She hadn't meant to go that far. It was an honest mistake, as there were no specific boundaries to the different sides of Azeroth; it was hard to discern one side from the other. Though she had been told that this area was meant to be neutral, it appeared that the alliance dogs currently holding her captive thought otherwise. She posed no threat to these humans, which currently stood on each side of her, dragging her along to god knows where. She kept her struggling to minimal, but instead made mind of her surroundings, and waiting for the opportune moment to run as fast as her legs could carry her. They spoke in a strange tongue, one she had heard before, but still seemed very foreign to her long ears. Her weapons lay dormant at her sides, apparently even with them, these humans found her of no threat. She herself knew that if given the chance, she'd prefer flight over fight with these men. It was apparent by their attire that they had been fighting in their class for much longer than she, and were apparently held with high respect in the areas. Her glowing green eyes cast downward at the ground, as she solemnly walked beside these men, question her fate now. Thinking that perhaps if she had heeded the words of her companions about sneaking off to unknown lands, she may not be in the predicament she was now.

As her mind reeled with possible ideas of what lay ahead of her, she suddenly noticed that her new party had stopped dead. Picking her head up to get a better view, she was surprised, and frightened to find that they weren't in a city, town, or anything of the sort. They were instead, in the middle of the dusty lands of the barrens. No other adventurer in sight for miles. Was this to be her execution spot? She heard the adventurers begin to laugh, as on her left hand side, the man released her arm to walk in front of her with two others. One in long flowing white robes, looking slightly displeased with the goings on, perhaps she could appeal to his more humanitarian side. Casting her glance up wards, her features soft and scared, her long ears drooping the slightest bit. The man in white simply looked away, while the others began laughing, a sound she was beginning to hate with every passing moment. One of the men, also in white, but not in robes by any means, as his was armor, and a very strong, thick looking kind at that. Most likely plate from what she had seen, and how he could manage to move in such heavy armor was behind her. As he reached behind his back, she felt her blood run cold as she saw what could have been a large stick with a tree trunk turned metal on the end. His mace was beyond large, and the encrusted blood from what was apparently his last victim still splattered on one blunt end. He walked slowly up to her, a smile as cold as ice plastered on his face behind his scratchy looking beard. As he reached his last step toward her, he held the large mace out, only to drop it right before her, landing with a loud thud to the sandy ground below. She would have let out a large sigh of relief, if it weren't that her breath had already been brutally ripped from her lungs as a large fist was quickly hurled into her stomach. The man on her side let her go, as she dropped to the ground, holding her stomach, as her head swam and the corners of her vision began to fade to black.

It hurt to breath, and her lungs felt as if they were on fire, as one of the man grabbed her arm again, linking his arms in hers, and pulling him in front of her, arms behind her back. A second punch was landed, and though she had promised she would not give them the satisfaction of hearing her in pain, she cried out, as she heard something in her chest snap and give under his large fist. Her body swayed and fell back into the man behind her, as only a pinhole of light was still visible to her sight, all other sight covered by blackness. She heard the man before her utter something gruffly, and suddenly, her body began to warm as the worst of the pain subsided, blinking as the blackness in her vision began to ebb away. Her body still ached, but at least her ribs no longer felt excruciating. It was the man in white robes, she figured as she rolled her head in that direction. He was here for no reason but to prolong her torture. She had no time to dwell on this as another fist was quickly slammed into her stomach. The man behind her laughed, the sound loud and boisterous in her ear, as her head fell back against him. Her body began to shake as she began to felt ice run through her veins, as she imagined from the pain, her body was going into shock. As she swayed in and out of consciousness she heard the men's laughing abruptly stop, and the body behind her suddenly relinquish its hold, as she began to tumble to the ground. Not having the energy to brace to herself for contact with the unforgiving ground, she just let herself fall. It seemed to take forever, and as she opened her eyes to see just exactly why she had yet to hit the ground, she saw herself looking up to a large pair of tusks, and what appeared to be the face of a troll. She heard more than felt the air around her rushing by very quickly, and as if aware of being watched, the trolls green eyes quickly scanned hers, before looking back up before him. As her vision began to turn completely black, and her breathing get harder and harder, she heard in a gruff, yet soft voice,

"Stay with me mon."