Yuki: OK This is a new fic that has been plagueing me for about a few weeks/ a month or so.

Yami: #eats chocolate# Why am I the psychopathic one in this story?

Anika: Because it works with the story.

Inspired by the fic Drowning. Thanks to you author I don't know the name of.

Characters: (underlined equals super important)

Yami, Yugi,Jii-chan (Sugoroku), Mai, Anzu, Jounouchi, Honda, Kaiba,

Ryou, Malik, and Bakura. (Also random OCs I make up for this fic.)

Pairings: YxYY (Yugi:seme Yami:uke) Onesided BxYY

Disclaimer: I.D.O.Y

"blah/blah" talking/ spiritually, far away, or another language

'blah' thinking

blah song lyrics


Chapter 1: Broken

Yugi and Yami's relationship (over the past few months from returning from Egypt where the Ceremonial Duel took place) was crumbleing away into nothing. Nothing but quick brush-offs and sarcasm, no longer heart to heart talk between yami and hikari.

Yugi was no longer a pushover or as he referred to himself, a weakling. He got into fights at times with his friends, but the other two hikaris, Ryou and Malik, remained close to him. Their yamis had dissappeared, and Yugi wished his would do the same. The yami no longer seemed to care at all about Yugi. He would be out late at night, sometimes until midnight, not even telling anyone where he went, not that Yugi cared. Sugoroku sensed something was wrong and tried to talk with the Pharaoh, but he would not reveal not one thing about his behavior.

That night (August)...

Yami was walking home early from his nightly muse (6:00 pm is way early on his account), mostly of thinking of why he had to stay away from his hikari.


Yami was in his room, reading a book Jii-chan had gotten him on his and Yugi's birthday the day before. From the Millenium Puzzle that Yugi had left accidentally in his room that day, emitted a glow. Yami looked up from his book and was entranced by the glow from the gold trinket. It seemed to be calling out to him. He set his book down, and stood to get the trinket. Once he put it around his neck, he got drawn to his soul room, no longer a labyrinth, but a Pharaoh's bedchamber, one side with things from 3 millenia ago and the other with things of the here and now, mostly pictures of Yugi on either side.

"Pharaoh..." a voice, almost flowing throughout the soul room got Yami's attention. He looked around. "Pharaoh... prophecy... pain... small sacrifice... uncle Atemu." He turned around and saw a familiar little girl, dressed in white. She had long white hair and far-away blue eyes, a dreamer's eyes. Yami looked at her for a few moments and then walked up to her. " Are you the one that called me here?" She nodded her head and took his hand in her small one. Swirls of shadows came from her arm and onto Yami's. He closed his eyes.

Yami gasped at what he saw in the vision. Ryou, Malik... Jounouchi, Honda, Anzu,... Mai, Otogi, Kaiba,...Jii-chan... Yugi. All killed except for the hikari. He saw Yugi look up at his attacker. Bakura...

"You bastard... why?!?!" Yugi screamed, as Bakura kicked him in the ribs. Yami could hear the satisfying crack that gave Bakura his pleasure.

"Because... your pharaoh, my beloved let me get this close to you." Yugi looked up in horrer as Yami appeared out of a cloud of shadows to the right of Bakura, eyes a glazed blood ruby color, as though under the control of another. A chain was wrapped around his neck, to which Bakura held tightly. He was in his leather ensemble, though it looked as though there was dried blood all over the part of the pants that covered his pelvis. He held a gun and daggar in his hand, ready for when he was ordered. Bakura pulled him by the chain gently, and the Pharaoh, his slave came to him, earning loving nips and kisses along his jaw line and neck not covered by the chain. Bakura loved it when his slave made moans as he did now whenever he (Bakura) did things like this.

"Yami..." Yugi sobbed, his trust for the Pharaoh gone and withered, as was his desire to live any longer.

