not really. We pretty much ignored each other until the others came back."
Now why don't I believe that Dick. Logan couldn't help noticing the way Dick looked at Mac out of the corner of his eye, or the way Mac seemed to be studiously avoiding him. Something happened while they were on their own, and Logan didn't know what it was, but he was definitly going to have some fun with it.
Logan clapped his hands.
"Our brief break is over, whats say we pick up the game where we left off? It was my turn I believe?"
He rubbed his hands together.
"Dick, Truth or Dare?"
Dick wavered, unsure which was the lesser of the two evils.
He figured it was the safest option.
"What did you and Mac do while we were gone?"
He was wrong.
"Ignored and talked once or twice."
It was only a little white lie so it practically didn't even count. He could hear Mac leave out a quiet sigh of relief. He couldn't figure out why Logan looked so disappointed though. If anything it should have been him that was disappointed that that was all they did. Dick internally shook his head. No! Bad thoughts, bad thoughts! They were all looking expectantly at him and he remembered it was his turn.
"Eh...Veronica! Truth or Dare?"
She'd had enough Truths to last her quite a while. Anyway, she wasn't really afraid of anything Dick could tell her to do, he wasn't exactly the sharpest tack in the box.
"Veronica, you have to whisper something dirty to Logan for 60 seconds."
Dick was so caught up in smug genius mode he didn't see the looks on Veronica and Logan's faces. They knew they couldn't refuse to do something again so Veronica moved over to Logan's side. An evil little grin appeared on her face. Nobody would know what she was saying except Logan, and he wouldn't say anything. She decided she was going to have some fun with this dare and she looked at Dick.
"Your time starts now!"
Veronica cupped her hands around Logan's ear and started whispering all the different things she'd like to do with, and to, him. She also nibbled the lobe of his ear when she knew no one would notice. By the time the 60 seconds were up, Logan was in agony.
"Time's up!"
Dick shouted. They all watched as Veronica walked away grinning, leaving Logan clenching the table behind him and taking deep breaths. Lily gazed at her in amazement.
"V. I think you just gained a whole lot more respect from me!"
Dick shook his head at Logan's obvious discomfort.
"Dude, I can't believe you let Mars do that to you."
What got to Logan was the fact that he could remember what Veronica tasted like, could still feel his hands on her skin. His very much alive imagination filled in the rest of the blanks for him. He composed himself in time to hear Veronica say:
"Mac, Truth or Dare?"
"When was the last time a guy told you he liked you, and who was it?"
Uh oh, Mac winced. I'd been hoping this kind of question wouldn't come up.
"Well? When and who Mac?"
Mac cleared her throat.
"Em, yesterday, and Cassidy Casablancas."
She was pretty sure Dick had just given himself whiplash. The others looked sort of surprised, but not majorly shocked. Or slightly betrayed like Dick did. She refused to meet his eyes. She had no reason to feel guilty. They hadn't even kissed for crying out loud! Mac quickly decided to use her turn as a distraction.
"Lily, Truth or Dare?"
"Dare of course!"
"Okay then Lily. 9am Monday morning, when the halls are nice and busy, you have to streak a circuit of the school." Veronica, Dick and Logan whistled and cheered Mac's idea. Even Lily showed a grudging respect for her.
"Okay, I'll do it. Maybe you're not such a lost cause after all." Mac looked bemused.
"Thanks...I think."
Lily grabbed Logan's attention.
"Logan, Truth or Dare?"
Lily pouted.
"You're so boring sometimes. The answer to this question is going to make you seem even more boring. Have you ever kissed another girl while you were with fabulous me?"
Lily was completely assured she'd get an answer in the negative. She felt a little less sure when she noticed the deer in the headlights look Logan had on his face.
"Well, have you?"
Logan avoided glancing in Veronica's direction.
Even Dick and Mac seemed shocked. Logan's unwavering, if misguided, loyalty to his girlfriend was legendary. Lily looked slightly stunned.
"As much as I'd like to, I know I can't say anything to you." Logan nodded and looked away, eager for his turn to be over. Still avoiding Veronica, he turned to Dick.
"Truth or Dare Dick?"
