A/N: Random idea that just popped into my head. I had to try something new. Warning though might be Mary Sue because I suck at character development. If you don't like then don't read or flame me got it! I am sick of stupid flames it is like prejudice. Heed my warning well.

Summary: When strange happenings by unknown mechs cause the Autobots to become suspicious of Decepticon Activities, what they don't know is that they only know half the truth.


Prologue Hawaii 1982

Kaulapapa Molokai

If Kamaka Pakele had anything to do with what have happened years ago he would not have bothered. Giving his age he was actually one of the youngest patients at the Kaulapapa facility. Having been stricken with Leprosy at the age of 10 he was banished to this place back in the 1930's now however this place was home to him.

He did not let his disfigurement get to him. He was missing his hair that was for sure on most of his body but his head. His graying hair prematurely grey for his age. He was missing his left ear and most of his right arm. Being left handed sure can be a pain at first but after much practice Kamaka had grown used to it. It was at this time that Kamaka was learning to use the old Macintosh computer that was left behind from the first computer models.

Being as old as it was it never occurred to Kamaka to get a new one. As he typed the computer keys to learn the computer with very old floppy disks he could hear a rumble just outside his house. Kamaka went to investigate thinking that the wild pigs had gotten into his yard again. Carrying his gun out he was surprised however to see not a pig but a dog. Growling he cocked his gun with his one hand a trick he learned while watching too many war movies and action flicks.

"You sunnavahbitch!" he growled his thickly accented voice growled hoarse as ever. The dog growled but when it eyed the gun it ran. Kamaka could see the collar that it wore.

"Stupid mutt!" he said and went after the dog.

It was the same dog that made it's way down into the peninsula a feral dog left behind by a group of hunters probably.

Feeling annoyed Kamaka set off after the dog determined to finish it off this time.

As he walked into the familiar rainforest he could hear the dog some ways off.

Unknowingly however he was being followed.

A razor back boar followed the cripple as he made his way on the beaten path towards the dog's sound. When out of nowhere the boar made its move. Charging it ran straight for Kamaka. Kamaka sensing this raised his rifle and backing away. Just as he was about to fire he tripped on a branch and the shot went wide. Sending him falling into the underbrush and down a steep hole into darkness.

It was quite sometime before Kamaka opened his eyes but the smell of mildew and something else drew him to open his eyes. Looking up the sun met his eyes from far above him, where am I? He thought as he made his way further into the cave.

The cave itself was very dark,

Must be an old lava tube he thought

Kamaka walked further into the cave seeing as he can't get out on his own. He luckily always carried a flashlight with him since pigs tend to raid his yard well after dark. Turning on the light he followed the old tunnel long into the dark like the stupid person that he was.

As he walked deeper into the tunnel Kamaka began to notice that the tunnel was growing larger cavern. Being someone of his age Kamaka was feeling very tired after all his old bones began to hurt and he wondered if he had injured himself during the fall. As he began to get further in the pain in his legs are more then just painful they are down right unbearable. Kamaka had to sit down and so he did.

However when he sat down things were not as they seem.

It seems as if he hit a panel of sorts because the wall right behind him gave way and he fell behind it. As he did so he dropped his flashlight and the sound of grinding stone and metal closing behind him was all that Kamaka could hear. The echo of the door closing was all that he could hear until an eerie silence filled everything. It was getting to the point where Kamaka felt claustrophobic.

Feeling around with his hands he finally felt around the walls and was surprised to find the walls were in fact smooth. Must be from the lava he thought as he probed deeper.

As he probed deeper he became suddenly aware of the metallic sound that the floor was making. He tripped a few times also and fallen down some shallow holes. Kamaka became more aware as he began to test the ground in front of him. He did not know it but he had the distinct feeling that he was walking in circles.

He felt for the walls and kept his hands there as a guide as he walked around more having nothing else to do like the idiot that he was. Why didn't I wait back at the entrance? He asked himself, oh yeah! I am an IDIOT! He shouted to himself in his head. "I am an IDIOT!" he shouted this time out loud.

This time there was a rumbling noise that could be heard. Kamaka stopped and listened.

The rumbling had gotten louder as if it was heading right towards him.

Kamaka held his breath hoping it was not a landslide he did not need one right now. As he waited for the sound to go away he suddenly became aware of another sound that filled his ears. It was the sound of metal shifting and electronic pulses. I thought those were on T.V. or something the old man thought as he walked further trying to get away from the sound.