"Dilectus famulus," Bakura said. Yami's eyes glowed with a fire of wanting, lusting for screams of death and blood upon him, to hear the mortals give in to his master's reign, but obedient to his beloved master all the same.

"Sane, meus erus," Yami asked, ready to please his master, as he stood up on his toes slightly to lightly kiss his master. His master was the only kind one to him, he believed, that is why he lived to be his slave, doing his bidding and pleasuring him when lusting for him (Yami).

"Interficio ille puer promptus, autem facio id tam quando ille in caelum, ille tento par ille in inferi." Bakura brought him in a quick, but heated kiss. "Tuus praemium sum ingens, iustus sicut ille mereor id."

"Sane, meus erus," Yami answered, his voice dripping with love and lust for his master and complied as he lifted the gun, eyes seeking the vision of blood, smirk upon his face. "Vale, parvus lux, say hi to Jii-chan for me."

Yugi quivered in fear, not of dying, but that he was going to be killed by the person that had promised to protect him.

The vision died, but Yami heard the gunshot and he pried his hand free from the girl's grip. He backed away cautiously. He took a close look at her, now seeing that she was the spirit of Priest Seth's daughter, named Kisara in the woman's memory.

"This is a vision of what is to come, my Pharaoh. If you stay too close to Heba, his and your loved ones' fate are sealed." 'Heba?... Yugi!'

"You mean that if I stay to close to Yugi, that what I saw is meant to happen."

"It depends on how you interpret it, my king." And with that, the little girl, Kisara, dissappeared.


'I can't let that happen to Yugi, to anyone,' Yami thought, 'but we've grown so apart and distant, that it pains me to see him at a distance rather then him thinking I follow him as only a protector, no longer a friend. Not even cutting the skin of my forearms is working anymore.' Yami always worrying and feeling that he should not let anyone know their undecided fate, the pain of this knowledge led him to cutting his arms and wrists, always hiding his arms from his Jii-chan, who was the only one Yami felt comfortable with anymore and Yugi, who didn't give a shit anymore anyway.

'The visions keep coming to me... why won't they just leave me alone?!?!' Yami went into an alley way, the short cut to get back to the game shop. He heard someone walking exactly his speed. Being Pharaoh did not change the fact that he was still a 19 year old in an alley way at night, susceptible to whores, drunks, and gangs. He picked up his speed. The footsteps quickened. He turned around.

"Whoever you are, I'm not afraid of you," he shouted bravely against the darkness surrounding him. A dark chuckle answered him.

"Oh really. Last time we met, you couldn't even save yourself without the help of those pathetic little mortals you call friends." 'Oh, no. It can't be...' Bakura stepped into the light.

"Bakura." Yami unconsiously took a step back.

"What's the matter Pharaoh? Afraid of the little vision I sent to you, my future slave?" Yami looked away. " Don't worry too much, Yami. I can't be her long. Anyway, my prophecy will happen, Pharaoh, and I will be your master, and I know how to make you succumb with pleasure flooding you." Bakura appeared behind Yami, and started to caress his torso gently and lovingly, yet forcefully and dripping with lust. "Why don't I break you in then, my slave?" He turned the teen around to face him and started his torture session.


Yami found he was so scared that he was could not scream. Bakura had put his arms around him so he could not escape. Yami began to struggle, Bakura held him fast and at the next possible moment, forced his mouth on Yami's and forced him onto the ground, to land on broken bottles. He sat upon his slave's hips. Yami stopped struggling and started to shake when he felt Bakura's hands on his chest, stomach, taking off his pants and boxers, touching his pale, lightly sun-kissed skin, fearing what would happen next.