Dick chose immediatley, clearly thinking of the last time Logan gave him a truth. Perfect. Logan couldn't help giving himself a self-satisfied smile. Dick had walked straight into his trap.
"Dick, for 60 seconds, you have to kiss..."
He paused to give Dick a chance to sweat. He grinned evilly as he finished his sentance.
The look of horror on Dick's face made it all worthwhile for Logan. Lily and Veronica started cheering on Dick and Mac.
"Don't forget to really go for it!"
Dick gave his 'best' friend a glare of pure poison. Suddenly he was standing inches away from Mac, he could see her swallow and the way her eyes darted around the place. He heard Logan say their time had started and he mentally shrugged and thought: What the Hell. He pulled Mac to him and started kissing her. As soon as she felt his mouth on hers she melted into him. They knew this would probably be the only time they would ever do this, so they took Logan's advice and went for it. Mac was determind to make the most of the situation. Dick had to suppress a moan when he felt Mac's tongue slide into his mouth. It felt like it had only been a second rather than a minute when Logan called time. Aware they had to keep up appearences, they leapt apart. The effect was somewhat ruined by the fact that they were both gasping for air. Mac vaguely heard Lily call out.
"You go girl!"
And Veronica whistling. One look at Logan told her he probably knew what he had done.
Mr. Bradford stalked in just in time to miss all the fun, luckily! He announced it was time for lunch and sent Logan and Mac to get drinks from the cafeteria vending machine. They were just out of earshot of the library when Mac asked Logan.
"What was with that last Dare?"
Logan stumbled a bit but caught himself fast. Not fast enough though, Mac noticed and figured it was as good an admission of guilt as anything.
"What do you mean? It was just a dare."
"Nice try Logan, but I saw your face when the time was up. You knew what you were doing, didn't you?"
"I have no idea wha--"
"Cut the crap and just answer honestly, or I'll tell Lily about you and Veronica."
Logan came to a complete stop and whirled around.
"How do you know about me and Veronica? Did she tell you?!"
Slowly a grin began to spread across Mac's face and Logan groaned. He'd just fallen for one of the oldest tricks in the book.
"I didn't know but thanks for telling me Logan!"
Logan growled.
"Fine! The last Dare was deliberate. I could see the way you and Dick were acting around each other and I decided to see if my hunch was right. And judging by how intense that kiss got, I'd say my suspisions were spot on."
"Honestly? Nothing happened when we were on our own." Logan looked sceptical.
"I swear! I think something nearly happened, but you and Veronica came back into the room so..."
"So we ruined all your fun."
"What? No! I didn't mean it like that!"
"Relax Mac, I was just messing with you."
Mac huffed.
"You are very frustrating, did anyone ever tell you that?"
"Many times."
Mac glanced slyly at him from the corner of her eye.
"So, what exactly did happen with you and Veronica?"
Logan tried to ignore her but she kept asking.
"Nothing. Nothing happened."
"Eh Logan? You already told me that it did, so you might want to revise your statement."
Logan sighed.
"Come on! It's not like I could tell anyone. If I did you could just tell people about the me and Dick thing."
She had a point. And she was Veronica's friend, so a little insight into the little blonde's mind mightn't do any harm.
"We may have made out a little."
"May have?"
"Alright so, we did!"
"A little?"
"And okay, maybe more than a little."
"I'm assuming this took place in the closet, yeah?"
"Yeah. But what made you suspicous in the first place?"
"The way you looked at her when you came back into the library."
Logan was very confused.
"But I didn't look at her at all."
"Exactly. You put too much effort into not looking at her for it to seem natural."
Logan just shook his head in amusement and Mac asked him,
"What's so funny?"
"What's funny is that's exactly how I caught on to you and Dick. You were avoiding looking at him."
Mac laughed and Logan joined in. Neither could believe they could be so perceptive with others and so blind when it came to themselves.
Veronica couldn't help feeling surprised when Mac and Logan came back with the drinks and were talking and laughing. She thought Logan would've seen Mac as beneath his notice, she couldn't believe he was actually talking to her. And laughing with her, not at her!
That's all I have for now, and please please forgive me for my sporadic updates!! Also after many coments I've finally managed to change the talking parts into something people can (hopefully!) read!! Please keep reviewing!!