Just as he was about to move his hands slipped on the wall and he hit some sort of panel because the next thing he knows it lit up. The button he pushed was a little larger then his hand but hit shown like a ruby.

Kamaka did not know what he had hit but for some reason the ground began to shake as lights began to light up the area. The lights he soon to find out were part of the tunnels that he was traveling in. what the hell? He asked himself

More and more lights began to fill the tunnels and soon Kamaka found himself in the mists of some sort of ship. The ship itself was made of metal just like what he had felt but the rooms were enormous. The bright lights blinded Kamaka at first till his eyes adjusted to the sight of light again. As he walked down the tunnel he noticed that the surrounding holes were also very large as if giants walked the halls.

As he walked further into the ship the ship lit and the halls became full of light as if guiding him. Kamaka hesitantly followed and soon after much walking found himself in a vast room.

The room itself was strangely lit in a bright blue light.

Kamaka held up his arm to shield his eyes against the light. That light quickly faded to a more tolerable level as his eyes adjusted to the light. When he finally could get his bearings Kamaka realized that he was in some sort of ship or something. "Where am I?" he asked himself suddenly he saw something that began to blink before him.

It was then that an image began to form and Kamaka was knocked back as the form of a giant robot took shape.

It was female that much it reminded him of a woman as she stood before him. The image began to say something in a strange beeping language that Kamaka did not understand, "Um I don't think I understood you very well," he said and the machine stopped chatting and then there was a weird gargling noise coming from it before it repeated the comment in English.

"Identify yourself at once!" a deep but definitely female voice answered

"I am Kamaka Pakele I am sorry I landed in your ship but I really must get back if I can find the way…." He began to babble

"You are malfunctioning," said the female voice

"You're body is badly damaged and from my scans you had it for a while…Kamaka," she replied

"Um yeah it was from a disease called Hansen's disease or better known as Leprosy I was sick with it when I was younger." He replied

"You've been injured recently as well," was the reply and Kamaka could see where he had been hurt but the pain has long since been residing on the side only know made itself known. "Yeah," he said, "I am old so I don't heal as fast," he said.

"I can repair you this ship has been equipped to deal with Organics as well," replied the robot.
"Um thanks…I did not get your name?" he said

"I am called Nanobite," she replied and Kamaka nodded, "You can step into one of the tubes and I can repair the damage done recently if you feel offended by me repairing you fully," she said, "Yeah that would be nice," he said and putting his full trust into the robot that now that he looks at her was kind of transparent.

It was quite some time later that he emerged feeling better now that he no longer supported a sore foot and aching head.

"All systems online," she said as Kamaka emerged and looked up at the robot. "I am not even wet?" he said looking himself up and down. He remembers being in fluid for quite a bit.

"Why are you here anyways Nanobite?" Kamaka asked after some time spent exploring the ship with the robot behind him.

"I have to see to it that the children are functional," she said, "Um children?" he asked. "The children of my kind are kept here and only children." Replied Nanobite as she walked down the hall.

Kamaka followed the hologram as he soon learned. Into another room this one was filled with glowing orbs of light each attached to wires and even more so to tubes, "What is this?" he asked.

"They are the children they are long overdue for a body," Nanobite said, "I need to transfer the sparks to sparkling forms," she said as she began to send commands to metallic grappling hands that Kamaka only now noticing. Each one looks like a baby to him almost metallic babies.

"So Nanobite are these babies like human babies," he said, "They are like human babies but we require an energy source called Energon. Without it we will not survive while I was chatting with you I've found a way to convert Earth's energy into something the children can safely consume using your fuels." She said as she removed the first spark and it landed in the shell and immediately wires began to surround it as it connected to the systems.

She then went on to explain more about her planet. About the war between the beings known as Autobots and Decepticons and about something called the 'purge,'

"The purge?" asked Kamaka,

"The purge is when Lord High Protector Megatron ordered his Decepticons to kill off the only other method of procreating their species and that is the creatures like herself know as Femme and natural born Sparklings.

Sparklings as Kamaka took notes on are actually balls of light that he is currently seeing. After placing each and every one (10 total five Autobots and five Decepticons) in their bodies they began to come online and click and squeal in their language. "I wish I could help them further but unfortunately I no longer have the means to do so," she said and explained about the damage that her ship has sustained when it crashed on earth.

Kamaka nodded his head in understanding, "I will be glad to help out,"