Bakura ravished in the taste that came from the young Pharaoh, tasting fear, agony, unwilling submission because of both and the sinfully hot cavern that was his mouth. He forcefully turned him onto his stomach and knees. Yami started to whimper as he felt the glass cut into his chest and as Bakura pulled the pants and garments down to the teen's knees. He felt something hard enter him, pain tearing through him as Bakura's erection was fully, quickly, and painfully shoved inside of him. His voice came back and he screamed as he tried to get away from the theif, to retain his purity of body, but in vain, as Bakura held his hips tightly. His screams settled onto sobs of lost innocence, as he tried to get his body to numb itself, to get rid of the pain of the slamming against him and being used and tainted. Bakura, loving the sobs he heard from the broken teen beneath him and the massaging of his penis inside him, wanted to show him what his body wanted. He went forward, not breaking his speed, and licked and kissed the shell of Yami's ear before speaking.

"Yami, do you want me to show you what passion is like? Don't worry, you'll find out soon, my pretty little slave." He brought one hand off of Yami's hips and wrapped it around his penis. He started to stroke it, wanting Yami's body to cave in and return the pleasure he was feeling. Yami felt heat pooling between his legs, as his penis became hard and erect. 'No I won't give in!!! Not to him!!!'

His body betrayed him and he moaned and bucked his hips into the hand strokeing his erection. Bakura gave a sadistic smirk. 'Yes give in my slave. Succumb to the pleasure I hold for you,that I can give to you.' Yami cried out in bliss as he came, his cum spilling and coating Bakura's hand in his milky seed, and he once again settled down to quiet sobbing. Yami's walls clamped around Bakura's penis when Yami orgasmed and with a gutteral moan, he came as well, covering the inside of Yami with his cum.


Bakura slid out of the sobbing and broken doll he saw before him. He licked Yami's seed clean off of his hand, tastiing slightly bitter, but ravishing in the taste all the same. He pulled his pants back up and stood up. He used his magic to redress the bottom part of Yami and to temporarily stop the bleeding that had resulted from his torture. Yami had passed out once he wasn't inside him anymore. He gently picked him up bridal style and quickly teleported to the Game Shop, which he snuck in though the back door and carried his slave to his room. He laid him down as gently as possible and dissappeared from the room.

'Soon, my dilectus famulus... soon.'


Yuki: ;; I am so sorry for Yami but that is how the heart breaks. I'll update and put up the second chapter when I get 5 reviews (they can all be from the same 2 people if you want.) BTW: Bakura loves Yami a whole freakin' ton, enough to rape him. Messed up.

The language above in the vision is Latin. Translations:

Dilectus famulus: Beloved slave

Sane, meus erus: Yes my master

Interficio ille puer promptus, autem facio id tam quando ille in caelum, ille tento par ille in inferi:

Kill the boy quickly, but make it so when he's in heaven, he'll feel like he's in hell.

Tuus praemium sum ingens, iustus sicut ille mereor id:

Your reward will be great, just as you deserve it.

Vale, parvus lux: Farewell, little light

Heba: Game (which is the definition of Yugi)



Yugi ran out of the house, leaving Yami stupified in the doorway. His aibou's words echoed through his mind, making it hard for him to breathe as guilt and hurt rose in his chest.

'You never cared about me once you got your body.'

You ignore me for 3 months and you expect me to take you back, you cold-hearted inconsiderate bastard!'

'I tried to get closer to you, but no! You don't fucking care about me do you, you fucking bastard?!'

'Don't call me aibou! I'm not your aibou anymore!' 'You ignored me to protect me?!?! I'm not a fucking kid anymore, Yami!!! I DON'T NEED PROTECTING ANYMORE, ESPECIALLY NOT IF IT COMES FROM YOU!!!'

Trying to protect the people, the boy he loved so dearly, had made him ignorant of how they saw him. A loner, an ignorant bastard who didn't deserve to live. He became ignorant of how they could help him, how they could protect themselves, even if it meant his death.

They say ignorance is bliss.

'Not anymore... Don't worry Aibou... Soon you won't have to ignore me any longer.'

To Yami, Namonaki Pharaoh, the way he has been broken both body and heart... death by his own hand will bliss to those around him.

Owari Chapter 1