Chapter 5 Troyella Rape

A/N: sorry I haven't updated soon. Now this might be the second last chapter im not sure. This is the last rape story. The next one will be more romantic. Im just writing this one cause someone asked me to. R&R!!

It was a few weeks after school started for Troy and Gabi. Tonight was a new school year party. It was held at Chad's place since his parents were out. High school parties were always full of alcohol, partying and of course sex. Having enough of the party Troy and Gabi went upstairs to the guestroom.

Gabi sat down on the bed bored and tired. Troy sat beside his arm around her waist. His hand was rubbing Gabi's leg.

" Troy, you know I don't want to have sex until I'm ready." Gabi said laying her head on his shoulder.

" I know Gabi, but your just so attractive." He said while kissing her neck. His hands wandered to her back where the zipper of her dress was. He unzipped the dress when Gabi gasped. He forcefully pushed the dress down and laid her down on the bed. She was left in a strapless bra and a red thong. He unclasped the bra and pulled down her thong. Gabi was under him trying to get out of his grasp. Knowing that Troy was much stronger than she was. And she had no chance to get away. She was going to be having forced sex with her boyfriend. She went out of her thoughts when Troy started to suck on her nipple. He rubbed, kneaded and squeezed her breasts. One of his hands wandered down to his pants and undressed himself. He then took off his shirt and regained his power on her. His head wandered down to her pussy. He forcefully pushed it open and started to suck on her folds and clit. She gasped and moaned wanting more. Even though she was being raped she thought Troy was pretty good at sex. He thrusted his fingers into her vagina. She yelped out in pain. Troy replaced his fingers with his tongue thrusting in and out making her gasp while he became hard. She came into his mouth as he lapped it all clean.

He took his hard and long penis to her mouth and forced it into her mouth. Telling her to give him a blow job. She cried but had to obey to him. She sucked the long dick and played with his balls. Making him moan and gasp. He came into her mouth a few minutes later.

" Now tell me how much you want me. So I can fuck you till you bleed." He told her with force.

" I want you Troy. Fuck me and make me yours." She moaned to him.

He placed himself at her entrance and thrusted into her. Hard and Fast. Not caring that it was her first time and that it was painful for her.

" I'm going to fuck you till you're pregnant. Fuck you till you can't move or let another person fuck you again. You're mine." He whispered to her as he nipped at her neck again. Soon they came together and fell asleep.